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Approved Character Shigekazu, Yukio


Inactive Member
Name: Shigekazu, Yukio

General Information

Species: Yamataian
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Family / Creators: Shigekazu, Kaede (mother) (missing), Shigekazu, Katsuro (father)

Employer: SAoY
Occupation: Infantry
Rank: Santo Hei
Current Assignment: N/A

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'2
Weight: 230lbs / 104 kg
Measurements: Waist (27.29), Chest (39), Hip (33.15)
Bra Size: N/A

Build and Skin Colour: Solid,stout, packed muscle, very strong. Skin color is tanned Caucasian everywhere except areas generally covered by a bathing suit.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Smooth, hairless face, thin eyebrows matching the color of the hair, vibrant features (good complexion, etc.). Eyes are a crystal blue and always look as if they are off in some distant place.
Hair Colour and Style: Medium length hair (between 4 and 6 inches long), dirty blonde that leans more toward a brownish tint, worn down but not in the way of the eyes and always kept neat and never untidy.

Distinguishing Features: Bright, vibrant eyes.

Psychological Characteristics

Always trying to get ahead in life but at the same time trying to keep everyone happy. Always aiming to please but won't back down from a confrontation if they are involved. Doesn't take any bull from anybody and doesn't like to be messed with or when he sees someone picking on another person of lesser stature then themselves; on the other hand is also fun to be around and playful while always keeping a serious grasp on the situation. Tidy person, always has things in order and ready to go when they are needed.

Likes: Ice cream, snack foods, playing games, working out, parties, friends, and anything that makes him happy.
Dislikes: Procrastination, antagonists, cynics, and chaos.
Goals: To get as far as he can in life while still keeping everyone he can happy.


When he was young, his mother disappeared and he was left with just his father to care for him. His father had never seemed very impressed or even happy that he was there so he strove to keep everyone happy. He hated his home life because his father never really acknowledged that he was even alive, except for when he found any reason to beat him. He always wanted to have a good time and so always tried to be the fun guy in the group. He never ate much snack food when he was younger because he never had the money, seeing as he grew poor because his father could never bring in much money. When he got older, however, he fell in love with all the stuff and couldn't get enough of it. His home life also demanded that he be neat and orderly because of his father and the beatings he gave. This carried on into his life and made him the neat and tidy person he is today. Through his whole life he has had to deal with his father beating him, being made fun of because he didn't have a mother, and also because he was always bigger than everyone else. This all built up inside him until it unleashed in a violent storm of anger and frustration. From that point on he would not take any bull from anybody, and he wouldn't allow anyone to mess with him anymore because he was finally fed up with it all. He also realized through this that he could help protect others from the same persecution he was put through. He promised to protect the weak from the strong but bad-intentioned wills of others.


Communications: Yukio is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions and also can relay tactical information important to the battle situation quickly and efficiently to his brothers and sisters in arms. Yukio is fluent in Nepleslian. He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, and fill forms.

Fighting: Yukio received in depth hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program and multiple field simulations. He is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons, preferably with some form of heavy weaponry. Weapons he is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor as well as multiple encounters with foreign weaponry and extreme close-quarters combat training.

Mathematics: Yukio received basic mathematics training, to include up to algebra and trigonometry. He was in the middle of his class in school and studied what he needed to to complete his math classes.

Technology Operations: Yukio is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. He is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.

Physical: Yukio undergoes constant physical training, always pushing to get stronger and faster every day and becoming more nimble and agile to put those skills to the test in a combat or combat-training situation.

Demolitions: Yukio is trained in-depth on how to handle, prime, detonate and care for explosives available to the Star Army. Also has enough experience to improvise field bombs, grenades, and mines if needed in a combat situation.

Survival and Military: Yukio has advanced skills in camouflage and shelter building as well as basic signaling and skilled navigation abilities.
We shall start ... from the beginning. (I'm Doshii, by the way.)

1. Nothing to note on features ... he's a big, solid guy; that's always good.

2. History:

a. What slums did he grow up in? Yamatai doesn't really have slums; some of the eastern towns are rougher, but still no "slums." You're pretty well-cared for on Yamatai. You might want to say the father was just poor.

b. ... People made fun of him for not having a mother? Wow. Assholes.

3. Skills:

a. Communications is overly long right now. Just hack that part off that comes after "orders under fire;" it's repetitive.

b. Fighting ... "multiple encounters with foreign weaponry and close-quarters combat?" The close-quarters stuff is OK, though it's pretty much assumed you had that, but what's this about foreign weaponry? Explain, please.

c. Tech Operation: Nix the part about "bringing up tactical maps;" it's repetitive (you can already bring up information and maps are included).

d. Engineering: Is he infantry or is he a field engineer? There's a difference, so we need to know what's up there.

Overall: Looks pretty good! History's a bit off, but you're new, so that's no problem at all.

This character is pending. Please address or complete the list of edits above, and state your contact information in this thread.
(gah! Doshii beat me!!)

Welcome to Star Army!

This is a pretty well written bio, I must say.
Having said that, there are a few errors that should be corrected.

1. Holy crap, that guy must be ripped to be 6'2 and 230

2.In the skills sections; the copy/pasted ones need to be edited to have your character's name in the place of "your character"

3. Your last skill is something that really is unneeded for infantry in this setting, as most combat takes place in space or inside starships.

These are just my suggestions, thanks for listening.
(I had more, but doshii stole 'em!)
Ok i fixed everything you guys asked me to (thanks a lot for helping me out with all that by the way) and i really hope everything is ok and up to par now so just let me know if there is anything else i need to fix. Thanks a lot
Jory, this is just me being a nitpicking little b*tch, but, in the order I found them:

1. camouflage, not camoflage

2. trigonometry. He was in the middle class...

3. in comms, you doubled the periods towards the end.

4. also in comms, take out the (and if a Neko) part.

5. in the history, though this is mainly personal grammar nazism, : being made fun of because he didn't have a mother, and also because he was always bigger than everyone else.

also: From that point on he would not take any bull from anybody

6. in personality, won't, not wont. different meanings.

7. also in personality, stature, not statute. again, different meanings.

I'm done. :D
1. Just nix the stuff about "off-world rifles and pistols, etc." Your training covers a whole lot of stuff; such weapons are included.

2. Hack more off of Communication (just nix everything after "brothers and sisters in arms."

This character is approved for IC usage, with exceptions. Please fix the two items above before putting this bio into the wiki. Also, file a orders request here.

Welcome to the Star Army Role-Play.
Hmm... If yagen gets his butt in gear, we'll have Ft. Ready class 3 for you to join. a nice easy plot which lets you make mistakes without having negative consequences. much fun!
I heard that!

Yes, unofficial recruiting shall start! A beginning plot that will start again soon where new or old role players can start from the beginning and learn the basics of roleplaying in the SARP environment. This plot is especially useful for players who have just recently joined the community and still don't know the ropes. This will be the third class, so the Fort as improved with age.

I invite you to join up upon this quest and embark on a journey that will...
Id love to join the Fort Ready 3rd class...just tell me what to do and im there. Thanks to all who helped me out with the character bio by the way! I really appreciate it :) see you out there!