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Interest Check Seeking Potential Nepleslian GMs =3=/


Inactive Member
Hey everyone =3=/ as you may (or may not) know, I recently mentioned in a Nepleslia update announcement that I was looking to bring on an additional GM. With the shifting of blood, I've noticed there's been quite a few people looking to RP and bring their writing style into the GM position versus just the player. This, to me, is something I love to help as someone who (personally) has encouraged others to leap into action and GMing of their own.

That said, I do have some things I would prefer to see out of anyone who wants to join Nepleslia. You do not require these, but they will make me more likely to give you more freedom to do things and take your own spin (within reason, as I do have to keep track of my GMs somewhat) through the setting with one of its oldest members.
  • Previous Nepleslian Player: Self-explanatory. Previous players within the faction tend to have a foundation of understand that will be useful and help things move smoother.
  • Previous GM: I expect this pool to be low, but anyone who has GM'd for another faction will obviously be looked at more openly due to this prior experience.
  • Eager To Learn: Even if you don't KNOW about Nepleslia, anyone who is willing or eager to learn about the faction is welcome with open arms if they want to take a slow work-out to becoming a GM.
  • Motivated Creator: My own progress in fleshing things out is, somewhat, limited. Someone with the ability to create or (preferably) update articles whilst they try to run a plot will be definitely a big help. Nepleslia has a long way to go on updates and custodianship.
  • Interesting Ideas: Nepleslia has, currently, quite a range of plots in terms of what it considers "official". We have Crimefest (which will be official on paper soon >_> right, @SirSPT?), which focuses on criminal civilians, whilst also showcasing our military in the plots Inquiry and the 309th. I've got some ideas for what I'd like to see (specifically some built around events I'm willing to share and construct further with GMs), but I also love to help promote them.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, send me a message over PMs or on Discord =3=b I'm available quite often (despite the world's most annoying baby daughter being born and loving to ruin my schedule) even if it's only via phone. This interest check is aimed at all of those who feel that maybe their boxes where they are aren't quite the right fit and want to take a spin with some new paint. There's going to be a lot of work and content made streamlined in the coming month or so for Nepleslia, so getting started early will be very useful to getting everyone settled in to take the best advantage of this.

Anyhow, until I post another interest check, later and thanks for reading, doodz =3=/
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