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Shichou Bladed Weapon

The swiss-army knife of Star Army, Mm?

Well, not so much. I don't see anything jumping out on me and raping me in the face.
Raping your face? >.> *now ponders on the concept before lawling* I actually love the thing to be honest. It kind of shows how multi-faceted my clan can and will be, strategically, and intellectually.
Yuriko, Midori, Saito, Reiko, Tenshi. Four out of those five served in the military. Midori and Tenshi served the longest, Yuriko second, and Reiko third. Combined their military experiences and history could be considered rich via their many combat experiences, tactical thinking and methodologies, etc etc.

Also, I just added a laser emitter configuration dubbed 'Beamer'. The configuration also includes a high intensity light source... HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT MY... FLASHLIGHT?
"Your flashlight is digging into my thigh, man."

"I'm not carrying any flashlight."
*swats Wes for the innuendos* Also, PEW PEW PEW, I'MA CHARGIN MAH LAZORS. But seriously, can we move on please?
I see no reason why this article should not be approved. The submitter has taken care to explain all the functions listed in the article, and the tech itself isn't anything too massive.
According to lovely "Eastern Standard Time", I have found that this submission is now ONE MONTH OLD! LETS THROW SOME SORT OF ANNIVERSARY PARTY!

But seriously, what is wrong with the freaking knife?
Since no one has voiced any actual objections to the submission in the month is has been up on the board, approved.
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