Star Army

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Sex Segregation?


Inactive Member
A comment made by a character in a recent JP has caused quite an IM discussion between myself and the speaker, and I'm wondering what you guys think.

Perhaps you should be next to [name] so we can have at least some semblance of sex separation.

My personal feelings are that comments such as this, in a purely modern sense, are not truly acceptable as polite. Surely, if you want to be with the guys or gals as is your gender, go for it, but don't tell others where to sleep.

Within the Star Army... there are topics I could touch on that I wouldn't go near with a barge pole (hah), but essentially, with the society cultured by Yamatai and the Star Empire, is sex segregation even truly feasable excepting in gender related subjects?
Oww, good one.

Well, since the Star Army happens to be 90% populated by nekovalkyrjas which style themselves as females, it could probably make it so that starship amenities would be generalized as well : no division between men and women toilets/restrooms, for example, public baths with no regards to sexes involved in there and such.

I'd take it that while Yamatai is matriarchal, men do have some regard - else there'd be no way Uesu would be left on the Imperial throne by his lonesome (though he was emperor a while ago too - gah, this is unexplored territory for me) - Henry Chen and Rufus Sydney might stand as better example that men aren't exactly being put down and can reach positions of high rank.

In any case, I think it would be a matter of good taste for women to not segregate men further when socializing. It's a matter of simply showing good ethics, really.
In the Star Army, most ships have integrated living facilities, to include quarters, toilet rooms, dressing rooms, and shower rooms.
<s>Which are segregated, I believe. So what's the problem? I don't think I understand. And Kotori, the things you described are gender-related and would most likely be segregated.</s>

Edit : By the way, this is the third version of my reply, because I really don't understand what your point is. Would you mind elaborating?

Wes's edit: No, they're not segregated.
Not if you don't mind being seen naked by random members of the opposite sex - which, I take it, most don't, with the obvious exceptions of Kotori and a few other bios I've seen.

Yes, saying that is a dis and potentially a cultural offence. Someone who was prone to anger at being excluded via cutting remarks should do so.
well to take notes from other areas I know of, in outer space, the space in a ship is sacred, so there usualy is little to no room for privacy. Another thing is to keep in mind, that a space faring species does not have the needs for social seperation since that can cause problems in an emergency.
North Carolina recently passed a law that bans individuals from using public bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex (e.g. the one on their birth certificate) and prohibited cities from passing anti-discrimination ordinances. This has caused widespread uproar among transgendered people equal rights activists.

Given this, I think I should reiterate that most restrooms in the Yamatai Star Empire are not segregated by gender, and this has been the case since the beginning. We're like the shower scene in the Starship Troopers movie. Men and women and other genders are all in there.

We've got genderless AIs in gendered bodies, male Geshrin in female Nekovalkyrja bodies who identify as males, aliens of bizarre genders, shapeshifters, people with volumetric boobs, Transgendered catgirls with male genitals, hermaphrodite furries, and all kinds of combinations of genders. And there's even Kaserine pills that make people change genders. In Yamatai, because of mind transfer tech and body customization options, you can basically pick your gender identity the way we real-life people pick out a new pair of eyeglasses. So to Yamataians, there's no ladies room or mens room. a bathroom is just a bathroom.