Star Army

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RP [Seventh Fleet] Out From Under the Umbrella


Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 46.1.26
RP Location
Hotaru Star Fortress
Hotaru Star Fortress
Ussae, Kactist Sector
YE 46.1.26

Taisho Fletcher’s screens showed about a thousand different reports as he went through all of them. Mostly routine matters or information that he wanted to read in depth before a critical meeting. As one of his bodyguards, Subaru knew the routine. In a safe location such as his office on the YSS Densetsu, she even helped him by reading and summarizing reports. “Interesting.” Fletcher said with a grunt. He looked from his paperwork over to where Subaru was standing. “How do you feel about a shipboard posting?” He asked.

“Sir?” She asked, moving closer to his desk.

“The YSS Kasa-Obake’s security chief has fallen ill and won’t be able to make the departure time. I can send you, go without, or delay their departure. You’ve proven to be a skilled bodyguard, top marks in combat training, you have your ship weapons qualification, and you just finished your Accelerated Officer Program.” Fletcher said.

“I finished it yesterday. Still waiting on my test results.” Subaru asked.

Fletcher rose and took a seventh fleet Chui insignia from a desk drawer. He came around the table and handed it to her. “You are Chui, effective immediately. I know you well enough to know you won’t fail. I was planning to ease you into another position, but I think this warrants ripping the bandaid fast.”

Subaru took the rank pin, the officer insignia was a badge of trust. She nodded determinedly, “Yes sir, I won’t fail you.”
YSS Kasa-Obake
Deep Space, Kactist Sector
YE 46.1.27

Subaru woke up in her new quarters on the YSS Kasa-Obake, the room was small and, if necessary, meant to be shared with another officer. She didn’t have much, Fletcher liked to keep moving and so both of them traveled light. Technically, she had quarters on the YSS Densetsu as that was her permanent station. However, she didn’t spend on average more than one night in three there. So she had never really had a home, other than the Taisho and her fellow bodyguards.

This place didn’t feel like home yet either. She had put her things in the locker, but she felt like she would have to move again soon. It hadn’t quite sunk in that this was where she would probably be stationed for a while.

She grabbed a uniform and headed to the showers, washing up and combing her hair into place perfectly. While being a Bodyguard was a working assignment, the fact you were routinely seen with the Taisho meant an increased attention to the tiny details of your uniform. How you looked reflected on them, the fleet, and the empire.

She didn’t know what to expect out of her new captain, Takara Gasai. However, she would be facing it straight ahead and with a uniform and appearance that was impeccable. With her morning preparations complete, she headed to the bridge and her future.
The starboard door to the bridge opened silently and smoothly, permitting newly-promoted Subaru into the blue-carpeted space. Both above and below, the depiction of the famous ‘Mindy’ power armor, encircled by white and red, could be seen. Subaru was on the middle level of the bridge, with Engineering and Operations and Safety stations linearly to her front. Notably, the Engineering station boasted two Type 35 chairs, with one being the tiny version of that seat, equipped with a mini-Spine interface for an NH-33M. To Subaru’s right and below, Sciences, and the Executive Officer station. Above and left lay Weapons, Piloting, and the Command chair. The only occupied stations at the moment were those of the Pilot, Safety, XO, and Operations.

Below Subaru, the XO’s chair turned. Its occupant was a Nekovalkyrja, as was every other officer currently on the bridge. She observed Subaru for a moment, giving Subaru the opportunity to observe her in turn. The XO was a Tennyo, tall and lean, hands with four fingers and single thumb. To describe the way her Type-42 uniform fit her would be redundant; Nekos and uniforms went together precisely because they’d been designed to fulfill a purpose. Her sleeve’s rank insignia showed two stars flanking the Platycodon grandiflorus, marking her as a Shosa, or Lieutenant Commander. She was utterly hairless, as far as one could tell given she wore her officer cap, though her eyebrows and eyelashes seemed to be a dark green color. Grey eyes peered carefully at Subaru, and then softened to a more welcoming expression.

“Our new Chief of Security is on the Bridge.” she announced, her voice managing to be both pleasant and commanding. The other Nekos, who were already sneaking peeks, now looked at Subaru openly. They all smiled, except for the purple-haired woman at Piloting whose facial expression remained neutral, and who turned back to her station the fastest. The XO continued. “Sub-lieutenant Subaru, the Captain is in her Suite at the moment. She is expecting you, but not at any particular time; you have the opportunity to peruse the bridge for a bit before meeting her, if you like.”

She paused for a moment, giving Subaru the opportunity to speak. The Officer hadn’t introduced herself, or anyone else on the bridge; perhaps with the intent of giving Subaru the chance to go directly to the Captain, or tour the bridge.
Subaru looked around, "Thank you ma'am. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to look at the bridge and get to know my fellow crewmembers. So I'll report to the captain." She said, moving towards the captain's suite.
Up the stairs past Weapons and Command, the door to the Captain's suite opened as smoothly and silently as had the door to the bridge proper. Within, Subaru would see a room dominated by a huge table which seemed to command the attention of any new entrant to the room. The thing was a white slab of marble-like stone, flat across the surface as though it had been cut with expert precision. Black streaks of color shot through the cold white in a remarkable array, like a lightning strike frozen in time. The edges of the table were rough, as though they had been untouched during the crafting of the thing. It stood solidly on a number of pillars, none of which Subaru could see from her position.

Around the table sat two other women, their attention now on Subaru instead of on the person at their head, who could be none other than Captain Takara Gasai. The Tennyo-bodied Neko was, at first glance, unremarkable. She stood at average height, her body was of the average build for the wel-crafted NH-33 line, and the hair that was visible under her gold-leaved Type 36 officer's cap appeared to be a simple, unassuming black. The only feature that seemed to stand out was her expression; the left side of her mouth twisted upward curiously, in what could only be described as a smirk. Her Type 42 uniform bore none of her medals, as these were typically only warn on the Type 42 during ceremonial occasions, but her medals were displayed in a glass case near the back of the room. Subaru's keen eyes would be able to spot a few medals she might recognize. There were medals from the First and Second Mishuvurthyar Wars, as well as an award for one of the more major Kuvexian battles. The Glimmergold Star, with its distinctive red stripes over a base of gold, was notably absent.

Above the glass case, an embroidered piece of white cloth read, in black Yamataigo lettering, the phrase "Through The Eyes."

"Security Chief!" the Captain shouted, revealing that she had at least one more notable feature; she had a damned loud voice! "You're looking decidedly different since the last time I saw you. Also decidedly less male." The smirk turned up even further at what was, apparently, a joke. The Captain was jesting that Subaru was her predecessor, the male Minkan security chief who she was replacing. "Chui Subaru, welcome to the YSS Kasa-Obake." She remained seated as she dispensed with her joke and addressed Subaru properly; as all present were wearing their duty hats, no saluting was required. The Captain gestured for Subaru to sit, though only two chairs were present. "Please, have a seat and introduce yourself."

One chair sat next to a green-haired Separa'shan, also a Chui, by her rank. Her uniform color was gray, indicating that she was a Starship Operator. She smiled, winking a serpentine eye at Subaru if she looked her way. Her huge tail, a beige color like beach sand, coiled underneath her comfortably.

The other chair lay next to a woman who wasn't seated at all, but who instead stood on the stone table itself. She was an NH-33M, standing proudly at a little over half-a-foot tall. Her face was lifted just slightly as she appraised Subaru, her tiny eyes a dull golden color as they scrutinized the new security chief. Her rank, tiny as it was, could be identified as Tali, and her uniform color was the bold red of the engineers.
"Yes Ma'am." Subaru said crisply, she sat on the chair with a straight back and a formal manner. However, the way her eyes roamed, taking in the pieces of the room and the other crew members even as she faced the captain directly suggested her protection detail training. "Subaru Hrafn reporting for duty. I was born in '44. After training, I was picked by Taisho Fletcher to be part of his security detail. I've received advanced combat training in addtion to weapons systems both personal and ship based. I've fought in eleven combat engagements as part of his security team. Two which involved taking a weapons officer station."
As the Captain mused over Subaru's answer, the mini spoke up. "44's a good year." she said, her voice appropriately as small as her stature. "ELECTRA came out in 44. The Kuvexians were cleaned out by then." The Separa'shan, next to where Subaru sat, nodded, shutting her eyes as though she was reliving something in her memory. "The Type 31 uniforms were phased out by '44." the snake-like officer said, her eyes still closed and her voice a little sad.

The Captain listened to this chatter with apparent amusement before asking Subaru another question. "What's your experience in supervising your fellow Nekovalkyrja?" she asked, and then after hearing the answer, had another. "Have you participated in many away missions?"

The mini-Neko clarified her Captain's question. "Boarding parties, exploring derelict ships, planet-side jobs, that sort of thing."

It seemed that these three had already discussed and planned what sorts of questions they wanted to ask their new Security Chief....
"I've mostly done leadership in exercises. My training has had many situations where command and control may be lost and I've had to take command of a squad or larger unit. One memorable simulation had me taking command of an entire fleet that way. This is my first posting where I'll be leading anything larger than a squad or two. You know the Empire, we value leadership from the front. I've taken part of twelve away missions of various sorts, seven of which involved direct combat. Two with combat that I wasn't involved in. That isn't including fleet actions such as Gashmere where my job was making sure the Flag Bridge wasn't interrupted by nosy intruders. I've only had to repel borders once." Subaru answered the Captain.
Captain Gasai seemed quite satisfied with the answer, and her eyes flashed over to her two subordinates for a moment before she continued speaking. "You may already know, Chief, that the Fuji's crew isn't too terribly numerous. Our Infantry complement is only about half the average at 28. They're good girls down there, and I'd say a good ninety percent of them have served consecutively with us for the last year and a half." She steepled her fingers together, plopping her elbows on the table and angling one hair-less eyebrow upward. At the same time, there was the impression that the YSS Kasa-Obake was moving, though the Captain had given no audible order. Perhaps she had made her desires known wirelessly; she'd made no broad-range telepathic request, as far as Subaru would've been able to tell.

"Let's you and I review the previous Security Officer's policies and practices, and we'll see how you feel about them. Away mission procedure, general ship's security when we have guests, that sort of thing. It'll be quick work, and we have time until we reach the border."

Taking the hint, the Separa'shan officer uncoiled her bulk and slithered around Subaru for the door. The mini-neko leapt artfully from the beautiful stone table, marching to the same portal.

Alright, so if you would LIKE to (if you find it interesting) you could outline Subaru's general thoughts about ship security and away mission security. For example, can the Captain leave the ship on an away mission, or is that a bad idea? How many infantry should go on an away mission? If the Kasa-Obake encounters a ship that doesn't respond to communications, how should the ship proceed?

Alternately, if you're not interested in that sort of thing, just vaguely summarize her talk with the captain and move us forward in time. I'll let you decide what 'kind' of encounter comes next. Want them to find a derelict ship? Encounter pirates? Kuvexians? Mish? I'll follow your lead, I've got story ideas for each.
Subaru watched them go. "I'm the new one here, so I don't want to make any changes without seeing how the team preforms. That said, there are certain things that aren't included in their reports. For example, I don't know how they felt about the Captain going on away missions for example. I understand those who don't like it, losing the captain at a critical juncture can be devastating for mission effectiveness. On the other hand, we value the ability to lead from the front. Because of that, I'm comfortable with having the Captain along on missions. I also tend towards having more armored away teams and using volumetrics to hide our armor. A squad is enough for most missions, but I'd also want a squad ready to deploy if we get into trouble.We are in a dangerous section of the galaxy. When we have guests, especially guests that we don't have a good read on, a similar thing applies. We should have a careful plan about what we will and won't have the guests see and keep a firm lockdown on those parts of the ships we don't want them to see. What are your preferences ma'am?" Subaru asked.
Captain Takara Gasai watched her new Security Chief as she spoke, her eyes kind, but observant. They were speaking out loud, rather than communicating wirelessly with each other, and it was giving her ample opportunity to observe the other Neko's social development. Was she using facial expressions? Hand gestures? How far had she come since being 'born' two years ago... Something in Gasai's experience was telling her that Subaru was unique in some way. Something about her set her apart from all their other sisters. Gasai tried to dismiss the thought, but it remained. She trusted Taisho Fletcher, of course, but she couldn't help but feel as though he had sent someone rather special to the YSS Kasa-Obake.

She thought all of this swiftly, so there was no outward lapse as she heard Subaru's question.

As it was just the two of them, both Nekovalkyrja, she saw no need to 'perform', as she had done when the Separa'shan was in the room. "Accomplishing the mission given to us by the Seventh Fleet is made easier when I'm alive and in command." she replied simply, not bothering to smile or steeple her fingers as she'd done before. "So, I find that my preferences involve remaining out of direct danger off-ship. My First Officer, Shosa Izetta, is quite capable. I'd send her to lead most away missions, with you advising us on which infantry personnel ought to attend." She stood, returning her chair to its resting position with a smooth motion.

As she did, she transitioned to wireless communication with Subaru. "I'm transferring some additional information to you regarding the infantry that will be subordinate to you. As I said, they're good girls. You'll see it in their records."

In a flash, a package of data was made available to Subaru, detailing the 28 Neko enlisted infantry. Their names, ranks, personnel evaluations, and aspects of their personalities and hobbies, where their bunks were, combat achievements... More could be pulled from the ship's datasystems; recordings of training events on the ship, footage and after-action reports from combat, and even the notes of the former Security Chief on what each Neko needed to train on to become even better.

As the door from the Captain's office to the bridge whooshed open, and the proper courtesies were rendered to her, the XO rose from the Command chair on the bridge, yielding it to Gasai. On the bridge, the mini-neko Subaru had seen earlier was in her appropriately-sized seat, connected to a Mini-SPINE interface. The Separa'shan was coiled up around the chair at the System & Safety Monitor station. The Weapons station was available for Subaru to assume. The ship, as Subaru would've noted earlier, was already on its way, speeding towards some unknown destination.

At her station, Subaru could review the specifics of the current mission. What was the YSS Kasa-Obake's current task in the Kactist Sector?
Subaru looked at the mission perimeters. The YSS Ayakashi II had discovered a system called Scoths-Habeid. The Habeidians were somewhat fractious and warlike, they had also been contacted but not conquered by the Mishhuvurthyar. Upon learned of Yamatai, they had also called for one of their warships. Hopefully to arrive before the Mishhu representatives arrived themselves.

Subaru reflected on this, adding in the context she was aware of, but was perhaps not widely known in the fleet. Ambassador Ranga Havard was running herself silly with second contacts, making treatys, and formalizing relations. This wasn't the only strange diplomatic contact by the Mishhuvurthyar. There were at least two other instances. That said, more common were the times the Army had to deploy the heavy fleet to defend a system that the Enemy had been attacking. Hopefully, this contact would give more information for the strange pattern of behavior that they had been seeing.
YSS Kasa-Obake
Approaching the Scoths-Habeid System, Kactist Sector
YE 46.2.10

Time passed as the Fuji-class gunship Kasa-Obake shot through the space of the Kactist Sector, leaving Ussae's dense nebula far behind. Crossing more than two light years every hour, the vessel passed by the edge of explored Kactist space, and soon entered truly uncharted territory. Navigation had calculated a rather direct flight path to the mission area, deviating little despite the presence of as-yet unscanned systems and phenomena that were passed along the way. The Kasa-Obake conducted scans as it flew, but at its cruising pace, only cursory mapping efforts were possible.

Subaru would have almost two weeks to begin to familiarize herself with the ship and her crew, including the infantry Nekos subordinate to her. After giving Subaru the first day to set her own pace, Captain Takara Gasai directed the acting Chief of Security to report to First Officer Shosa Izetta. Izetta was curious to know; how would Subaru spend these weeks of travel time? Did she explore the ship? Issue orders to her Neko subordinates? Was she social, or withdrawn? There was a great deal of curiosity about Subaru, and some of the other Nekos on the ship seemed to suspect that she was different in some way, but they couldn't quite understand why they felt that way.

In due time, the Kasa-Obake reached a system neighboring Scoths-Habeid, and which happened to fall within the direct-line path the ship had taken to get there. Even from a distance, the signs detected by the vessel's Omnidirectional Sensors were worrying enough to cause Gasai to slow the vessel's speed. At what must've been a wirelessly-transmitted prompting from the Captain, First Officer rose from her XO's station to stand near the Science and Sensor's station. Subaru, seated at the weapons station on the uppermost Level 1 of the bridge, could see that the science officer currently manning the station was a Phod, purple-feathered and surprisingly large in stature; most Phods were perhaps one-and-a-half meters tall, but this one was taller than that, and heavily-built. At the First Officer's verbal prompting, the Phod spoke out to the bridge, her voice clear and her Yamataigo carrying only the slightest hint of an 'Oharan' accent.

"We're seeing quite a few signs of battles new and old in this system, Captain." she began. The volumetric screens now displayed the general system's layout. Its working name was the 'Reeksy System'. The Phod began to describe what was being seen. "The star is a subgiant, decently hot, surrounded by three distinct astral bodies, none of which are currently habitable." The visual displayed one tiny, blue-colored and meteor-battered world close to the sun, then a dull gray world at the mid-point, and an ice-ringed gas giant on the further reaches. There were more details, but it wasn't the sun or the planets that was worriying. It was the debris. "On the surface of the middle world here, you can see the remnants of what may have been a space station which was brought down on onto the planet's surface. We're seeing signs of a globe-like original shape, structures that resemble radar dishes, and other design clues that..." She paused, snorting through her porcine nose as she struggling to find the words. "The computer concurs, essentially. We have a reconstruction model here."

The volumetric screens displayed a reconstructed model of the shattered space sation. It exhibited a utilitarian design of an orbital space station. It featured a significant number of the radar dishes the Phod had spoken of, as well as a number of missile batteries and energy weapons. Hangar bays could be seen, as well as small, cramped personnel quarters.

"What we believed was an asteroid belt between the middle world and the gas giant is largely debris, ma'am, collected there by the flow of gravity in the system. We're still analyzing its contents, but there are quite a few signs that there are destroyed starships within that ring. The first and second planets have crashed vessels as well. Without collecting some of the fragments, we can still estimate from the sensor readings that these starships have varying construction years, ma'am. Some were built very recently, and some debris on the planet has been down there for... perhaps fifty years or more. They all appear to be of similar make."

The Captain lifted her cap, running a hand over her hairless pate. Mission Ops took its turn to share information, the Ittô Heisho Nekovalkyrja at the station bearing the Technician Red coloration on her uniform. The red clashed horribly with her bright magenta hair, making her almost difficult to look at!

"Within the asteroid belt are at least three active listening devices, Captain. They're essentially satellites, but with a scanning range quite inferior to what we are capable of. We are far outside of their range. Sensors indicate that all three satellites are broadcasting a report signal toward the Scoths-Habeid System. Our Electronic Warfare capabilities could jam them entirely, easily." She grinned, a little aggressively, and then wiped the expression from her face once she seemed to realize its presence. "We could also simply prevent them from detecting our presence, if you prefer. Looking at the way their scanner technology operates... I think we can simply..." She went on to briefly describe a very technical means of fooling the satellite sensors. The Phod at the Science station concurred that such an act was possible.

Captain Gasai was thoughtful. A crashed space station... Debris of starships and weapons... A trio of spy satellites reporting back to their destination system...

She threw one leg over the other, leaning back in her command chair with a thoughtful smirk splaying across her features. "Let's hear some thoughts, then." she proposed. "Further analyses, recommendations. We could spend some time here, study the clues in this system further, or press on to our destination as quickly as possible. What to do about these satellites is another matter I'd like some opinions on."