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Semi-Gauss Torpedo Launcher


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Anti-Ship Torpedo Launcher
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=or ... o_launcher

Faction: Origin, Neutral
FM Approval: Yes

For Reviewers:
Unapproved Sub-Articles: Yes
Z2 Torpedo

Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected)

The problems here I think would be twofold - first off, I haven't settled on pricing of this weapon itself yet. I think it's literally the first of its kind just trying to draw off my memory. Second, it's ammo is also without prices; no other torpedo I've seen has prices I can use I think. Or, I don't recall any.

Second problem, is that there's currently no artwork - I'll get that in due time, so no worries.

For now, I want to focus on the article itself, and what I perceive may just be a furious storm of fury over it.
Sorry for the long reply time - I ended up busier than I expected!

I've filled out the pricing for the ammunition that this weapon will fire, but the pricing for the main item here, the launcher, is still something I'm not sure about myself. I'm thinking 8,000 KS perhaps, but again, I'm uncertain as to how to price this, since I don't know of any analog to this to compare to. After the main price of the weapon however, the rest of the parts should be easy.

Aside from the pricing problem, are there any other concerns to address?
Not from what I've seen *sorry it took awhile* but I'll wait another day.
Cadet, were you able to figure out any pricing for the torp and its components?
Sadly no - as I mentioned earlier, I'm thinking of 8,000 KS, but am uncertain. I think this type of launcher would be a first, so I don't have examples to look at, so I'm asking you the reviewer, or whoever else comments in here, for suggestions. I'll consider whatever advice I'm given here.
I think 8k should be fine, considering what this is, it makes a bit of sense.
Sorry for the long reply time! I've gotten caught up in several things, but the prices have been added in for the launcher itself, as well as the adapter sleeves for using different torpedoes.
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