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Sherath Industries (Unfinished)


Well-Known Member
Sherath Industries is located within the United Tyran Confederation in the Wilhelm Nebula, 30 LY to the north-east of Yamatai. SI builds mainly military craft and weapons, but also makes civilian craft.


Sh-V2-1m Ferire "Lightning"

1. Dimensions and Crew Compliment

Organizations Using This Vessel: United Tyran Confederation

Type: Light Fighter
Class: Sh-V2-1m
Designer: Sherath Industries Manufacturer: Sherath Industries
Production: mass produced

Crew: 1
Appearance: (Picture will be inserted here eventually.)


2. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL):
Speed (Aerial):
Design-g limits :
Range (Support):
Lifespan: ~10 years
Refit Cycle: Standard check-ups annually.

3. Ship Systems





M-27b Three-barreled Autocannon
Location: Underbelly body-mounted
Purpose: Anti-fighter
Damage: 30 mm plasteel/second
Range: 3200 m
Rate of Fire: 1200 rounds/minute
Payload: 200 rounds

LSM-3s Twin-linked Multi-laser
Location: Nose-mounted
Purpose: Anti-fighter
Damage: 23 mm plasteel/second
Range: 3200 m
Rate of Fire: 6000 pulses/second
Payload: Effectively unlimited; power feed through reactor



Most Tyran vehicles use a substance called deutronium for fuel. Deutronium is a crystalline organic substance that is rich in deuterium oxide, hence the name. The crystal is categorized as organic as it "grows" over the course of just a few days, as well as there being evidence of organic particles contributing to this. The crystal makes enormous amounts of energy, making it an ideal energy source.

The basis of the Deutron Reacton Furnace lies in the crystal's energy creation. When placed in a deuterium-rich substance, the organic molecules within the crystal pulls the deuterium particles closer together in stings. Then, through a process of cold fusion, the crytal stores vast amounts of heat energy. Reaction Furnaces then takes this heat energy and, through thermocouples, transfers this heat energy directly into kenetic and electric energy. Ideally, by filtering the deterium substance of waste particles, the crystal's energy creation could be used indefinately.

On the other hand, some items need much power generated in a short time. The Deutron cell takes an extremely rich solution of deuterium and the crystal under high pressures. This makes it so extremely small generators may be used, if only for a short time. The energy production is so fast in cells, that the crystal is completely destoyed by the time most of the deuterium substance is used.

Because of the great heat in fusion reactors, the cell's only real defense is it's capacity for regeneration. After some time, though, the fusion process creates wastes in the crystal which cannot be filtered out and affect it's ability to generate, eventually destroying the crystal.

Tyran Subspace Ether Jaunt Draive (SEJD):
You saw nuzzink.

And yes, if you read up on the history and technology of Robotech, the Deutronium idea was spurred by their Protoculture, so their processes are very much the same thing.

Just thought I would clear that up.
The SARP is generally really careful as to insure that it's content is original to the setting. I advice that you should take down the Alpha fighter picture.

Might be a good idea to change elements which copy Robotech specs too.
Additionally the picture you have put into your post is being pulled from another website.... this is most unacceptable. Also posting a Robotec picture here (or any copyrighterd material) really isn't in the spirit of the site.
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