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RP: UOC Government [Senatorial Offices]A knock on the door


Inactive Member
7000 people...7000. Shinichi thought as he stared solemnly at his desk in his office. There's got to be something, anything I can do. Shinichi thought as he looked downward, his eyes glaring through the lacquered wood desk. There had been plans, perhaps not amazingly grand, but there had been plans. Plans for a city, plans to grow the system, plans to bolster it economically. Suddenly those plans seemed so far away to Shinichi, 7000 people. People were one thing you can't make, you can't reproduce memories. Not like this, sure Yamatai had ST technology, but even with that they'd never be the same people again. What do I do now? Shinichi wondered. After a few minutes of silence Shinichi reached a conclusion. I still have others who I'm responsable for. I need to think of them. Shinichi thought. Shinichi sighed before standing up, there was some advice he needed to get.

Moments later Shinichi found himself in front of the office of Shuji Iga, the Capitol Region's Senator. Word of his work on the infrastructure of the Capitol Region's railway system had spread, and with it the idea that he knew a few things about getting stuff done. Shinichi hesitantly raised his hand to the senators door. No turning back. Shinichi thought before knocking on the door.
After a few moments, the door opened.

Behind it stood Mr. Iga, the small man, in his business suit. His tie was undone, however, suggesting he was just getting ready to relax. He smiled politely.

"Yes, senator? What can I do for you? I was just about to pour myself a drink, actually, if you'd like to enjoy one."
"That wouldn't be unwelcome, thank you." Shinichi said feeling like a drink would help a little bit. "I'm sorry for barging in on your relaxation time." Shinichi said politely. "If it's not too much trouble however, I'd like to get some advice on some things, if you don't mind." Shinichi said.
"Don't worry about it," Shuji said. "Please, come in. I'm happy to listen to any issues you may have."

He turned and walked into his office. It was a bit small, but well-organized. Dominating most of the far wall was a corner desk with shelf space, where his computer sat. Not far off was a file cabinet, on the top of which held a framed picture of the senator shaking hands with some businessman.

Across the far wall he had a few small potted plants near a window. They looked like potted trees, with big, healthy green leaves.

But Shuji walked towards a small refrigerator that rested immediately against the far. He pulled out a bottle of liquor, took a couple small glasses from the top of the fridge and poured the liquid into them.

"Would you like ice?"
"Ice would be fine, thanks." Shinichi said. "This is quite a nice layout you have here. Sadly though, I didn't come to talk about your office. I need some advice." Shinichi looked down as he spoke. "When we first got the news about Yuukan I was devastated, shocked. Heck, I still am. So many people...so quickly. It kinda puts life in perspective doesn't it?" Shinchi asked rhetorically.

"Now I have to think about how I can make the lives of what remains of my constituents better, how I can make them feel safer, how I can make their pain easier. The problem is, I'm not sure I'm going in the right direction, so I wonder if it'd be okay if I ran it by you before I put it into action. You seem to have a pretty good feel for getting things done, and my experience is....lacking." Shinichi felt like he was exposing himself in this situation, but there wasn't much else he could do.
"Times like these always call for a stiff drink."

Shuji knocked a few ice cubes into the glass of liquor before passing it to Shinichi.

"I understand your feelings and will be glad to listen to your proposal. I'm glad you trust me with this information. Please, continue."

He took his own glass and sat down at the desk.
Shinichi took the liquor from Shuji and sipped it a little bit before continuing. "I was thinking perhaps of rebuilding, rebuilding what was lost. We lost a research station, as well as a peacekeeper fort. But the biggest thing we lost were the lives of over 5000 people. I can't rebuild that, but I can honor it. I don't think a small plaque or statue somewhere gives enough gravity to what happened. I think perhaps when rebuilding we should build a large city, but at the very epicenter of the city, at it's heart will be a memorial forest. The forest would be pretty large, 1 square mile. Maybe even at it's center, will be where the capitol building is, that way everyone will need to pass through it, reminding them of those whose lives were ended." Shinichi said. "What do you think, I'm not sure a forest is really an appropriate monument though. I just don't feel that a small plaque or a statue of anything can really represent the lives these people lived, and were prematurely cut off from."
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