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Senate: Misc Senate meeting - The new royalty


Inactive Member
Maysaki sighed a little as she once again summoned the senate together. Although this time... This time it was different. Yui was summoned, too, as was the new Empress.

The only thing the senate and company were told of the meeting is that is was a important discussion. Of importancy. To the empire, mind, not to random things like the next ball room dance.

When the invited gathered, or at least those that decided to come, a very hesitant Maysaki sat up in her seat fully and settled her hands on the table, moving them in a number of positions before just laying them flat. Obviously she was... Well, scared might be a good word for it, but at the same time, determined. There was still the fright, of course. You could be fearful, but determined. Usually that goes hand in hand, really.

In anycase, Maysaki spoke. And it was clear.

"This is not so much a Senate vote on a issue then a discussion for the benefit of our empire, as we all work one way or another for its benefit." She paused again, thinking her actions over for a moment again, "To put it simply... I fear for the empire's continued survival. As you know... Or... I hope, at least," She joked a little, "The now called United Outer Colonies have broken off from the Empire. For a variety of reasons... A large list, really. Nationalism is a strong example..." She said, waving her hand in the air for a moment before settling it down again.

"The people of the empire are... Eh... Annoyed, to say the least. Maybe not so much in Yamatai, but... To say there isn't fear to be annoyed is a complete lie. Of course, there are other systems and worlds as well, but for the most part they follow a same path. To say the same of the Warmaster worlds would be a lie, though... They are past that. Actually, I fear for the people I hold dears' lives. While the United Outer Colonies could break away, and they had probably put lots of thought into this and pushed themselves toward it... My people, though, I doubt will want to wait if things continue. And, knowing certain people, with it being so close to Yamatai... I fear that, in short, they will all be killed." Maysaki's voice stayed calm. Although that took a bit of effort to keep emotions out of her voice.

"With that in mind, you know why I am bringing this up. I personally believe it would help the empire as a whole if... For this time around, instead of leaving it in the hands of a few, or in this particular case one... Well, if it is a democratic vote. Among the masses as a whole." She paused for a moment before continuing, "While I don't think trying to force a democracy on Yamatai is wise, nor what I am trying to do... This one time, being that the civilians of the Empire are... Annoyed with the royalty as a whole, to say the least."

She then explained a little, "The Motoyoshi clan, for instance... Is disgraced... And, to put it simply... Nothing changed when they were in power. The Ketsurui clan faces a similar reputation in the face of Uesu... And the other previous rulers shared a negative light as well. Even if Empress Himiko is voted into power by the people, it still changes how she was brought into power. They will be more pleased and in approval if whatever happens with the new ruler in power happens because they chose, and not someone else. Moral will improve, to put it simply."

Maysaki paused again, and shrugged gently, "... Discuss, then."
Himiko ignored Maysaki's suggestion, obviously disgusted at the idea.

"I plan to decrease the size of the military substantially," Himiko said quietly. "Senators, I wish for each of you to work on projects in your home systems that will support civilian jobs...spaceports, farms, shopping malls, and factories. At our next meeting, I will evaluate your progress and reward the worlds that do the best job."

(OOC: Please flesh out your territories with various non-military wiki articles).
(OOC: Wes ... I get the idea, and it's cool. But ICly that stuff already exists; we just haven't named it. Isn't it kind of odd to have the Empress ask that all that stuff be improved upon already? Supposedly it's already among the best in the galaxy.)
( She is a new empress. We can say she isn't worldly. Or... Universally. Or something. )

Maysaki twitched a little at she apparently being ignored by the Empress.

... Not that she didn't already pretty much know she would do so.

She spoke as she began a message that would go over to the Empress. A text one, mind you, "The Warmaster worlds have always been one of the highest in all but industry." She said simply.

Her text, though, was much bigger than her words.

All sent to the new Empress. And only the new Empress.

There were a small handful of lies in the text, but hey! Could lie easily in a text message.
The following day, the Empress Returned to the Senate.

"What progress have you made so far?" she asked the senators, expecting plans and suggestions.
Roxanne looked up from her papers, and told her aides to leave. She stood inside the senate chambers, which were mostly empty at that time.

"Albini plans to implement a new line of pollution-free cruise ships to entice Yamataian and Nepleslian tourists, but that has been in the works. Tami is still meeting, considering its leaders were given almost less than a day. Municipal and prefecture leaders are also meeting amongst themselves for now, to discuss the mandate and what their obligations are to it.

"Please have patience, Your Majesty β€” we are not machines, and we are are now so few in number."

With that, Roxanne went back to her work.
Leading up to the current Yamataian day, the Lorath senator Aegis had put in a decent sum of work, at least looking like she was being productive. However, when the senate next would meet, they would find that Aegis would be nowhere to be found. Examination of her seat on the senate would reveal a letter of resignation.
(Haven't gotten to it, probably will this weekend, though.)

"We've been working on trying to cut down star port traffic, although that hardly has been going to well... Although lots of people are... Well, moving, so we can't really test it under normal conditions." Maysaki explained after Roxxy spoke, looking half asleep at the moment with her head in her hands. "Otherwise, our guys over there are still arguing over specific involvements to go on. Mainly because some of our more important people resigned recently."

"... Give us some time, we haven't exactly had problems, anyway..."
( Where are the wiki articles at? )
( I threw that up there to have something ICly on the record. I'll bang out a small article tonight. )
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