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RP: Neshaten [Session 4] Foreign Exchange Policy

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The Cloaked Character
Inactive Member
Sal'ik Nauna, a strong supporter of the movement to un-isolate Neshatan from the other nations, was a tall Shukaren-Laibe female; standing at five foot and eight inches in height, she was exceptionally womanly for a Laibe with long black hair down to the middle of her back, as well as ice blue eyes and red fur. Long had she been the queens close friend, and personal adviser... So much so that it wasn't much surprise to the Queen when Sal'ik had requested a council meeting involving the foreign powers that they had met most recently.

Today was that day, Sal'ik had arrived early and took her place to the left of the queens chair. She wore her typical politician robes that she seemed to fancy awaiting the queen and the other members of the council.
It was a brisk morning night, the council was awash with activity as members of the council quickly arrived for the session; some had been delayed briefly due to the torrential weather outside - something which was a constant reminder to those in the chambers everytime a flash of lightning would light it up, this problem was solved when several polerizing shutters fell over the windows and blocked out the vast majority of the bright lights from the storm.

Vas'Sumera Yumena was in attendance, sitting at the head of the table, her eyes presently closed and her arms folded over her chest. Her tail moved gently from side to side as she waited for the rest of the council to take its seat. After nearly thirty mintura's, the rest of the council had arrived and members of the press were ready to broadcast yet another session out of many others to the general populace.

"We shall have silence in the chambers now," spoke Vas'Sumera in an authoritive tone as she rose from her seat and looked about the chambers, waiting until the last whisper finally went silent; it was so silent that you could hear a pin drop - or the skittering of a nearby roach as it fled into a small hole in the wall being closely chased by a U'renese, a matter of which surprised no one in the chambers as it a nearly everyday occurance.

The Queen took a seat, as the head of the council stood up from his own chair and looked about the room. "This chamber is now in Session. Everyone is to follow the rules as listed when you were provided entry into this room, you will not speak unless spoken to. I will remind all that this session is broadcasted to all within the Kingdom, to which the citizen are permitted to send questions and concerns to their lords and ladies and that those lords and ladies should relay those questions to us, provided they are appropriate to the matter to which this session will discuss," the man then turned toward Sa'lik Nauna. "Sal'ik Nauna, you have requested an audiance with the council and the Queen has granted it. You are to given all the time needed to talk about that which you have summoned the council for, and no one in this room may interrupt you during that time, questions may be asked of you and I ask that you answer them truthfully. Please remember that any proposals you make, while they can be approved by the council and the royal family, will still be presented to the citizenry for final approval. Now, please rise and address the council." The man then took his seat, and collasped his hands in his lap as he awaited to see what the Laibe had to say.
Sal'ik nodded softly to the man, and slowly stood up looking around at the crowd with those icy eyes before she stepped into the middle of the chambers and turned to look at the council members. "Your Majesty, Esteemed council members. Recently as all of you are aware we have begun to have contact with many other nations, such as the Hidden Sun Clan, and the Star Army of Yamatai. This has lead to a treaty with the Hidden Sun Clan, and perhaps the nervousness of our citizens." She stepped off to the side and clasped her hands behind her back with a deep sigh. "As you all know I have been, since being instated upon the council, very interested in the advancement of our civilization as a whole... While I believe our fore-bearers may have had reason to distrust the rest of the known universe, I believe that their distrust is unwarranted now."

She stopped for a moment to let that sink in before she turned to face the council again, her eyes studying each of them. "However, such distrust will not disappear over the course of a night, even a fortnight, perhaps years... That brings up a problem. How can we show the people that they do not have any reason to be scared of the Yamataians, or the Hidden Sun Clan? They are sentient beings, who have not shown us any ill will, nor have they forced their way into our territory even after the possibility of them knowing of our existence for years." She stated, as she looked off to the side and closed her eyes. "The fear of the unknown can be hard to overcome, but... There is no need for this to continue being the case... To get rid of the fear of the unknown one must first experience the unknown." She looked directly up at Vas'Sumera Yumena, the queen, with a soft smile. "As such... I propose a joint venture between the Star Army of Yamatai, the Hidden Sun Clan, and the Kingdom of Neshaten wherein we allow volunteers to go to their respective planets, and homeworlds... while allowing them to send volunteers here to our planets and home world. A sort of...Foreign Exchange Policy so to speak."

She extended her hands now out towards the entirety of the room looking around and speaking in a louder voice so everyone can hear clearly. "The ideal outcome of this is two fold; To get our people, as well as their people, more open to the idea that we are not alone, and that our advancement as a society, and kingdom as a whole will require future things like this. As well as allowing our people and their people to study each others cultures, as well as gauge the life styles of each of us and the knowledge needed to respect our boundaries, and their boundaries." She then lowered her hands for a moment, going quiet and allowing this to sink in before she spoke up one final time. "Our future lies not in solitude, but in peace, and tranquility with others who inhabit our known universe. We can gather the courage, the bonds, the alliances that we need to advance more then we ever had before... become a truly strong nation in not only our rich, and cultural heritage... But also our political standpoint among those who would be our allies. We are not cowards, we are not people who hide behind walls, we are proud. We are the Neshatens... The Laibe, My'leke, and Daur who work our butts off to make these planets our home, that sacrifice our lives to protect our home... Let us show these new people just how courageous and proud we are! I hope that you the council, the queen, and most importantly the people of Neshaten... The life blood of our society... will make the right choice in backing this decision not just for us... but for our children, and our future."

She bowed to the council, Vas'Sumera Yumena, and then to the camera that had been recording them, before she slowly stepped back to her seat by the queen and took her seat. She bowed her head lightly once more before she placed her hands on her lap, and allowed other people to speak up on their opinions about her idea. One thing was for certain based on what she had said, she truly was passionate about this, and believed it would help the people as a whole.
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"A rather bold proposal," one of the councilmen, a My'leke, spoke and got up from her seat and walked around the table. "None of us are strangers to the fact that we have found life other than our own in this galaxy, and because of that, we need to take into consideration how we may appear to outsiders," the My'leke stopped for a moment to let that digest, then continued. "If we continue to keep ourselves isolated then it will make our nighbors think that we are hiding something."

As the councilmen spoke, another - a male Daur - suddenly interjected. "Except that we have no idea what these aliens might do, they could very well take advantage of us or look for the means of harming us-"

"-Strange talk from a Daur," a Laibe spoke, interrupting the conversation.

"And yet, accurate as well. We do not know fully if we can trust these outsiders or not, how do we know if those whom volunteer won't be captured or - worse - interrogated?" the same Daur continued, eying the Laibe who had interrupted him.
A large framed laibe with dull yellow fur and powerful muscles cleared his throat loudly. He starting to show some signs of age if you looked closely especially at his face, fur growing a little long and tending to sag. When he spoke, he spoke with the voice of an old general, strict but with a sense of wisdom and care. "Councilwoman Nauna I know you did not come with simply an idealistic idea to present to us. What sort of precautions do you have in mind to protect out people."

This was often how Res'von Pelsa did things. He was not one to shut down an idea before hearing it through, but at the same time he would allow nothing that put the people in needless danger. After all, he had a very short political background and spent the majority of his life in the Public Safety Division, moving up to the council not for his own sake, but so that he could better serve the people.
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A large eight foot Laibe sat at the end of the table, with bristling ash gray fur coating his body with back length golden hair tied into a ponytail, one purple eye, the other closed as its scar makes it impossible to open, and his right ear missing about an inch off of it. He listened to the woman speak before, and everyone else speak before he stood up and looked at the queen and Sal’ik. This man was Mar’kul Nauna, the cousin of Sal’ik as well as a military leader of rather great renown. He shook his head a bit and calmly said; “I’m against this idea, sending unarmed people into possible enemy territory can lead to political hostages, and otherwise. How do we know that this… Star Army, or Hidden Sun Clan won’t just take those citizens and use them as a way to subjugate us?” He shook his head a bit. “Poor Cousin, are you so interested in destroy our nations independence and peace for your own trivial desires for learning other cultures? Are our people simply pawns in your game?” He was playing hard ball it seemed.

Sal’ik on the other hand, remained calm through all the points, all the criticisms, and the questions that everyone wanted to make. Once everyone was done she took a breath and slowly stood up, motioning to everyone. “Please, everyone, stay calm… let us not allow our passion to blind us to possibilities.” She first addressed the people who were bringing race into it, then turned her attention to the large, wise Laibe Res’von Pela. “Esteemed Councilman, Res’von Pela. To address your concerns, I was perhaps thinking that each volunteer would get an escort. The escort would consist of some of the most trained soldiers that we have, so that we can ensure their safety, as well as their own and have them extracted should the need arise. We will assign a small ship that will stay at the ready at any time to get them off the foreign soil at the call of the escort leader.” She then turned her attention to her cousin, her soft features growing a bit stern. “Your fears are unfounded, Cousin. If we viewed the Hidden Sun Clan with such distrust, we would’ve never had a treaty with them to begin with. We must show these new possible allies that we have nothing to hide, and no reason for them to feel threatened by us… The last thing we want is for our allies to turn into enemies. This has nothing to do with my personal wants, I am only setting forth what I think is best for our people. There are no games being played here.” She spat back at him before returning to her calm demeanor.
"A valid concern and a notable solution," Vas'sumera said with a raised hand so as to silence the chambers. She looked up at the other councilmen seated at the table along with others in the seating above. "We all have concerns about our new friends, concerns that are warranted. We have no clue whether those we've meet will honor our laws, or honor the treaty to the fullest. However, acting with suspicion, with weary, could tell others that we may indeed have something to hide and that could set the wrong example for future relationships and diplomatic meets. However," she then turned toward Sal'ik. "Where would the escorts come from?" she asked.
Res'von stroked his chin. "An interesting idea...but it concerns me. We would need guards both for those leaving and those visiting us. It would require a large staff...one the government doesn't have. If we were to use private groups though handling the payment would be difficult and expensive." He then turned his attention to the queen. "Your highness, I do not mean to be suspicious of them, only that we should not forget due diligence with our trust."
"Your worries are justified, after all; it took us awhile to get our first treaty approved by the citizenry before we could put it into effect," Vas'sumera said and looked up at the rest of those there. "However, do remember that we already use private trade families to handle various things. For example, one of them handles security for government buildings while other handle security for major factories and refinaries, the most common of which, are those that are responsible for mining and refining Lunabaren."

"Getting the word out that we are seeking such a trade family to help handle this kind of a policy will have our citizenry jumping at the oppertunity. Of course, we would still need to becareful..." her voice trailed off.
Sal'ik paused for a moment as she listened, she closed her eyes for a moment before she took a breath. "Why not a joint excursion between our people's militarist's? An equal group of foreign and domestic soldiers. This would allow the diplomats to feel safe, and homely. As I have said already, we should prove that we have no intention of being a threat to them. We need to trust in our allies, as much as they would have to trust us in such an endeavor." She looked up at the Queen, and took a gentle breath. "I implore you to take my suggestion to heart."

Mar'kul shook his head and stood up. "My lady, we should not give them half of the protection detail of our own diplomats. What stops them from slitting our throats in our sleep? For all we know they could just shoot us dead upon arriving at the appointed spot. There is no issues with keeping away from those people, if they wish to come here and learn fine, but do not send out own people to their deaths simply to afford a scientific curiosity."
Res'von stroked his fur as he pondered the ideas put forward on the table. His attention was brought to Mar'kul when he spoke up though. "Mar'kul...we should err on the side of caution, but being overly fearful will make us weak." He sighted and tapped his cane as he thought. "I do not believe that our first joint efforts should be in protecting diplomats though, that requires communication between both teams and we have yet to see how the general populations feel about the others...."
"Would you explain what you mean by that?" One of the other councilmen asked of Res'von. "What are you referring to when you speak of the general population?" they asked.

There was a bit of talk amongst some of the others in the council chambers, but it was light chatter that died down rather quickly. Yu'mena listened, her eyes closed but none the less her ears were quite open.
Res'von sat back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling a moment recalling his younger days. "It is my belief that there are three different states of opinion that one can have when it comes to political views. I do not mean three different sides one can take, but three layers that can each have a separate opinion. First there is your 'impression' of the situation; how you think of the matter when you first hear about it and you haven't put much thought into it, theses are generally 'wishes' or 'hopes' one has. This is also likely what state most of our citizens are at in regard to their opinions about other races.

After words you have the second layer, consideration. This is the state I believe most of us here are in. Where we consider what this matter could mean and the future and such. This is often 'politically correct' and sides with what is more 'correct' for our beliefs.

Finally we have the third layer, our emotional feeling. How we really feel when everything else doesn't matter, it's the least rational but probably most important layer, it is how we will react when pushed into a corner. I believe it is important to allow time for the second and third layers to show themselves in our citizens before we have our citizens being guarded by them. The last thing we would want is to discover that we have anti-foreigner extremist factions by hearing about the death of our interstellar neighbors on our planet."
Sal'ik leaned back in her chair taking the words of the older man into consideration. "Hm...Councilman Res'von, I believe your words have a lot of merit, and wisdom behind them... Perhaps I was a little to hastey to accept the fact that we have interstellar neighbors. With Xenoactivity, we have Xenophobia and fear can lead to misfortune." The young councilwoman took a breath and tapped her fingers against the frame of the chair she was sitting in. "None the less, we should come up with a way to handle the new found people before we make any other movements of peace or war... we must understand our new found neighbors at the very least, would you not say Councilam Res'von?"

Mar'kul sat back down listening to the going ons of the council at this point, he was hoping to edge them towards a violent outcome, but it seems now wasn't the time to do so. The older grissled male decided to stay quiet for the moment.
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