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Seeker Starbreeze 99 and the case of the bodysnatchers

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Inactive Member
Utilizing the MMI was always a unique experience. Flowing between normal sensations and the ships computer created a broadening of self unlike any other he had yet experienced. Really he probably needed to stop thinking of himself in such a gendered sense. It was of course quite natural for those who came from a race with many millions of years of evolutionary history driven by a sexual binary toward reproduction. Evolution saw to it that the brain mapped around these concepts and hardwired them into the self. But technology was creating fluidity in gender and sex now and when he was part of the ship like this there was hardly any sense in it at all. The ship, after all, could not reproduce via intercourse and was not designed with any such thing in mind.

The mining vessel was rather poorly outfitted for the task at hand but its utility lay in its ability to hide amid so many others of its kind. Its idents were all in order and its system traps hidden cleverly within its bowels.

(note: to be completed)
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