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[Shinjitsu Squadron]YSE-DIoN Boarder:Laying the 'Green Line'


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
🌟 Site Supporter
FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
Five black-hulled SAINT Takumi Class Expeditionary Command Cruisers emerged from hyperspacial fold along the "Green Line", the intended positioning for the monitoring network outlined in Operation Hidden Eyes. Approximately 5 LY apart the ships began to unload their payload. Each of the five Takumi would deploy three SAINT Type 30 Meikai 'Peeper' Automated Monitoring Stations.

PANTHEON EYEs drifted from each of the monitoring stations, slipping invisibly into the night of space. The Green Line would be deployed, totally on Yamatai's side of the boarder, but the watchful eyes of both the monitoring stations and the PANTHEON EYEs were on the Nepleslians watching for any attempts to aid the Freespacer terrorists.

In the Ayame Nebula on the YSE side, ten modified black-hulled Plumeria emerged from fold, the YSS Shinjitsu in lead position of its attached squadron. PANTHEON Eyes spewed from their cargo holds and into the colorful gas plumes of the nebula.

The YSS Shinjitsu broke off from the rest of its squadron, racing towards Kxi'ran to conduct active scans of the system.
