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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
I have a good group of people that are putting together an anthology together and I want to open that opportunity up to SARPers.

Flash fiction (300 words-1500 words), short stories (>7500 words), or poems (no epics) are all accepted. At this time there will not be art in the anthology. I will be making the cover as I have made them in the past.

I have put together books of my own in the past through createspace and they are up on amazon. Royalties are a joke, but having a tangible form of my writing is p sweet and makes a nice gift for family and friends.

Hope you all like the idea!
I'd be up for doing something like this if it helped SARP somehow. Or just to entertain me when I get bored AF. Anthologies are pretty much great for that, right?
Idk if it'll help SARP in any way D:

It's just a fun side project to do.

Tbh independently publishing books doesn't even help the author.
Just remember that anything that is made/written can be added in-setting as well (if you're looking for it to benefit SARP somehow).
Uhm... well that depends. It's a copyright issue entirely. Usually if someone is publishing you're work then they are paying you, but also obtaining exclusive copyright to that work. If I author a work and a agree to let somebody publish it, I still hold the copyright to my own work absent expressly conveying my intellectual property interest. But nothing bars me from authoring a work and allowing another person to publish it without conveying exclusive rights.

So it really depends on who is publishing the book and how they're publishing it. Although, now that you mention it you would need to make sure that publishing a anthology of works based on SARP doesn't violate the Terms and Conditions. Wes and SARP hold the copyright to all of the information on this site, I believe, and thus it would be an infringement for anyone to utilize those works without permission for a commercial use.
1) I am publishing it.

2) It is not about SARP nor will it include any of SARP's setting in it. If Wes wants books on SARP made, I can do that, though. This anthology is not going to have anything to do with SARP outside of this thread, my status update, and the players from SARP that are contributing. That should be made clear ^-^

3) You should think about writing something for it!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I read your initial post and immediately assumed that the anthology would be about/based on SARP. That went right over my head.
Aaaaaahhhhh I should have been more clear!

Though, if @Wes wants to make a book happen I have the tools to do that. I'm not so hot on marketing, so I can't promise SARP would make a killing off of it, but it would be a neat thing to do!
I just fundamentally misunderstood the project. I agree it would be a cool thing to try if it were based on the setting though, especially because I think you could get quite a few players who would be interested in contributing. Even if it's just for fun and not intended for publishing/profit of any kind. Plus, even if it were independently published by you to be sold, I'm sure most players interested in contributing (myself included) would have no problem waiving and percentage/earnings, instead allowing that to go to the publisher (you) and the site (Wes). This also re-instates my earlier comment that, if works were put together based on the setting, they could be injected into the setting as actual IC works as well.

But it would still be fun even if it's just about anything.
People were really excited on facebook to begin with, then nobody delivered. And I mean nobody. I have a lot of lazy friends >.<
I do enjoy writing short stories, one of mine years ago won a contest to be published in a collective book sponsored by David Baldacci.

Sadly, I was young and bullied back then and didn't give a shit about school and don't know the name of the book sadly. :(

I'd love to be able to write longer books or stories, but my interest span just fades out before I finish anything. That's why I RP, it gives me others to bounce off of to keep me from getting bored with myself.