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RP [Sector Searchers] Mission Three, The ship that leapt through space

Cargo Bay

Alex walked over to one side of the stretcher that Raven was now strapped down on. He stood over her and looked down.

"Remember me?" He asked. Without giving her a chance to answer him, he spoke again. "Here's how things are going to go. I've got some questions for you, and if you cooperate with me, You get locked in your own cabin rather than us keeping you strapped down."
"Sorry, hon. I'm just the medic." Dryad gave a genuinely caring smile to the Lorath woman. "We'll get you cleaned up in the medical bay."

She placed a hand gently on her shoulder, working one of the feathers of the her vestigial wings into place. Her eyes locked with the Lorath ambers, her piercing greens carrying the kindness of a white mage, but a twitch of her ears and a slight narrowing betrayed she would not hesitate to rip one of those vestigial wings off if the amazonian body beneath her touch even thought about breaking free. "You've had a long day and took a bad hit. We strapped you down to keep you from hurting yourself. Do you know your name?"
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Evee felt degraded, she had a feeling that she was being ignored, and that was probably the case, none of the crew had answered to her but instead were more interested in the new bird. What did Evee's inquiries and curiosity matter anyways?, the crew's focus should be on their new subject. She stood behind most of the group and looked over the strapped-down woman. Raven's growing consciousness frightened Evee as it caught her by surprise; Evee took a couple steps back, a precaution that wouldn't really make a difference, if Raven were to break free. Since Evee thought that she would be more appreciated working on the ship, and that she was of no use in the Cargo Bay, she silently slipped away from the room with fresh parts, headed toward the damaged systems room. Maybe when she was done fixing the Araxie she could investigate the situation dealing with Raven more.
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The Lorath male swept his eyes to Evee and her slightly disappointed look, placing a hand on her shoulder empathetically and squeezing lightly.

Returning those amber eyes to the figure locked into her pod, he spoke in what sounded like Iromakuanhe but was actually Zeh'Mebi, caste language of the Fyunnen. Chi certainly knew how to act.

"Calm, sister. You are injured and aboard a exploratory vessel. These people do not seek to harm our kind, they only have questions." the alien, niche language rolled of his tongue, one of the rarest in the sector. "They need to know your name and how you got here. Are you hurt?"
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The Fyunnen blinked once as Dryad spoke with care and mentioned being strapped down for her safety. Even in her groggy state she knew the truth of her situation all too clearly, and answered back proudly in accented Trade: "I am Pilot Naa'taena 'Raven' Mildere Fyunnen. Are you with..."

The Lorath woman then saw Alex, her tone becoming extremely annoyed and flustered as the events prior flooded into her awareness. "Gnh... its you! I underestimated your combat ability, Alex Tasuki... but to be captured after my defeat... tch! You should have left me to die, boy, for my failure." She spit out once to the floor, as blood rushed into her tan face. He wasn't sure if it was anger at him or herself.

"The only thing truly hurt is my pride, brother, at being humiliated so," replied Raven to Chi in the same caste language, as she relaxed her struggles somewhat trying to place his features. "But... it is comforting to hear the true warrior's tongue among these welps. Killigrew never mentioned anything about you."
Araxie had to suppress a chuckle as the captured assailant woke up and apparently took Chi's bait well-or maybe she was insulting them in that Lorath language, whatever it was called. Maybe both. Either way, the 'spacer knew her stuff, that much was obvious. The hummingbird woman gently fluttered down to stand next to Alex on the floor like a normal person would, rather than clinging to the catwalks like an animal.... A simian, was it? Bleh.

The angel's oddly scatterbrained state of mind seemed to be reflected in her actions as she aimlessly looked about the cavernous room, smiling a bit dorkily whenever she locked eyes with the other crewmembers of the Araxie.
The hulking Fyunnen nodded as he processed, behind the facade Chi's mind was whirring. "I too am glad to hear our tongue again. Killigrew is not known to be the most considerate and probably didn't mention me so you had less issue destroying this ship."

He crossed his muscular arms and tapped his skin lightly. "You fought well, there is little shame in loss this time. The question is what you're going to do now you're captured."
"That makes sense. I wouldn't attack one of my own kin. But I also can't go back to the Pirate Queen like this, either. I'm as useless to her now as a broken blade, and no doubt she'll have found a new one by now," replied the young Fyunnen to Chi, with a little glint in her fiery jeweled eyes. "I suppose I can live a bit longer, then, if you will tell me your name, brother."

Raven closed her eyes wearily, and slowly ceased her struggling. She sent a glare at Alex, as her speech returned to Trade. "If you insist on sparing my life, then I will be cooperating for now. On one condition..." There was a pause as the fellow pilot's face turned up into a slight smile and a nod of her head towards his damaged mecha. "Teach me how to fly that thing."
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"Uh, no." The elysian's voice cut through the conversation curtly. "Not that one." Standing next to Alex, Araxie stiffened a little bit, her wings instinctively hunching upwards, animalistically making herself larger. Her silver eyes glinted as they looked over the pinned Lorath, and she said, "Not that one. If you want to fly one badly enough we can load up a simulator or something for you." She sighed, "Then again, this is more Alex's decision I guess so..." She turned to look her boyfriend in the eye. "Choose carefully Alex. I'd rather not put you at risk by letting her into there."

....I just realized. What's with all the women? First it's us and Chi and Evee, then the pirate lady, and now a Lorath chick?
Chi raised an eyebrow unintentionally as Araxie puffed her feathers out protectively. Fyunnen were known to rise at any sort of challenge but he doubted a very battered Raven would take it to heart. "Just call me See, lest the Queen get word of my identity and go after my family." the muscular Lorath offered in Trade, stepping a little closer to Raven trustingly.

"Araxie, let's be a little more courteous towards our guest, shall we? She may have been our enemy but now she's injured and in our keeping. It is dishonourable to a Fyunnen to attack an enemy not ready for combat either way." Chi gave the Elysian a look in which contained a mix of confidence and caution.

"I can bring you some of my ritual materials, Raven, if you need to cleanse yourself of this bad luck.." her so called kin offered, once more in Trade.
"If you work with us, and earn our trust, I'm sure someone can teach you. You mind if I take a sample of that fluid from your jettison pod?" Dryad asked warmly. She pushed a few buttons on the side of the stretcher, lifting it up. "First, let's get you cleaned up in Medical. My clothes should fit you, and that flight suit must be getting chilly."
Raven managed a curt laugh towards Araxie. "No, not that one. Another. So the next time I fly, I can have a proper rematch with your captain."

There was a pause, as her amber eyes studied 'See'. "Hmm, I better indulge your fellow crew's curiosities first, so I can live long enough to take you up on that offer. Preferably in private," the Fyunnen commented, as Chi got the suspicious feeling what said 'ritual' might in fact entail, knowing Lorath cultural mores.

The frame pilot tugged at her stone thread suit uncomfortably as Dryad spoke. "Take it. It's an oxygen-rich liquid in place of air, and tastes like rotten duq'loss," Raven responded in reference to the fluid, spitting a tiny bit more out of her mouth. "A fair trade for a dry towel."
Alex averted his eyes for the first time, realizing the situation Raven was in. He looked to Dyrad and nodded hat her. "Do whatever you see fit, but let's try to avoid anything that might make her uncomfortable or irritable. That would only make her all the much harder to deal with."

He then turned to Chi. "I don't know what these rituals entail, but I suspect you might be getting yourself into a situation you might not fully have a grasp of." He said in a worried tone. "You're cleaning up the goo by the way."
"I'll take your word for the taste. That said, you need a wash and some dry clothes. Again, my shirts might be a little tight and short, and my pants a little short in the legs, but you'll be decent." Dryad pushed the cot off, towards the med bay. "If you'd like a chaperone, I'm sure our friend who knows your tongue will be glad to accompany us."
"The rituals vary but I won't get into anything I can't handle." Chi waved dismissively, apparently supremely confident in her abilities. Her hand dropped from the air as Alex delegated goo-mopping duties, "Mreh. Fine. I'll see what I can do while Raven is in medical."
"How do you even know what any of these rituals entail?" Alex asked. He didn't like lying to people, and the whole situation made him downright uncomfortable.

"Chi, you should tell her the truth now, rather than later. It'll only make things harder."
Raven still felt uneasy at letting herself just be wheeled off on the cot like this. A true warrior would have shrugged off what had happened by now, surely... for as much as her shows of force she was still very much on the young side for a Lorath and hadn't yet earned the scars and stones of her breathren. "Fine, medic. I'm in no position to refuse your 'hospitality'," she replied to Dryad, seemingly a little distracted with her attention towards Chi and Alex as they receded.

Her brows narrowed as she blew a lock of wet hair out of eyes as the cot hit a bump in the deckplates... perhaps she was being too quick to trust these folk who were probably only being kind to trade information, and might just as soon cast her aside once more. Indeed, something about the way 'See' responded before about the rituals didn't sit entirely right with the Fyunnen. Even if his tongue was well-met, the male seemed to lack conviction with the way he handled the word... not unlike the way a New Turlista might refer to the superstitious ways of the warrior caste with an air of 'clinical research' rather than reverence. Even his style name begged questions... she made a point to test this out-of-place kinsman as soon as she could get away from the very forceful and persuasive ship's doctor.
"Just a quick few dozen tests to make sure that you're okay, then clothes and making sure that our Captain doesn't throw you in the brig nude, but it's been so dull around the med bay! I could really use someone to talk to!" Dryad blew off Raven's suspicious tone with a bright and cheery response, letting the cot's drive rattle along the deck. Pushing her gently into Medical, she breezed past the door. "I'll be back momentarily with clothes and something to help wash down the taste of that green goo."

True to her word, it took but a moment for her to return with a stretch top and a pair of elastic waisted basketball shorts. These were placed on a nearby exam table and she reached into a nearby cupboard. Two bottles of iced coffee flavored stim beverage made themselves known as she undid the bindings across Raven's wrists and chest.

"Now it's been a while since someone came to visit. Go ahead and change out of that wet flight suit and we'll get it cleaned. Coffee?"
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