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SANDRA Senator Shiori Announces Formation of PHI, Infrastructure Projects

Tokyo Megacity, Jiyuu III - After being sworn in as the new representative of Jiyuu system, Mochizuki Shiori wasted no time making good on her campaign promises with the announcement of a government-funded, make-work program under the aptly-named umbrella entity of Peacekeeper Heavy Industries.

Joining with trade unionists and former employees, the Heiwa party led a series of public marches to reclaim the many damaged manufacturing facilities on the planet such as the massive Motoyoshi Fleet Yards HQ spacedock in Tokyo megacity, and the main offices of the innovative Kakutama Heavy Industries. These once thriving engines of Jiyuuian technological innovation lay disused and broken after the NMX bombardment, however, with the consolidation of their resources under the aegis of PHI there is once again hope to recapture this role. Restoring the productive capacity of the planet and putting the many former employees of these corporations back to work was a top priority of the political group.

Along with this, one of Shiori's first acts as sitting Senator was to ensure a sizeable portion of pork in the recently approved Imperial construction funding bill was earmarked specifically for the rebuilding of the planet's badly damaged infrastructure. In order to oversee this massive undertaking, Senator Shiori also announced the formation of a subdivision of PHI called Peacekeeper Works, a state-run program that seeks to retrain and employ the millions of unemployed refugees in a series of public works initiatives. Among its first shovel-ready projects are the completion of the planned hub for the PAINT system in Yugumo -- this comes just in time for Jiyuuians returning home for the busy holiday travel season, as well as serving for a more organized port-of-entry for newer refugees that are constantly streaming in every day. Another important goal is the restoration of the heavily damaged Jiyuu Stellar Siphon System to full operational capacity, restoring badly needed power to the already strained planetary generation systems. This will also make readily available cheap helium fuel supplies that will bring down costs substantially for struggling businesses, who currently rely on more expensive containers shipped by private company Mitsuya Fuels for their daily energy needs.

Altogether, these recent developments offer new hope for renewed economic growth and development for the rebuilding region, and the first steps towards investment in self-sufficiency from the ever-present Imperial generosity that many view as a necessary evil since the war's end.
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