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Approved Submission Sea of Clouds


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Enviroment? I'm not really sure
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=phenomenon:sea_of_clouds

Faction: Technically it's no one's but the Abwehrans have the only entrance to it.
FM Approved Yet? Kinda Generic but I am Abwehran FM too
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes (a station I'm working on that's not done)
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Pretty much this is meant to be a separate area of space far away from the setting, where the cloud Harbor station warps you there. It a sector where you can't travel as fast so things are closer together and more space dwelling civilization developed, in stead of living on planets.

As time goes new locations and such will be added to the article, but exploring this sector will be the key focus on my plot for now.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
"... are thing can..." (Thin not thing)

"...Dude the a high concentration..." (Change to due to the)

"...yet charted section..." (I think you mean uncharted)

"...the noise offer points of ..." (Put, ...the noise and offer points of...)

I want you to pretend like I as a GM am going to go here in my next arc and need to know what to do here. Can you give me those details?
Changes made for typos. However as for the details. The plan is to add NPC factions and locations. I get what you're saying about explaining it but I don't know how I can explain that in the context of the page I'll put it here though and we can work out how to get it on the page.

Pretty much the Sea of clouds is kind of like space 'wilderness'. The majority of the space has nebula like properties that make sensors less reliable and FTL gets a huge cut. The point of this is so that you're forced to have significant travel times (without making things like a thousand light years apart). This also caused more space oriented societies. Like say a colony that's built into many asteroids in an asteroid field, and they use their equivalent of ferries to travel between asteroids, society here isn't as afraid of wandering in space, because they can't get from place to place as quickly. There might even be independent PAs wandering far from stations and stuff. I guess the best way to put it is like that one anime Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, but in space.

As for how the 'geography' works, while most of the space is that FLT weakened space. There are 'lanes' or 'currents' that are thinner and you can use faster FTL speeds. But you have to follow the lane, once you fly out of it you're back in the restriction. So generally a captain would want to find and map these currents and keep track of them so they can move from one large section of space to the other fairly quickly.
Can you expand on the "society" here?

The lanes are important and should be included.

I get the FTL inhibition, though. That's the bulk of the article. What I don't know is why it's more fun to go slow here. Why does a GM and tech submitter (Both of which are referring to you) want to go slow throughout this area? What is of interest here?

Part of me doesn't actually want to know as I want to find out in the plot, but it needs a bit more fleshing out and that sort of stuff would help. Divulge what you want, though, and nothing more.
I'll include the lanes, probably in the morning since I'm about to sleep. As for the 'society' I'm trying for at least 3 different 'factions' I say society because I'm not sure what the term that's bigger than nation/faction if they're not allied. The different factions will each be getting their own articles for elaboration on their specific traits.

As for why someone would want a space where you go slower; right now in SARP FTL interdiction isn't really a thing. I can't remember if the discussion made it possible or not, but it's not really used in setting either way. So you have to catch someone near a star system in it's hill sphere. So if you wanted to do something underhanded you had to wait till they entered a system that was not well guarded, or till they stopped at their location. You couldn't really catch someone while they were traveling. This also tends to lead to star ships in conflict not being very mobile, because they weren't moving much in the first place. (Yes there are some fighters where the motions of the ships became important but a lot of the time it might as well just be sitting there.)

The point of this space is to create a traveling environment where a greater % of the voyage is risky, primarily form assault, but from other hazards as well. This will also also for more 'events' that aren't always bad between destinations. Generally in SARP you get your mission, warp to location and start your mission. But this increases the tools a GM has to have the crew take a detour. Or even just time for some crew drama before they arrive (as you can go form one end of the sector to another in a about 200 hours in just a Henkei class ship

In short I want to make a place where I can take things back to the age of sail.
I added the info about the lanes and rearranged the position of some sections, I think it looks better like this.
"...throughout the sector create charts..." (Either put to or and between sector and create)

"...data from less traveled region can..." (Either put a between from and less or but regions as a plural)

I trust you'll make those changes.

No objections from me as in regards to it being able to fit in the setting.