Star Army

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Season's greetings and catching up


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To: Aelya Caeyara
From: Aliset Koun

Hello, Aelya, it's Ali. I wanted to catch up and let you know what's going on in my life, alongside learning about the things going on in yours. I've missed you, sweetie. I know I was distant while we served together, and for that I am sorry. As you know, every man I've fallen for is either dead or missing. I didn't know if that curse would carry to women, and until my awakening, I wasn't really attracted to women of any species

Since then, I've fallen for a Separa'Shan, one Taii Dr. Sacre Sansinnia. She's beautiful, graceful, and kind of doofy some times. I'd like you to come to our wedding, if you can. But that's a way off, as a few things need to happen, first. Including rebuilding old friendships.

How's life on Caeyara? Or is that a family name not related to ships? Is carrying your ship name just a Senti thing? As I distance myself from my former culture, I find myself asking these questions that I would never voice aloud. Perhaps I just need a Guidestar.

So please let me know what I've missed! It's been too long. You and I need to sit down together some time. Maybe over tea? I'd appreciate the opportunity to get away from work.
To: Aliset Koun
From: Aelya Caeyara

Dearest Ali,

It is so good to hear from you! Pardon the delay in my response, life has been a little crazy here. You were performing your duties as we served together, there is no need to apologize for that. I am sorry to hear of the tragedies you faced.

How are you and your partner fairing? It makes my heart happy knowing you have someone to adore you as you well deserve. When is the wedding? I would love to attend, I might need to find someone to watch the girls if I have given birth by then. Friendships are so very important to our lives, that is certain.

Oh hon, Caeyara is simply a family name. It is not in norian tradition to carry our ships least not the ones I hail from. It would seem we both are distancing from our cultures in different ways. What is this guidestar you speak of? Is it like a friend or mentor you talk with to bounce your questions off of?

So much has happened since we last had the chance to converse. I would love to get together over tea! You know I am always up for giving friends a good distraction from work. Could use one myself to be honest.
To: Aelya Caeyara
From: Aliset Koun

Dear Aelya

Oh, gods, babies! Congratulations! My heart sings for you!

Sacre and I adopted a freed Helashio some months ago, and though teenagers are a bit on the wild side, Marigold is an amazing and intelligent young woman who shall go forth and do greater things than I can imagine. I'm sure with your guidance and love, yours will, too.

As far as Sacre goes, therein lies a problem. My wedding cannot happen until we know what happened, or preferably bring back alive, her first love, stationed near your ancestral home. A pilot named Gravity. I promised her that both of her brides would be at the altar waiting for her. She longs for her love like I long for burial steel and the void. I have a heavily modified T3 Lion currently collecting dust and storage bills in Seventh Fleet's impound dock for two purposes. First, as a gift for Marigold passing her Trials of Adulthood. Second, for the rescue mission. I would greatly appreciate your help in this endeavor. Though that may be an over tea conversation.

As far as what I've been doing, I passed my first eight courses at SAAMMS in command candidacy with a B average, only needing to retrain on military history, with Sacre's tutelage and my hand translation of their text book into Shuristan. The other major thing accomplished was the first Senti body transfer. My original body had a bent pelvis that made certain tasks difficult or painful, and prevented me from bearing children of my own for another forty years. It also had some dietary issues and weight problems, and the doctors say it was masculinizing? I didn't know Senti could do that. So when you see me, I'll be wearing a younger, prettier face, now only marred by stress and sleep loss.

She and I both suffer nightmares, but mine are better when she's holding me. I can only hope the same for her. So I am opted into the ST program conditionally. That my age at the time of death is preserved, and that my ST is contingent on the life of her. If she is alive, then so too shall I live.

You ask about Guidestars? In old Senti tradition, neutron stars and magnetars are used as navigational beacons, with their patterns recorded and used to orient our navigation. These we call Guidestars for their stability and reliability. Others can be mistaken for something else so far away. But there is no mistaking you, or the impact you have had on my life. So thank you.

When shall we meet? I have this lovely blue tea, grown in only one preservation dome. If my chemistry is right, it should be sweet as honey without sugar, but I know it to be rich and velvety on the tongue, spiced, and fragrant. Should be safe for both of us. And I'm bringing a few bottles of good Shuristan cannonfruit brandy. A gift, to celebrate your children in case I miss their birth. Age a bottle for them, and give one to each when they are old enough. But at least one each goes to you and the father.

Chui Aliset Koun
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To: Aliset Koun
From: Aelya Caeyara

Sweet Ali,

Thank you dearly! I am quite nervous about it all given everything.

Marigold is under the best care with you and Sacre, I cannot wait to see the things the young woman comes to accomplish in life. Goodness I can only hope mine end up doing great things, this is the first time I have had children. Raising Norian-Minkan children will be an adventure that's for sure. It will be interesting to see how much of their father and I they get.

It saddens me to hear about Gravity. Unfortunately, given my condition and the state of things I am not permitted to involve myself in that particular area of existence. I have not even seen the Aestaesys around to ask if venturing that way is something he would let me do in the first place. He surely is busy with meetings of state. This would certainly be more of a tea conversation, as I know the importance this holds to you.

I am happy to hear you passed the first eight courses! By no means am I an expert in Shuristan, but if there is some way in which I could help with your retraining in military history, just let me know. Might have to bring along a bunch of morning sickness medicine as the twins are really becoming a handful already.

The first Senti body TRANSFER?! Goodness, I do remember the difficulties you faced and am practically jumping for joy the transfer was a success! Goodness the things we learn from doctors continue to amaze me. Which reminds me.....I should be going for a check up, that should be interesting. You are going to have to find a way to let me know it is still you otherwise I may not recognize you.

Perhaps over tea we could discuss more about what plagues you as it must not be too terribly pleasant to write about. Certainly if you do not wish to I will offer my support in any way I can. It is an honor to have impacted your life in such a meaningful manner as you have done the same for me.

Unless Alastair sees fit to have me along with him we shall meet upon your return. Are you still serving onboard the Koun? Oh! Pardon my brain, the tea, I would love to try some of this tea you speak of. It sounds absolutely divine. It would be an honor to present it to them in the event you are not present for their birth. As you and Sacre are both welcome to be there if you so choose. Speaking of their father, if you still serve on board the Koun I am sure Alastair would be surprised to know I have told you that he and I are expecting. Builders help him, its twin girls.

I look forward to seeing you!

Lovingly Always,

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To: Aelya Caeyara
From: Aliset Koun

Dear Aelya,

While Alastair is an irresponsible jackass who takes on the truly stupidest of missions (Yes, still on the Koun), I have learned a lot from him. Knowing both of you, your children will turn out every bit as kind, honorable, and strong as both of their parents. If... The discoveries of puberty will see them up to no good. While I am not well versed in interspecies children, I have no doubt of the greatness and potential you will be mother to, and the potential you have as a mother. I have dealt with fosters, helped my grandmother with her own babies, and even helped raise my cousin's children, and can offer support in the first trying months. While I wish nothing more than to give Sacre a healthy clutch of the most perfect eggs, or bear children for her of my own, she has some trauma arounf the subect. I am not at liberty to share it, but know that it shook her far beyond that one aspect. Perhaps one day. We both have a century to try. And I have nearly three.

You will not be coming with on the rescue mission. While it would have been an honor, your pregnancy and your station are far too important for me to drag you away to the wild and untamed corners of Reality. Even if the Aestaesys were to permit it, I would not. A Tal'Cel like yourself is to be protected, especially one so important as you. For once, he and I agree on something. He would send a full battlegroup to protect you, as would I, and that will be far more noticeable than one obsolete shuttle, no matter how heavily modified. Starbreaker only needs four, and can operate on one. I will be going with an engineer to keep her operational, and to run sensors and navigation. This engineer would preferably be Norian like you, as a Norian engineer will know the area. I will also be taking a medic, and a fighter. Have not made any preference on faction or species, yet. Starbreaker is a remarkable little ship that can carry and feed forty, if she'll be cramped. All I will need is the means to go there. My ship is currently equipped with a standard micro CFS type FTL drive built in YE 40, full climate control, and aside sitting in Taisho Fletcher's impound yard is a mere signature away from a Civil Service spaceworthiness certificate. The climate control works, and I can wear a heated suit for my safety. She's got a few issues, still, but she's a good ship, and I would appreciate any recommendations you have for crew and equipment.

So when I return from the machine moon, find me as a softer, healthier me, with green eyes. I've attached a recent photo. While there were some hiccups in the transfer, I am healthy, stronger, and my telepathy repaired so we can commune safely.

My nightmares aren't too difficult to explain. I dreamt of Mishhu on Shurista. Of Nicol's death and of Turassiel's fall. Those were the ones before they actually happened, and I struggle with the implications. You and Sacre are the only living people who know that I have ever had a prophetic dream. I would appreciate if it stayed that way. Otherwise, I dream of the infinite seconds I spent severed from my memories and body while I had to be resynchronized after my transfer, and I dream of that last patrol with Levente, where I heard his comm signal cut out, and he was declared missing in action. I dream of Glimmergold, and every battle I have fought. It varies, from night to night. And most of my dreams are far less violent, but no less painful. Echoes of the never was, but could have been.

I deeply appreciate your offer of tutelage, and will take you up on that encountering subjects I do not feel so confident in. With your assistance, and that of Sacre, I should make First Officer by the end of my second year, and make my candidacy for a Star Army Captain by the end of my fourth. I wonder what ship would select me. And what crew would follow me. Would a ship choose me like they do on Shurista? I still struggle with the fact that Star Army ships tend to have far more advanced AI and are often emotionally capable on a level far different from Senti built vessels. But that is a thought for years from now.

I'll ensure Alastair sends you a letter detailing the depth and passion of his love, even if I have to write it myself like I did my SAAMMS orders. Sorry if some of my own feelings get mixed in.

At the same time, I have far too few men in my love life, and am alone, here. I am the only Tsulrati on my crew. I know the cultural briefing says to have multiple. After all, I wrote it. But none of the people who I love, who love me here on the Koun, none of them are of the same species. So I find it hard to understand them some times. And as much as I hate my former people as useless cowards, I miss them. Being around them. Even in this new body, gravity makes me ill. It pulls on my organs and I can't tell how I move. It makes my muscles sore, and I sleep more, eat more than I would in my natural home. I miss Shurista, even if it is not my home.

I miss my husbands. Levente and Nicol. I know that every man who has loved me is dead. Or missing, in Lev's case. I wish I could smell his pipe tobacco and hear him strumming his guitar again. But most of all, Aelya, I miss you. You are alive. You are well. Far better than I could have hoped and for that, I am so glad. Of all, you are the one who could look at me and tell how I was feeling. Sacre can tell. But she can't feel it the way a telepath can.

The brandy and tea are on their way, CSPF Soren, tracking number 85779843-479980

My love, and my support, always,


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To: Aliset Koun
From: Aelya Caeyara

Sweet Ali,

Apologies for the delay as there was some rather delicious distractions that drew me away from home. It would seem you have more time around him, though it is good to hear he is still living. It is more likely than not that they will be raised amongst the Norians if the pregnancy proceeds to term. As Alastair's operational commitments keep him away a majority of the time, though I am certain he will be a good father to them when he can. If not, I would greatly appreciate any support in making sure they are still grounded in Yamataian culture. You and Sacre deserve nothing but the best and I will respect your boundaries.

It warms my heart to hear you think of the Aestaesys in such a high regard. I will ensure that his staff is notified of your needs as he is still of this moment tied up in meetings. They would be more equipped to make such recommendations to you on these matters as I am merely a diplomat.

The sadness this Mishhu brings you deeply effects me as I wish you to not suffer for such things. Whereas I would hold one for a pet, it seems the rest of society would not concur. Your wish is as requested, no one will hear of it from my lips or otherwise. Perhaps a Mishhu plushy for stomping would not go amiss? It could be arranged if you merely ask.

Alastair's affection is not one that need be forced. He is free to do as he so desires, even if that means he does not return. You know as well as I that life moves on. Though perhaps nudge him that there are plenty of clerks who would keep him in line, I would recommend Nara. However, she is not enlisted and is more likely to chuck a sandal at his head. Have I told you about Nara?!

Missing spouses is not a sorrow I understand as no man has ever gathered the testicular fortitude to put up with me for that long. Though Alastair may have made an attempt to propose? I miss you most dearly and wish for nothing more than your safe return. Please try to make it back, I could not bare the thought of losing anyone else. As for being alive, it is a miracle no one here as attempted to change that after everything. Though I wonder how long that might hold out.

Thank you love! I do look forward to curating a package for you as well when I am permitted.


To: Aelya Caeyara
From: Aliset Koun

Dearest Aelya,

I'm not worried about how long it takes to write. You are a busy, beautiful woman with a fantastic life. Of course there will be diversions. That said, I will personally ensure that the Captain is held to the highest standards of fatherhood for your children. Senti society would require no less of me. I know he is away often and long, but he does still love you. Dearly. Every bit as much as he loves Sayako and the myriad of people he has come to know, love, and trust in both romantic and platonic respects. I believe he takes personal stake in every mission and assignment to come home to you. I promise he will come home. Every time.

As far as my regard for the Aestaesys, I have never met the man. But he led your people to safety, and he has been making some fairly significant waves in the political scene. I have a high respect for his capability and intelligence. It would be an honor to hear his recommendations, or to talk to him personally one day. No rush, of course. Your station as "merely" a diplomat has made significant headway for your people that makes me beyond proud to know you.

I'll not comment on your belief of eldritch abomination runaway bioweapons as "cute" or even approaching the status of pets, but you do you. I'm sure there is some deranged gene-smith somewhere who could satisfy your desires.

That said, I met Nara at Gashmere. She and my training officer Itami hit it off quite well! I wonder what happened to him, though. And knowing what you've told me about her, I'm surprised I didn't get a sandal chucked at my head!

If you need anything, from protection to the wrath of the Heir of Skydas, you have my comm codes. You are too dangerous for most of these uneducated hacks to keep around, but far too valuable for them to lose. I think you'll be fine. Even after a few surprises.

Love always,
Your sweet Ali