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Approved Submission [Section 6] Storm Rifle


🎨 Media Gallery
Submission Type: Weapon
Template Used: Weapon
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:uso:section6:storm_rifle#about_the_storm_rifle
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:section6:storm_rifle

Faction: USO
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes?
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:section6:storm_rifle_flachette (maybe?)
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Just gonna drop this here. Feel free to edit for clarity and continuity, as I am limited to a cell phone.
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Not to be rude, @HarperMadi, but how does merely switching modes on the rifle make its ammunition eight times as powerful?

Edit: Also, isn’t Tier 5 a bit much for what’s effectively an infantry-portable rifle-sized gatling gun?
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@FrostJaeger i spoke to madi about this a while ago and it's to do with how many rounds it outputs a second, I'm not sure what the guides on that sort of thing are so perhaps it may be less of a tier increase and rather it is equal to that sort of damage simply because of the output ROF.

also @HarperMadi I just wanted to let you know there is a submission template for submitting articles to the NTSE so it may be worth editing your original post to fit it ^^
Due to how DRv3 works, there is no separate DR. Every single bullet deals a certain amount of damage per shot per tier, so the marked DR should be DR Tier 2. In DRv2 things were measured by how much damage you could do per second.

Yes I'm saying to remove the "Tier 5" from the purpose. The burst mode should be filed under "Firing modes." (Which it is.)
So in order for it to be punchy enough to take on light mecha with sustained fire (the original concept, I'd need tier 3 or 4 ammo, right?

This kind of absurdly lethal ammo would make sense given the impact velocity and action of the flachette.
Also DRv3 destroys the effectiveness of constant beam equipment that can be theoretically weaponized, such as drilling platforms, sandblasters, and laser or plasma cutters. Stacked damage due to burst or pulse rate should be a thing.
You’d need tier 4 ammo to hurt a Tier 7 light mecha, but at that fire rate it will pulp anything it hits
My suggestion would be to explain it as this: each shot in a single burst hits so close together time wise that they act more like a single larger shot.

A real life analogy would be getting hit with a bag full of BBs. Each pellet in the bag hits you at a slightly different time, but it feels like one big solid object hitting you.
Yeah, it would. I’d say make it Tier 4 but lower the fire rate.

DRv3 does sorta pulp beam weapons, but I can’t find for the life of me where it’s all mentioned.

And people ask me why I see DR as armor penetration. Because then beams make a lot of sense. And are ridiculously powerful.
I was notified that this is a personnel-use assault rifle. I defer to Alex's idea, where it fires so quickly that a handful of rounds effectively penetrates like one bigger round because it's almost drilling a hole in a location. It's also a pretty accurate gun so stacking up a load of bullets in a single spot can work. So yeah, don't change the way the burst-fire is flavored. That's fine, it's the only real workaround.
At the behest of several veterans and myself, I did nerf the kick and added an inertial damper, making the weapon more reliant on unshieldable electronics, and thus vulnerable to EMP.

The other changes mentioned will be made this weekend.
Flachette? I don't have spellcheck.

As for how many times per second, I'm editing to state that one can only pull the trigger once or twice per second and have it fire, though it will deplete the rail charge and overheat the barrel after about five bursts. One will have to wait about 5-6 seconds between firing cycles to build up the charge.
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It's supposed to be Flechette. French. Yeah, they suck.

Other than that everything's fine. Will throw down the checklist once the whole ammunition sub-article is fixed.