Star Army

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Senate: Defeated Senate Proposal #114 (Special) - Local Governments Act


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RP Date
6月 YE 43
RP Location
Senate Dome
A few days had passed since Senator Iemochi Seinosuke had shepherded Proposal #113 through the Senate. It was the first in a series that he had planned, several of which were in various states of drafting. Between his duties on the YSS Resurgence, Mochi found great satisfaction in putting his mind to the workings of the Empire.

Thus, here he stood again, sporting his best formal wear and attending via spider pad. The Elysian had already sent out a copy of this proposal - Special Proposal #114 - to his fellow Senators well ahead of time for them to digest. Some minor things like the names for certain roles perhaps needed consensus, but Mochi expected this Proposal to have strong support just like the last one.

It was a strange feeling, proposing the first Constitutional change that was to be properly recognized as going through the correct and legal channels. A mechanism that he himself had carefully considered and had been accepted by his peers.

It seemed that the resurrection that he had spurred into the Senate was quickly gathering media attention. The viewing area to one end of the Dome had a large number of spectators eagerly waiting to see what was on the agenda. It made sense - the Senate had been very quiet for many years during the Kuvexian War and prior. No doubt this was a novel experience for those following along.

Senator Iemochi ruffled his sunburst-toned wings slightly, betraying that he was certainly nervous on some level. Many Senators proposed at least one thing during their careers, but it was likely that his fellow politicians had caught on that the officer's scope was quite different.

"Ahem.." Mochi's volumetric annunciated from his stand, casting his emerald eyes around the room. It wasn't great that there was no Premier to open these sessions. Perhaps he should push up his plans to formalise how they were elected in law in the next Proposal, then call for an election just so they could do things properly as soon as possible.

But, for now, this is what he had prepared for today. Seinosuke began in that calm, authoritative voice that he used almost exclusively in this building. "My fellow Senators. Thank you for joining me again in this great landmark today. I'm sure you'll get sick of me in no time, but if nothing else, the issues I raise should certainly be heard if only to provoke new ideas."

The Neo-Caelisolian looked over the familiar figures, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I move for a discussion and vote on our first official Special Proposal. As you can see, this is to enshrine the rights of the people to effective civilian government. This prevents illegitimate or insurrectionist regimes from taking root in systems under the premise of being legal under the Empire."

Mochi added, "I've personally experienced elements of military turning against the Star Army aboard my current posting. You can imagine what such a force could accomplish if it was covert and grasped leadership of a system." The blonde let that sit in the air for a moment.

"As Senators, many of us have done much for our systems and planets. I myself organized the evacuation of Virginia during the Kuvexian war as the frontline made its way to our door. I'd also like to mention the honorable Senator from Essia, representing a system I'm sure we've all heard the tales regarding and take that into consideration."

The messy-haired Taii seemed to be in thought as he continued. "Obviously, it makes the most sense for each Senator to provide support and safety to the system that elected them. While there's no recognized methods that Senators are chosen and hold office yet - aside from how many people need to be in a system for it to be eligible for a Senator - we are all ultimately accountable to the inhabitants of our systems."

Seinosuke left it there, leaning against his podium. "In case we can't do our jobs because of military takeover, such as in the case of our honorable Hanako-hime, there are provisions for that too." Mochi nodded to the Taisho, who was no doubt present in the grand assembly.

"I'd be happy to field any questions and hear any opinions now. Thank you, Senators."

As per the Senators listed in the wiki page:
@Doshii Jun
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Hanako looked over the text carefully. "The text does not say how senators are chosen or elected, even if that is just saying that each planet can have their own way of choosing a senator," she pointed out. "Additionally, this proposal would force senators to be administrators of their systems. In the past, I have typically acted as a liaison to the Imperial Government while Hanako's Star had a governor that lead the local government. Perhaps we could allow for this better in the document."
Mochi nodded a few times, thinking this over. "My intention wasn't to detail how Senators are chosen here, but I think we can all agree the method of doing so probably shouldn't be standardised and should be down to the local people."

The Elysian pondered for a second, "That being said, it may be wise to impose some sort of general fallback for how a local people can remove a Senator, so they aren't stuck with them or feel the need to stage some kind of coup to get rid of them."

Mochi noticed Hanako's word choice and decided to quickly clarify something. "I think it's worth making sure everyone here remembers that a Senator isn't provided for each planet in a system. One Senator exists for the entire system, so we should steer clear of using the term planet in this kind of discussion. Otherwise we may end up with multiple Senators in each system by mistake, which may throw the Senate out of balanced representation."

Now for the last point, "I myself have done similar in the past, Hanako-hime. I let my ministers know I'm away and they mostly sort things by themselves. As the Proposal says, we can run our systems as we see fit, including by delegating. By doing it this way, it would allow you to step in and stop the government of Hanako's Star from doing something they shouldn't do, just in case."

The blonde rubbed his chin for a moment, "If you wish to not worry about that at all, the ability to ask for a Custodian for your system still exists in the text. That would be your idea of a 'governor' I imagine? I might be easiest to expand upon that part of the Proposal."
"I think you have it backwards, the senator should serve at the pleasure of the system's people," Hanako said. "It's not my job to control the local government, it's their job to control me...if they can," Hanako grinned. "The constitution shouldn't be amended to make senators into System Lords. We also tried direct democracy for a while and it was actually quite awkward, so I made the very awkward proposal to bring back the senate. Even still, first and foremost we must remember that the power still comes from the consent and wishes of the people of Yamatai in each system."
The tall Essian senator considered the law. "I agree with the Senator for Hanako's Star. There are senators, such as myself, who are not the chief executive of our governments. Essia doesn't even have what might be described as a chief executive. We have acted in the past as liaisons between our local government and the empire, not as governers. We need them and I think we should ensure they are the cornerstone of our local governments." He sent a version to the other senators.

The Empress is the senior leader of the empire. As such, she may delegate the authority of a specific system to a junior leader (governor). If there is no governor for a system, then the Emperor/Empress may appoint one with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Emperor/Empress may remove a governor. If consent is not given by the senate to appoint a new governor, then the Governor's chosen successor becomes governor.

A Governor is the junior leader and chief civilian executive of a System. The responsibility for the system's safety and well-ordered functioning is delegated to the Governor. They are responsible for providing their citizenry with opportunities, prosperity, and listening to their wishes. They must create and administer system defense forces for the protection of their system and act as auxiliary to Star Army as required.

A Governor may create local bylaws and administer their jurisdiction by their own authority provided they do not breach Imperial Law or the Constitution. A Governor may delegate their power to form system, regional or planetary governments, law enforcement, and militias as they deem appropriate. They may specify how their successor and senator are typically selected. A governor may also be referred to by an appropriate local term.

A Governor has the right to raise concerns regarding their system to the Premier and to the Empress. They have the right for these concerns to be addressed in some capacity.
Mochi frowned slightly, thinking of the implications of this opposite line of thinking to his own. It made very little sense to him for things to work in such a way. "I feel like going down this path will put the Senate itself in an awkward position." The Elysian borrowed from Hanako's speech by using the word. "If the Governor is appointed by the Empress and is able to raise issues directly with the Premier or Empress.. Why exactly are we here?"

Seinosuke gestured to the Senators from Hanako's Star and Essia, elaborating. "If this other civilian government raises concerns nationally on the welfare of their people and their thoughts regarding the system, then that effectively replaces our jobs. Our job is to understand the needs of the people or systems and act as the bridge between them and the higher government. That's why we're chosen, is it not?"

"If the Governor can simply message the Empress or Premier directly, then Senators don't seem to have a role in that system. No bridge is necessary as long as they have a SYNC console. Their role would be near identical to what Senators would be in my proposal." What the others were presenting seemed to allow the system governments to entirely skip out from ever needing or wanting to elect Senators.

"And to add-" Mochi addressed Hanako directly, "If we're divorced from knowing the daily lives and worries of our citizens, how can that be considered serving 'at their pleasure'? Doesn't such a way of working reduce Senator to a fancy title, with the benefit of representing people that we may not have talked to in years?"

"How can Senators be expected to fulfil their role of representing their citizens if they have no responsibilities in law to those people, or disappear across the galaxy without considering them?" They were certainly hard questions, but the concept of having representatives that didn't interface with the people they were supposed to represent didn't seem logical to him. "Unless, of course, the other honorable Senators are here with directions from their system's executive as to what to vote or propose on today?" It seemed to be a genuine question.

Seinosuke wondered if the others were being given notes from these other civilian officials on their planets - something he'd never considered before. He supposed that would technically be an acceptable way of working, but took away from speed at which the Senate could be expected to operate. "That being said, I would qualify as Governor and Senator for my system, so perhaps my view on this is different. Personally, I can't imagine myself not being accountable to the people, even if I currently delegate all the actual groundwork to my trusted aides."
Hanako's face had an expression like she'd got a whiff of sulphur. She had obviously taken offense to Seinosuke's words. She stood up and said, "I do not think this proposal is going anywhere good. I vote NO."

After that, she got up and promptly left the senate building and went back to her office in the Military District of Kyoto.
Anslen looked disappointed in the younger man. "If you don't understand the role of the Senate in the Empire, Perhaps you shouldn't be proposing changes. I vote NO."
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Seinosuke shook his head in dismay once Hanako had left the building. Surely the Senate was a place that any perspective and idea could be shared and debated? This was exactly why they needed a Premier, if only to keep things orderly. There was murmurings from the onlookers as the Taisho exited, although what they were about was anyone's guess. Mochi wore his thoughts on his sleeve and wasn't one to leave things unsaid or gaps open to be exploited. Maybe that was the cold scientist in him.

The Elysian could have expected Anslen's response, but had hoped there would have been more attempt to reach some kind of middle ground. Clearly, there were very different kinds of Senators with different duties depending on what role they wished to take. Mochi returned the look to the Essian. "I won't apologise for stepping up and evacuating a frontline world as a Senator rather than risking my people's subjugation. Clearly, we need more of that sort of thinking in this Empire given the current state of some worlds." An insult for an insult. If only Essia and Hanako's people had made it out in time.

With a sigh, the Senator balled his hands on the wooden stand and hung his head. "Proposal withdrawn. I hope if nothing else it served to stir up some ideas, as is the purpose of this body." As soon as the last word was complete, his volumetrics blinked out.

  1. Virginia
  1. Hanako's World
  2. Essia
  • No votes, although some systems did not participate in voting.

This proposal is withdrawn at request of the submitter.