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Approved Submission Shield of Asteria Equipment

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You are correct that this fleet was not approved as canon, but it has already been present in roleplay as part of the civil war that had happened prior to the exodus, and in following threads. OOC though, the 'benefit' we get out of this actually in-character detriment.

Look at it from in character, and what we now get to RP. Currently, Asteria consists of four former UOC worlds, and as such, only has the economy of said four worlds. However, that's only in theory; our government has only just come into power, and has yet to establish the systems necessary to keep public services and the military running. In other words, we don't have a tax system yet. On top of that, the defense fleet it has is now bloated with random military items and gear from at least two former nations, which includes a capitol ship. A capitol ship that is going to need maintenance and repairs, which historically, only the wealthiest of nations can afford; a small nation does not want a capitol ship since it's essentially a white elephant.

Even the crews will need pay, and given that so many ships were donated, we're also horrifically understaffed - I'm pretty sure Yamatai didn't include crews. Finally, there's the populace themselves. They might be familiar with Bhelith Morioka and on somewhat reasonable terms given her track record with them, but she's still an outsider, and won't be 'hunky dory' with her rule. From their perspective, she's just another outside force trying to subjugate them. And we have to 'win hearts and minds' if we're going to recruit from them to staff everything, and you know how that can go. To complicate that even further though, we're going to have ethnic tensions between the numerous groups we have of Jiyuuians, Lorath, Elves (small number) and Gartagens - you should know where this is going.

There's more of course, but we're currently trying to set up an IC boondoggle of the issues and problems that are rarely, if ever, seen on SARP and RP with them. Gallant is currently in the process of moving, but in the upcoming senate plot, players are going to get to tackle these problems themselves and see how it all turns out for an example.
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Apologies for the double post, but I just thought of a potential solution to this that would match pre-existing roleplay and grant @CadetNewb some additional starships and equipment.

The solution, really, is simple - we go with what @DocTomoe said here (which, as I will explain later, effectively "overrode" what CadetNewb posted) and make so that "Fate's Flotilla" consists of the following starships...
...and the following equipment:

Anyhoo, here's the explanation I promised earlier.

You are correct that this fleet was not approved as canon, but it has already been present in roleplay as part of the civil war that had happened prior to the exodus, and in following threads. [...]

Fair enough, @CadetNewb - but for one thing: the roleplay that you're referring to not canon. Why? Simple - the post @DocTomoe made in this thread states that (emphasis mine)...

...therefore meaning that "Fate's Flotilla" (which, according to what DocTomoe - the Faction Manager of the Lorath Matriarchy at the time, meaning you cannot ignore him without violating the rights guaranteed to him - said here, is the only Lorath asset you and, by extension, Asteria possess apart from a "...handful of Fyunnen insurgents that survived the Matriarchy reprisal...") would actually consist of what I mentioned above.

Now, I'm aware of the above runs contrary to what you mentioned in this post, Cadet, but here's the thing: as DocTomoe was the Faction Manager of the Lorath Matriarchy at the time, he (not you, he) had the final say over what Lorath assets you could walk away with thanks to the Faction Rights - thereby meaning that in terms of "canonicity" his posts, to put it bluntly, overwrote yours. Harsh, I know, but the same thing would occur if I tried to have a Yamataian PC of mine organize a revolt against the Yamatai Star Empire; even if I wrote that she walked off with an entire First Fleet, @Wes could simply write that her forces got obliterated - and, because he's the Faction Manager of Yamatai and I'm not, it would be his post that became canon due to the Faction Rights, not mine.

Also, before it gets asked: I chose the starships mentioned earlier because of the fact that they, in my humble opinion, represent the closest thing possible to what is currently listed here and here, thereby minimizing the amount of retconning and wiki work that has to be done.


If there are so many "boondoggles" plaguing Asteria, then why are you "...prepar[ing] for war..." in this thread?
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