Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [Sector Searchers] And now, for something completely different.

Alex Hart

🎖️ Game Master
There was little time for Alex to warn his comrades of the upcoming adjustment of course. He simply connected his mindware to the ship's intercom and began to speak.

"Everyone, there's trouble on 188604, and the Skyguard said they need me back. I'm changing the course to take us back, and I want to make it clear that while I don't expect any of you on here to help deal with the problems there, but I would appreciate any you all can offer."

He began to mentally compile a list of things that they would need to do. Evee might be able to get their CCD to go a little faster. Any time they shaved off the journey was worth damaging their systems, because there was no telling how long it would be before things got violent.

Let's see what else... Dyrad could help with any injured people they came across, he'd ask her to prepare a makeshift clinic in the cargo bay.

As he reached the bridge, he made the course adjustments, but when he saw the estimated time to get there, the number caused him to groan aloud.

"Six days... Damn it, by then we won't be able to help."

ISS Araxie

Araxie slid in a few moments after Alex did andput her hand upon his shoulder gently. "What's going on? Why're they calling you back?" Her eyes shone a little bit as they drew his attention to her. "You're really worked up..."
ISS Araxie

Alex grimaced as he told Araxie the news.

"I don't know where the blame lies, but someone caused the collapse of the entire planet's economy. Now there's a mob out for blood and the Skyguard asked for me back. They don't know what to do there.
Dryad had been busy looking over medical records when the PA blipped to life. "Triage duty... Just like the war," she sighed, her brows furrowing.

A quick cut in her wrist revealed the hemosynth port and she hooked up a collection unit, cursing under her breath as she grabbed a ration bar and pinged the computer system. You folks should know I don't like to use my abilities. Anyone free bring anything even remotely edible to Medical. I'm cooking up a batch of hemosynth for triage duty when we hit planetside, and I don't have the biomass to produce much.

With the message sent, she flexed her arm a few times and instructed her body's femtomachines to start mass producing themselves, dragging another line over and using the med bay's sink, she opened up.another port, this one to flood her body with water to carry the little machines in a saline solution.

"Gods, I hate this," a final thought before she shoved the ration in her throat and started chewing.
The sudden announcement disrupted Evee's focused modification on an intricate circuit; she pulled back the solder gun and carefully rested it on the table, paying attention to the message emitted by the PA. What did this mean? Evee had no trouble when it came to mentally deciding to help on 188604, she was dedicated to her crew and her fears had diminished a lot with her experiences onboard. She fidgeted with the magnifying glass with her left hand, moving the lens side-to-side on the satisfyingly greased arms and hinges of the glass. ..But a bit of worry did hang on inside Evee, with every mission she feared separation from the crew. The news being significant prompted Evee to start cleaning up to and seek a conversation with the crew. Evee powered the solder device off, switched the work lamp off and with a few swift movements she stored away her project pieces neatly in the drawer.

Evee went to the bridge in attempt to find Alex.

Apparently magnifine glass is not an actual word.. wow. :P
E5 system, deep space
2200 hours

A white and blue striped Na-T4B high-speed shuttle flashed into existence near the ISS Araxie, lining up to dock with the Kouken class escort.
"ISS Araxie, this is FSS White Lightning. I'm here to pick you guys up, do you copy?"
E5 system, deep space
2200 hours

As Alex heard the dull thump of the docking procedure, he gave silent thanks to the shuttle for coming so quickly to pick his crew up. He walked over to the airlock and waited for the rest of the crew to assemble by it with him.

When the airlock doors opened, Alex greeted the crew of the shuttle with a nod, and spoke. "Thanks for coming to pick us up. It would have been days before we got back to 188604 if you guys hadn't surprised us out here. I assume you want us to come with you back now, but I'm wondering what the plan is for the Araxie. Care to inform me?"
E5 system, deep space
2200 hours

From the open airlock entered three MimicCom pilots, Javier Williams being the last to board.

When the airlock doors opened, Alex greeted the crew of the shuttle with a nod, and spoke. "Thanks for coming to pick us up. It would have been days before we got back to 188604 if you guys hadn't surprised us out here. I assume you want us to come with you back now, but I'm wondering what the plan is for the Araxie. Care to inform me?"

"Yeah, Mr. Suites is sending an FTL tug to bring the ship and sent those two two baby sit the ship until they get here," Javier explained, "OH! One more thing, this station is in a bit turmoil right now, random shootouts and all that. I have some body armor and helmets for everyone but he recommends bringing a weapon… I'll put it this way, he's sending a tactical team and armored personnel carrier to recover you guys when land."
Alex turned to his friends. "In that case, I think you guys should stay with the ship. I'm sure it won't be a long trip with the tug, and I don't want to put any of you in danger." He turned and gave Araxie a hug before looking across his crew. He turned back to Javier.

"If time is as valuable as I think it is right now, I'm guessing we don't have the time to load the Unicorn, and judging from the size of the shuttle I doubt it'd have enough space anyways."

He took a moment to look around the ship one last time before he walked to the side of the hall on which the airlock was, took a deep breath, and then spoke to all present.

"Evee, Araxie, Chi, Dyrad... All of you be safe."

The idea of leaving his friends and the ship behind clearly caused Alex discomfort, but he was decided on his course of action.

"All right" He said to Javier, "Let's go."
"Yes, sir," Javier confirmed and moved back inside. The sublight thrusters started to hum as they began warming up. Before the shuttle would disappear into hyperspace and an FTL tug would arrive to carry their ship back.
ISS Araxie

"Wait, Alex-" before she could even try to talk him out of going alone, Alex had left and was already flying away...

The hummingbirb's fists balled up tightly, and she whispered a curse in her native language before turning around, addressing the two other women present. "Well, there's no stopping him now. We just need to catch up back home and hope things don't go badly for him while he's out there. We can't catch up to that courier, but I'm not going to just sit around out here waiting for him to come back." She knew that Alex wouldn't have let her go directly into a war zone anyways. Her last experiences in one were... Well, technically not hers anymore, given that she died there. And then there was the other time when she'd gone off on her own and was killed by some dude with a scythe. At least with her friends, Araxie was... Slightly less likely to die, probably.

Nodding briefly, she said, "We'll be entering Eff-Tee-Ell in five minutes."
Evee followed the crew to the airlock, confused over the situation.

Evee shouted an incomprehensible plead to Alex as he separated himself from the crew. She yelped, it imitated a sharp cry from physical pain. Then her expression lowered heavily, weighed down by the fact that she couldn't do anything to prevent Alex from leaving. With Alex and the men gone she neared the door, looking down and away. Her head turned right as she proceeded to look at the wall. She was very distressed over the separation. Evee kept her face out of her crew's line of sight, not even looking at Araxie as she spoke. She did not want to look weak, but the fact that she wasn't looking at her crew didn’t hide the anxiety either.

There was hope, Evee knew, but she stayed quiet and continued to look disconnected.
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ISS Araxie

Evee felt the slender arms of Araxie Serai reach around her, slightly awkwardly and gingerly at first, but quickly tightening firmly. The elysian whispered into her ear, "We'll catch up to him as soon as possible, Miss Evee... Don't worry. I know he'll be fine, he's well... He's Alex."
Evee blushed at Axarie’s affectionate gesture. It felt unnatural but Evee couldn’t help smiling a little. It didn’t last though, Evee returned back to being unsure and panicked. Evee felt weak and cold. She embraced Araxie seeking comfort.

A brief moment passed..

“We must go now!”, Evee urged, as if the short interaction was going to change the outcome of Alex’s survival.
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