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Seraph - S19


Inactive Member
Sometimes known as a ‘Phalanx Seraph'

As part of the Elysian revitalisation of its war machine it was thought necessary to refresh what could be considered Elysia's most dangerous weapon – the Seraph biological weapon. The S19 works on a rather different model than previous designs, not focusing on creating largely solitary killing machines as with earlier models, and following a different line of development from the S17 hive-mind weapon. Instead it is designed to work in a unit or ‘Phalanx'.

The S19 is the most human of the models so far, standing six foot tall and looking effectively human – appearing as a completely white and hairless male, albeit with a considerable ‘alien' look in having somewhat bulbous eyes and an unusually large mouth. Its body contains few organs, a decentralised nervous system with most of its bulk taken up by muscles, a strong skeleton and its flesh. It flesh is damage resistant, designed more to protect against energy attacks rather than kinetic, with great resistance to even rapid energy changes such as those produced by energy weapons, but it is especially designed for increased regeneration capacity compared to earlier models. It is capable of regenerating large portions of body, such as limbs or even the head (thanks to the decentralised nervous system) within minutes of injury. Related to this is its ability to ‘bud' additional Seraphs, normally out of their back, in order to keep the number in their Phalanx as constant – if one is destroyed another is ‘budded' to take its place. This budding takes around half an hour, and requires the skin of the back to be unobstructed. The memories and skills of the ‘parent' are passed on to the ‘child'. Their skin is capable of changing colour, a limited chameleon affect – not enough to create invisibility but enough to greatly aid covert operations.

Compared to earlier models it is physically weaker, capable of lifting around two tonnes, but is faster – capable of achieving intense bursts of speed and of seemingly impossible examples of reaction times and reflexes. While they are actually designed in order to use weapons and indeed armour, they have natural weapons – they have claws which contain a powerful acid secretion and a highly powerful bite with its saliva operation again as a powerful acid. It also has considerable senses, beyond eagle-like eyesight and a hearing ability far above human it also has an advanced olfactory sense, capable of being used to track individuals, as well as possessing infrared sight, and a natural form of radar and radio-communication. Lastly the S19 can enter into a form of hibernation where its metabolism is vastly reduced allowing for long term storage.

The mentality of the S19 is designed to deserve as an effective fighter within a Phalanx. As such as well as possessing a full ‘solo' mentality it can use its telepathy to activate a ‘hive-mentality' in which all the individuals of the Phalanx are linked and thus capable of perfectly co-ordinating their actions, creating a completely fiendish military team. The S19, however, can operate independently of the Phalanx if needed and its intellect is roughly equal to that a human, however it lacks emotion and has superior reaction time and tactical ability, with video-spatial ability far in advance of human. In addition to this a huge amount of data regarding tactics, weapons, fighting style and information on possible enemies, their weakness' and tactics used against them. Specialist knowledge can be downloaded before a mission using ST technology. Beyond the hive-mind use the S19 is capable of telepathic communication at a distance of 18km, but does not use its telepathy offensively, instead having considerable telepathic defence.

The Phalanx is a unit whose numbers in term of members actually varies – it can be either 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 200. Larger units are possible, but not so far developed. S19's can also be used solo or in pairs, but they will not be at their most efficient. The 'hive mind' of the Phalanx extends for fifty meters between individuals, but allows the use of other member of the Phalanx as a relay system. These units can be used for many purposes, from crewing a ship to infantry, from covert operations to a strike force. Their ‘training' and equipment is altered to make them effective at their tasks. The S19 can use any equipment an Elysian can – indeed when inside Infantry armour it is impossible to tell from an Elysian, however it is adept at using the weapons of the infantry, and can even operate power armour and pilot vessels.
The Phalanx is a unit whose size actually varies – it can be either 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 200.
The number of S19's that compose the unit can be either:


Thus the Phalanx can have five members, ten members, twenty-five etc.

Any problems?
I thought you were talking about its height. Please make it clear by specifying what the numbers refer to.

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