Star Army

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Approved Character Serizawa Ichi


Inactive Member
Name: Serizawa Ichi

General Information

Species: Yamataian
Gender: Male
Age: 22

Family: Serizawa Ein (Father), Serizawa Yayoi (Mother), Serizawa Miho (Sister), Serizawa Kuzo (Brother), Kokushi Reiko (Grandmother)

Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Science Specialist
Rank: Santo Hei
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140

Build and Skin color: Thin, lanky build with a small amount of muscular development. His skin is a light tan color.
Facial Features and Eye color: Sharp, angular features with high cheek bones. The line of his jaw is very rigid and comes to almost a perfect V at his chin. His nose is thin, straight and pointed. His green eyes are quite narrow as if he were eternally half-squinting.
Hair color and Style: Dark red hair that is kept short so that the hair stays off of his ears and the back of his neck. The shortness of the hair keeps him from being able to comb is so it has a tendency to stand up in small, sparcely-spaced spikes.
Distinguishing Features: None

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Serizawa is a relaxed and easy-going person for the most part. He is amiable, socialable when needed and rarely speaks out in anger. His control over his temper usually seems like a positive quality for most but it's really a flaw. The truth is that Ichi bottles up his anger and is often lax in venting his frustrations. He is also very compliant, often to the point that he overexerts himself. It's not that he doesn't know his own limits. He merely tries to fulfill every task set before him. Stress is something he has problems dealing with. When things get tense, Serizawa gradually becomes more aware of the weight of his responsibilities. He will often feel as if the weight of the world is being placed upon his shoulders, causing him to feel depressed and increasingly hopeless. This is usually introverted depression and he will quickly disguise his malaise with a quick smile. The telltale sign of this state of his is the appearance of fatigue which is not something he has been able to hide with any degree of efficiency. When the pressure on Serizawa is relieved, he becomes quite cheerful and will be shortly found seeking a little solitude to ease his mind followed by a bed to recharge his batteries. He sleeps quite deep, making for bad mornings. He takes a couple hours to fully wake up, during which he is groggy and bearish. After he finally wakes up, he is ready to start the new day and tackle the mysteries of the universe with keen observations and relentless inquisitivity.

Likes: Rice balls, personal space, the color blue, ice cold drinks, slow-paced music, puzzles
Dislikes: Things that taste bitter, sour or spicy, high-pressure situations, people who frequently shout, high-pitched noises, waking up from a deep sleep
Goals: To become an acclaimed scientist

History: Born in YE 19 on Yamatai, Serizawa Ichi was the first born child of two Geshrin members of the Star Army of Yamatai. His father was an engineer and his mother was a ship operator. They met each other while serving aboard the same ship. It wasn't love at first sight but over time, they did grow close and, after their service on the same ship ended, they were married. Orders were requested for a transfer to a stationary post so the newlyweds were sent to Nataria where his father was assigned to serve in the Star Army Depot. Ichi's mother decided to retire altogether from the Star Army of Yamatai so that she could tend to the family they were building.

Within five years, the Serizawa household contained three children, Ichi being the oldest. He proved to be an intelligent child, excelling at the challenges and tests given to him during the course of his early schooling. He was found to be quite gifted in mathematics and physics, regularly outperforming his peers with ease though he lacked much aptitude for the arts or physical pursuits. By nature, he was curious and could often be found tinkering with gadgets, trying to see how they worked, and solving puzzles. He seemed to thrive on it.

As bright as his future may have been, as the oldest, his destiny had already been decided for him by his parents. He was to follow in their footsteps and enlist in the Star Army of Yamatai. He really wanted to become a scientist but his parents were quite insistant on this point, even after their divorce in YE 27. Being the obedient son he was, he complied with their wishes but not before managing to convince his parents to allow him to finish his scientific education before he enlisted. After complting his advanced education, Ichi enlisted in the military, figuring it would be a good opportunity to expand his knowledge outside of the lab. He was transferred from his original Geshrin body into a new Yamataian body and was sent off to begin his training. However, his basic training to become a soldier was a much larger challenge to surpass than he expected, even with his new body. He did succeed, in no part by brilliance but rather sheer stubborness. Next would be his first assignment and he could only guess what would follow after that.


Chemistry: Serizawa has some background in chemistry and is able to identify some chemical compounds and their uses. He is able to correctly prescribe proper dosages on some basic medications and is familiar with their effects and any possible side effects.

Communication: Serizawa is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Serizawa is fluent in English and Japanese. He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Fighting: Serizawa received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. He is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons he is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor.

Mathematics: Serizawa is no slouch when it comes to math, educated in advanced trigonometry and calculus. This is an immense aid with the large equations he often has to deal with when working in quantum physics. His specialty is in dealing with equations and will often leave basic calculations and geometry to computers whenever possible.

Medical: Serizawa has received some medical training from the Star Army of Yamatai and is able to perform first aid and some very basic field surgery. He is by no means a real physician but he's good enough to stave of the death of critical patients for a limited time.

Science: Serizawa is quite familiar with the laws of physics but his primary focus of knowledge is in quantum physics. His studies in quantum physics has allowed him to browse through the field of astronomy because of studies on black holes, cosmic rays and other physical phenomena that occur in the vastness of space. He also has a pretty strong grasp over partical dynamics.

Technology Operation: Serizawa is quite adapt to operating various technologies he might come across. Naturally, he is competant with using the Kessaku OS and is somewhat experienced in dealing with MEGAMI programs. He has a natural grasp over technology and even when presented with a new device, he can familiarize himself with its operation in a relatively short amount of time.
Hey, J! Nice of you to finally join me! Now if we can only get the rest of the usual crowd in here. Too bad they're afraid of reading. XP

Now dealing with your character, I'm not one of the guys who approves stuff, but your character doesn't seem bad. In fact, like the majority of your characters, he's pretty well thought out.