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Approved Character [Senator] Rick Wolfe

Yamatai and Nepleslia have a cooler relationship than they had last you were here.

Also, we're trying (albeit slowly) to address issues like these as they come up, as more emphasis is put on treaties and government.

Wes and one of the Nep runners should chime in.
If the guy is a Senator in Yamatai, I don't think Nepleslia would acknowledge him as a citizen. He's made his priority known. He has chosen to be a servant of the Yamataian government. The DION is still very nationalistic in nature so I don't see them letting a guy in the Yamataian senate be a citizen. It'd be a pride and political loyalty issue.

"We've got independence only to go back to letting our people serve the Cats government?"

From my standpoint, dual citizenship may be possible for someone born from parents of the two different nations BUT it would be revoked by Nepleslia if that person joined the Star Army or any other government controlled body in Yamatai. I've viewed the current military government as one that is very touchy about loyalty especially since we had Wazu do a runner.

I don't see it flying but the ultimate authority is MoonMan. I'm just a temporary co-FM. He can override anything I say and Kokuten is free to disagree with his own interpretation of national law. Since we haven't codified it, it's open to debate.
Very curious civilian structure, then! Lordy help you if you've family just a short space-drive away.

I tossed out the citizenship thing, just implies he has Nepleslia in mind as well. Corporate interests.


Doesn't really change anything, no biggie.
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