Star Army

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Rejected Submission [Sesestran Colonial Union] Verna Quaternary Star System


DEFCON Everybody Dies
Submission Type: Setting Article
Submission URL:

Faction: Sesesetran Colonial Union
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) Yes?
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Maybe?

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) Yes, several star system, planet, and city articles that will be completed later.
Contains New art? (Yes/No) Not yet.
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) No.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I realize we just voted to open up the starmap's borders, but don't you think 9,000 light years is a bit much?

Also, maybe you should start this by submitting a new sector map for the area around it.
Actually its fairly close speed wise you can get there in eight days with current FTL specs and possibly later I'm only worried about the SCU systems at the moment.
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As I said in IRC. This submission contains to many star systems located 'within' a star system itself, this effectively will give your faction a large footprint to start with and goes agains the military buildup limitations.

Please reduce the number of star systems.

Until such changes are made, or a solution can be reached, this submission is hereby On Hold
Okay, so there's some question whether this should be allowed under the rules.

Traditionally, the rule has been that a played faction gets one star system per player for purposes of productivity, which is reflected in fleet sizes (basically 250 ships per system, although the actual military buildup rules are more complex).

So the question is:
  • Is this a played faction or planned to become one?
  • If so, can some of the systems be exempt by not counting as productive for ship counts?
If this is an NPC background faction (e.g. built to be an antagonist etc) that's okay for SARP's GMs to use in general, I think it might be acceptable, at least as far as the community rules go.

Also, please note that SARP discourages players from using factions as if they were player characters. Specifically I mean they're for Star Army in general to use, not just one person.

In order to submit a system that is not on the main map, I ask that it have a sector to be placed in. You can submit off-map sectors separately. The stars on the new sector map do not have to be detailed and can be submitted later.

I hope this clarifies things for everybody.
At this moment the Sesestrans are being submitted and intended as an NPC faction. Providing both a 'neutral' origin for human and possible transhuman player characters (humans without societal experience with the various historical controversies and cultural issues present in the other two human factions) and a decently sized malleable setting that any player can come in and modify to suit the needs of their characters origin (effectively beyond the basic information I've placed one could insert a unique cultural or unique aspects on the various worlds of the SCU as long as the context isn't completely outlandish). So in effect it is intended to be an open source NPC faction with plenty of settings to choose from and enough details to make using it easier for GMs.

But to your questions, firstly I will probably not carry this faction over into a 'played' faction status at least not on my own I'm simply here to build it up into a detailed and capable collection of detailed articles that one could take and employ as either a hostile NPC faction, a detailed area to go romping in with a plot ship, or a faction one could pick up and launch a plot from. Secondly my concern does not lay with ship counts, I'm not attempting to play the system in the name of building up a large powerful base I'm merely trying to provide a large level of detailed and interesting setting material. And one of the two star systems (if one considers the rules even multiple star systems only count as one) shouldn't count toward the MBL to get this passed then yes I wouldn't mind but it being an NPC faction makes the point moot anyways.

I have two sectors planned and will submit them sometime in the next week, one being directly adjacent to the map in the galactic 'east' off of the Yugumo cluster and another roughly 8,600 LY distant to the galactic southeast (roughly eight days by current FTL specs). The first is home to the trinary and the 'younger' of the two colonies and the other more distant will be home to this article.
Okay, that answers my question. The system appears to fall within the site's rules and is on track for approval.

From my past posts obviously I'd prefer to keep filling up the main sector instead of making a new one, but I won't stand against you, especially considering the poll results. But because adding a sector is a huge undertaking which has never been done before in this way, I strongly advise you to seek assistance from other players and work on it as part of a team. Even the main map has huge gaps both physically and in terms of how detailed some of the systems and planets are. I know you know this, since you did the star system review a while back which was eye-opening. As we revamp old stuff and add new stuff we want to make sure we strive for a new, better level of depth making interesting systems full of interesting people, places, and conflicts. This goes for all setting submitters.