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RP Concluded [Seventh Fleet] Reports and Determinations


Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 46.6
RP Location
YSS Densetsu
Fletcher entered the meeting room on his flagship. It wasn't a large room enough to seat about a dozen of his the top scientists and geneticists. They came from a wide variety of species in the Empire. Some of them he had known in the dark times before the Empire. Others were more recent acquaintances. Every one of them he trusted with some of the most closely held genetic secrets in the Empire. Fletcher wished he had more time for this meeting, but there was so many other things that he had to do. "Good afternoon everyone. I've read your reports. You've told me about the genetic variances of the subject. You seem to think it's important, but I need you to cut through the scientist-eese for me. Is it what I think you are saying?"

There were looks around the table, as they wondered for a second who was going to take the lead. He hoped it would be one of the older ones, but his most acerbic one did so instead. The scarred Separa'Shan was as smart as any of the scientists around the table. She was an expert on Neko genetics and had designed the new Senti body. She wasn't as deep in any area as the others around the table, but she compensated with a breadth of knowledge and by being the only person in the room he was pretty certain he couldn't outfight. Sacre wasn't merely a geneticist, she was the leader and commander of elite infantry. "I don't know about the ivory tower Rapunzels around the table, but I thought I was pretty clear that NMXEDAT1 and NMXEDRD2 failed to express it's self in the subject likely resulting in a normal serotonin 5-HT profile when exposed to genetic memory targets."

Fletcher took a breath, "Take it down a notch or two. How would you explain it to Alastair?" He asked.

"Just because her genetics quirk makes her nicer doesn't mean you should try to seduce her." Sacre said.

There was a laugh around the table and Fletcher smiled, "Perhaps a little more technical than that."

"We instill bravery and other traits that we want genetically into Nekovalkyrja. Over time, they develop their own personality and quirks. The behavior exhibited by the subject could be the result of genetics or of learned experiance. We think the behavior of the subject is due to their genetics permitting the learned experiance rather than an instictual reaction." Sacre explained.

Fletcher nodded slowly as he processed the information. "I feel like there is an oppertunity here for us to exploit. I need you to find it."

Ther were brows being furrowed around the table, "Unless you can convince the Rushhu Vutcryar genetic engineers to change, I don't see how it's possible. There are strong defenses against the genetic tampering you are suggesting." One of the scientists, Dr. Fujiko, a Neko with platnum blonde hair, said to the agreement of much of the table.

Sacre for her part remained quiet as the other scientists talked. She was normally quiet, but she was clearly thinking about something. "Sacre, do you have anything to add?" He asked.

Sacre shook her head, but spoke anyway. "No, but it seems similar to a problem I faced working with the Senti. The Senti have a Symbiote that helps protect them. I was thinking about the similarities between that defensive system and the one used by the Mishhuvurthyar. It's probably nothing."

Fletcher considered it, taking everything he had heard into account. "Allright then, Sacre if you think this is anything, research it. I thought this might be a way for us to deal with the Mishhuvurthyar problem. Years of war could be averted if we were sucessful."

Sacre shook her head, "I'm not as certain about that as you are Taisho. I'll keep looking into it. I think you are right if we could get this change into their genetics it could change things. I don't see how that is possible though."
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