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RP Concluded [Seventh Fleet] Building Blocks


Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 46.5
RP Location
Kactist Sector
Anslen Volantany stepped into Taisho Fletcher's office. The Taisho greeted him with a wide smile. A white bandage wound around the Taisho's head. The two had first met just after Anslen had been appointed senator by the Conclave of Essia. The Occupation had helped the two to build a friendship and a good working relationship. The two clasped hands. "Senator, it is a pleasure."

"The pleasure is all mine. Although I do need to ask what the bandage is for." Anslen moved over to the sitting area, and through the door as it closed he spotted the Senator's two samurai robots bodyguards; the pair were very loyal to the senator. Beside them were a Neko who had dark brown bark like skin and green hair, a Separa'Shan, and a Freespacer. Right now wasn't the time for the assistants.

"Sometimes when you go to crack heads, they try to crack yours back. I decided to lead a mission to destroy a Rushhu Vutcryar research station on Diteallast. They objected somewhat strenously to it." Fletcher said with a laugh as he sat down and Anslen made himself comfortable.

Anslen smiled, none of the Taisho he knew were shy about leading from the front lines. It was admrable, but also dangerous. "If you want, I can write them a strongly worded letter of protest at your treatment." He joked.

"I'm sure they would be slain by your sharp words." Fletcher said as a Neko came in, set down a tea set for the pair. Fletcher thanked her and she left. "You have a fighting spirit senator, have you ever considered joining the Army?" He asked, slightly more seriously.

Anslen looked out the wide curved window for a moment. "No, not seriously."

"You should, and when you do decide to, I've got a Taisa spot with your name on it." Fletcher offered.

Anslen raised an eyebrow. "That seems unusually generous."

"It's more selfish, the fact is that you've already shown you are capable of organizing hundreds of thousands in your buisnesses, you have courage, and I trust you to do the right thing. That's a combination that makes for a excelent officer." Fletcher explained.

"I don't have any combat experiance, the closest I've come other than some fights I got into when I was younger is when I was a blacksmith for Apollo's army and I was behind the front lines the entire time." Anslen told him.

"I can get you a Taii and grunts to teach you that part. Your not stupid Anslen, all you need is a good teacher." Fletcher said, offering Anslen some tea.

Anslen accepted it and blew steam off the top. "I don't think I'm ready to slide just that far." He said.
Fletcher nodded, "Allright, let's get on to buisness. My secretary told me that you wanted to talk about the colonization efforts."

"I do, but I also want to get a better deal for what your strategy is overall. This sector is far away from the heartland of the empire. If things went poorly, then you and your fleet would be stranded months away from being able to help the core systems." Anslen said, cutting to the chase.

Fletcher nodded, tapping a holoprojector that brought up a map of the region. The roughly circular Alliance Defense Zone was in purple. In the sea of starts around it were five large blobs. "Theese five are the reason. The map doesn't get the scale across of each of them, individually they could each take on the empire, and probably win. The area here, where the ADZ is located is in the negative space formed by them. A sort of neutral zone. As you can see the ADZ is only a tiny fraction of the neutral zone. All five of them are empires that we want to keep tabs on. The Swarmtide is both the most concerning and the least. They are constantly sending out colonies into the neutral zone. They can be mostly handled, but the focus of the Swarmtide is elsewhere that it is sending most of it's ships. I believe that this other conflict is the reason that they have not yet turned their attention to the nautral zone. We are still waiting on long range scout reports. The Misshuvythar you already know about, we've established that they appear to be a splinter faction calling themselvs the 'Rushhu Vutcryar' led by 'Hixplelorstyas'. They were what prompted our initial intrest in this area, they are deeply entrenched. The Scionate are a diffrent matter, and we haven't gotten a good grasp on them. Some factions of their society are hostile, others less so."

"But why colonization?" Anslen asked.

Fletcher considered the question for a moment, "There are a lot of reasons. Some are vauge, others are more concrete. I believe that this is an area of space where we will have long term intrests. Also an early warning if the situation here verges out of controll. The core systems can be warned months in advance. The more vauge reasons are things such as the fact that for all of it's faults, Yamatai is a force against evil in the galaxy."

"You make it sound like a crusade." Anslen said, pouring himself a second cup of tea.

"I grew up in a tough part of town, it was fight or well fight but in a diffrent way. I joined the Army to get away from the bad influences of my childhood and it worked. Yamatai, the Ketsurui, the Army, their all fundimentally good if flawed. I can't help but think that spreading that across the stars is a good thing. A way to help not only ourselves, but the galaxy as a whole."

"Intresting, why do you have the no single species settlement rule?" Anslen asked.

"Because I can't force diversity of thought. I can only plant seeds and let them grow." Fletcher responded.

"Some would say that they will grow into seeds of conflict." Anslen suggested.

Fletcher waved his hand, "I'm sure they will."

"Won't that problems?" Anslen asked.

"Good problems. Problems like having to consider how other people think, and how to deal with a empire of diverse species." Fletcher explained.

Anslen nodded seeing where Fletcher was going with it. "The sorts of problems that will hopefully create a good mindset and a unified Empire."

"Exactly, that's why colonization. Every new colony is a seed of the empire and what I think the empire needs to become." Fletcher said.

"That seems very political of you." Anslen observed.

"Almost everything is political, especially at my level. I've lived a long time and what can not change, dies. However, I fear the forces of stagnation and complacency far more than the forces of conflict. Mine isn't the only vision of what the empire can be, you know this as well as I do. I have to fight for it, as do they. This is how I provide my options."

Anslen nodded, understanding better where the Taisho stood. "Allright, let's get down to some of the details. I've heard about some Neshaten who want to build a colony?" He asked, leading towards a more detailed explaination.

Art: Anslen Volantany's Two Loyal Samurai Robots

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