Star Army

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[Sesestran Colonial Union] Contact at Ayano


DEFCON Everybody Dies
'Operation November Shield'
Sesestran Colonial Navy - Task Force Blue-16 - Red Eye Actual
Krosser Star System (Star System E3/Ayano)
April 4th 1998 P.C.

Colonel 'JB' Kobre was a man of average height and build who'd recently celebrated his ninetieth birthday as the task force had put to space sixteen days ago, for the average Sesestran he was just halfway through his life. A 'career' man in the Sesestran Colonial Navy his specialization was sensor data intepretation and the myriad of applications and needs that came with it. Of course his specialty meant he'd be selected for this particular operation, at this moment he was standing in an ovoid compartment surrounded by numerous stations each with a technician he'd trained. They where in the belly of one of the newest variations of the SCN's long time workhorse the heavy dropship known simply to most of her crews as the 'Petrel', this latest variant sporting a 'Q' after the other numerous alphebetic designations. However this particular version sported an electronics package that rivaled most moderate tonnage starships, its hull packed with passive and active sensor systems and their associated electronic 'black boxes' needed to process their raw information. This particular bird had been indevelopment for nearly as long as his career, a thought that made him smile somewhat as it had landed on him to break it in and see how it functioned in actual operational conditions.

In the case of this particular operation, known as 'November Shield', her purpose was rather simple to conduct continous and detailed electronic survielence and direct fighter craft to any possible threats in the absence of a starship's far larger and powerful sensor arrays. November Shield itself was an escort, eight Sesestran naval vessels protecting sixteen commercial and private vessels conducting various surveys and scientific projects throughout the system to determine its candancy for colonization. Since the Sesestran emergence five years ago numerous small scale operations of a similar nature had occured, however virtually every celestial body had already hosted a population be they alien or human. The political mess and various interactions since they'd started left this a unique situation, one which the numerous Sesestran corporate entities where willing to gamble on. Afterall an uninhabited system with no population that needed bargaining with would be quite the strike after all. At least so they thought.

His internal monologue came to a halt when one of the technicians, a recent acuiqistion by the name of Ensign Daniel Unah spoke, "Tally hoe skipper! Multiple contacts jumping in on our side of the eliptical!"

He was one of the newer techs Kobre had managed to find and abduct from the normal rank and file of the Navy, something which the young man's commander had not taken kindly to. Of course with a talent of analysis wasting him on a corvette's sensor station would have been a crime. A moment later Kobre was hovering behind the Ensign's back, eyes locked on the flat screen display. "Are you sure its not a celestial event or false feed back?" He asked in a tense tone, there where no scheduled arrivals and after reading the intelligence packet about possibilites the colonel was nervous.

"Running diagnostics right now sir." Ensign Unah said, his own face locked to the screen as the ship's quantum processor rechecked the various data strings for any possible misinterpreation of the data only to come back with no errors, Task Force Blue-16 was no longer the only group of ships in system. A fact that the rest of the naval detachment would be discovering as the Petrel-Q's data links transmitted its findings over super-luminal channels in real time.

"Negative sir, all contacts positive, looks like they're starting up their STL drive systems now." The Ensign said, pointing out the increased radiance in a few select lines of data.

By now the control compartment was awash with activity as the command on board a cruiser took over operations, messages and commands bouncing off the converted dropship's communications node and out into deep space where dozens of Sesestran fighters soon got their wake up call.

(OOC: You have three SCN cruisers and five SCN destroyers in system escorting about ten or so corporate and civil vessels running orbital operations over the habitable world and a gas giant. However they're on the opposite side of the system with your task force jumping on on a side covered by a few squadrons of interceptors and what is essentially a space E-3 Sentry.)
Sharie-class Battleship YSS Niigata, NB-4S-103
Location: Ayano Star System

Matsuda Eiko-Taisa the commander of the Niigata stood on the Command level of the bridge and watched the system display appear as well as the group's vessels. Their orders were simple. Survey the Ayano system, ensure that equipment in system was still in service. Namely one Bisen-Class Lighthouse. "Niigata to all vessels, secure from FTL, commence survey stance. Escort Destroyers to standard positions. YSS Unyo launch Alpha flight."
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YSS Niigata

Eiko watched the Tactical display change as the system data was confirmed. At the moment it was the only thing he had to do. This was not the first system that they had done a sweep on. He expected that the survey of the Ayano system would be about as mundane as the last three systems.

"Sir, we just received a data transfer from the Bisen-Lighthouse on the planet. The sensors logs show multiple radar contacts in orbit and near orbit positions. " one of the officers called out. The data caused the marker for the planet to turn a blazing red.

"Interesting," Eiko replied as he pulled up the traffic reports. The FTL sensor drone data for their region showed no activity from direction of the cluster. "Seems we have some visitors in the system. The question now is who are they. Take the fleet to Condition Three. Have the YSS Toku, and Kodate move in closer and see if they can identify the unknowns. "
The arrival of what for the Sesestrans would still be an unknown group of ships using aether powerplants sent the twenty-eight Sesestran Naval and four Oshimian vessels into a frenzy. Of their numbers twelve where orbiting or near the system's sole habitable star system supporting the large scale high definition mapping project that had begun with the establishment of temporary pre-fabricated surface facilities dropped from one of the SCN's Lunun-Class container ships. Something the newly arrived fleet would immediately detect was a sharp spike in exotic radar emissions from the planet as a mobile planetary defense system which had been deployed several weeks ago began sweeping the skies from the threat the EWAC craft had detected first. A flurry of FTL sub-space communications traffic flashed throughout the system, tactical information flashing between several communications nodes as the defense networking sub-routines synced information.

The joint Sesestran-UCO operation in the Ayano system had started based off of numerous factors and assumptions about the universe that lay beyond the numerous minor independent colonies. Some of these assumptions acquired from the Jiyuuians of the United Colonies of Oshima themselves based on the knowledge they had before their capture and cyrogenic imprisonment on what had become their new home world after their frightening awakening into a world where their very nation no longer existed. Others where based on information gleaned from the human intelligence the Colonial Intelligence Administration had gleaned from the numerous independent traders that passed through the region. In the end the Sesestran commander was faced with one of two assumptions as the new arrivals moved in system on the opposite side of the planetary plane from the hospitable world's present on orbit location. They had detected the signatures of aetheric non-dimensional powerplants the moment they had jumped in, signatures the SCN had encountered over what was now Oshima Prime that belonged to the vessels of the opposing forces during their first encounter with the hostile aliens the Oshimians referred to as the NMX. He could simply launch his long range weapons now, beginning a possible conflict on his terms rather then letting them close as the visual and infrared signatures reached them at the speed of light. However he knew he ran the risk of launching on what could be a Yamataian fleet, something which wasn't expected due to what the CIA had drawn up about their condition post war. Afterall who would patrol systems one didn't have the population to colonize or exploit? In the end he would choose to wait, letting his assets conducting an examination of one of the three gas giants closer to the intrusion make final identification. The EWAC and his two stealth fast attack craft being among these along with the four UCO vessels that had been attached to his fleet for training and cooperation purposes.

----- OOC Infos -----

Around the habitable are,

- 1x Hexe Class Fleet Carrier
- 2x Gletch Class Cruisers
- 4x Fromm Class Destroyers
- 2x Gliest Class Frigates
- 1x Lunun Class Container Ship
- 2x Varst Class Fleet Oilers

On the surface,

A prefab operations base with a few hundred for ore collecting, mapping, etc. Its surrounded by a SARP level mobile air/space defense system which is basically an S-300 on steroids. Its going to be very noticeable on sensors due to its FTL radar system even out at the fleet's present distance.

Around the gas giant and close to the Yam fleet are,

- 1x Gletch Class Cruiser
- 2x Fromm Class Destroyers
- 2x Gronn Class Fast Attack Stealth Ships
- 3x Lunun Class Container Ships
- 4x Ayana-Kai Class Frigates (They'll be putting off a similar signature to the Ayana light escort only with more reactor 'noise')

An EWAC bird (Think E-2 Hawkeye) is roughly 1/4 of the way out to the rim toward the Yam fleet with a full strike package.

Random Patrol, assume check out nearby rockies for mining purposes.
- 2x Gliest Class Frigates
- 6x Dirva Class Light Transports
The two Urufu-Class Light Cruisers continued moving closer to the primary planet positioning themselves so their sensors would get optimal efficiency. The scans revealed that the ships in front of the group were not of any known configuration. They reported back to the YSS Niigata.

Meanwhile the Heitan-Class Carrier began deploying its Alpha-fighters a total of 48 craft which settled into defensive positions around the carrier. The YSS Matsudo one of 6 Chiaki-class Escort Destroyers in the group noticed that there was a second group of ships near the gas giant. The Matsudo transmitted the information to the Niigata.

Eiko looked at the dispersal of the ships in system, and decided that it was best to ascertain who these ships belonged to. He instructed the communications officer to put him on the radio. "Attention unknown vessels. You are intruding in the territory of the Yamatai Star Empire. Identify yourselves, your affiliation and your intentions. This is Matsuda Eiko-Taisa command of the YSS Niigata and this survey group."