Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Shotty tries GMing OOC


Well-Known Member
Figured we could use this too. So please Sam try to make your post soon. And finish your "character sheet" too. It does not need to be long too.
Miranda "Allycat" Blackfoot


5'6, dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. sundarken skin, very outdoorsy type.

Fighting: Marksmanship: expert rifle markmanship, pistol. martial-art : hand to hand and swords
Rogue: stealth, camouflage
Survival: Wilderness, navigation
Strategy: Team cooperation
Communication: Languages (Nepleslian, NMX)
Driving: atv's
Medical: standard life saving techniques plus adminstering medicine and painkillers. IV's


Grew up poor in the mountains and learned to shoot to feed the family. While surviving in the wilds of the mountains, she befriended an older gentleman who taught her martial arts, but unarmed and with swords.

When the old man finaly died, she knew of the world beyond the mountains and also learned natural herbal medicine and basic first aid. To know how to fight, One must know how to heal themselves from injuries sustained.

While visiting the tradingpost like mountian village, she saw a recuiting poster for the military and joined for the grand adventures and to put what she had learned to good use.


Canvas Roll containing several swords she favors,
Sharps .50 blackpowder/ball smoothbore rifle
military issue uniforms (4 sets)
all purpose combat boots (2 pair)
physical fitness uniforms (sweat pants, jacket, t-shirt, shorts, running shoes)
Oooh nice rifle Sammy! If you need to know I will put it as a PDR3 weapon. But most armours protect against it better. After all bullet has small velocity and it is ball. But it is big so when it hits, it hits.
Sigma if you want to join I could probably scrap in another player. Though you need to wait for a while until mission starts so I could put you in.
Seein as this is not very fast plot I do not see that as a problem. Plus your laptop won't be fugged up forever, will it? So if you wanna join with Laura you can.
Oh its Nepleslian only. Dominic Valken, I choose you! Go in there and show why you were called "Dead-Eye Dom" at the Academy!

Valken: *pulls out a pistol and shoots Sigma* That's why. And you know I dislike commanding Marines without a commissioned officer.
So okay folks. I talked to few of you and it seems you guys are waiting either for someone else to post or thing it was not their turn....

So let me make one thing clear. I expect a post from you after every GM post (which should be at least once a week), you can post anytime your character has something to say and can even post more times between two GM posts if you want to have your character react to any other character and if you thing your char has nothing to say or you do not want ot post for any reason, just say so here so I won't wait for you. Thanks.

When we get to combat things will change, but I will make thing clear here once that happens. RIght now just post and have fun. It makes me feel bad when you guys are not posting.
Hey guys please post your loadouts here, would you? I think most of you are equipped only with sidearms, except for Henry and Sawyer who have their rifles. Rita on the other hands has only her hands.
Sawyer's load out

1 Utility Combat Knife M01A
1 Pistol, Styrling Silver Special .45 Caliber, with 2 extra magazines and leather belt
1 Designated Sharpshooter Rifle, Model 1 (Crate of ammunition for it)
1 pair identification tags, metal, with name and hometown
1 Canteen, 1 quart
1 AwesomeCorp DataJockey
1 Wallet with the Marine Corps Insignia plated on it.
1 Survival Bag
Chad doesn't really have anything, he wasn't given time to even pack his bags after all. Lets just loot the mall and see what we come up with. I'm hoping for a tomahawk. XD
Okay rule one. You guys are not sure of something or just want to ask something about the game just send me am essage. Or post it here. I am also on IRC quite often.
You can ask anything yout want abotu the situation you are about, your surrounding, npc, anything. Just ask.

Second thing. COMBAT!
I want us all evade any future confusion. Whene enemies show up (like let's say zombies, nekoes, shit liek that) appears we start Combat. If you are nto sure that we are in comabt ask here.
In combat I would like you guys to auto as less as you can. Type for your chars only and definitly not for my enemy-npcs. You type what you are trying to do and I will give out the outcome in next GM post. If anything is unclear just ask here.
Anyway your character can try to basicaly anything he can in short time. WHich will probably ussualy involve some movement and then attack of sorts or some kind of activity. It worked well on Acadia and I woul like it to work well here. There might have to be some getting used to it but I bet we will work it out.

Anyway once againg ask any question you have.
Paul "Pal" Broman


Age 25, 6'0, slightly muscular, broad shoulders, bald, small streaky scars on face and hands, brown eyes, smokes.

Fighting: Grenades, Small Arms, Melee Weapons, PA
Physical: Judo, Throwing, Jogging.
Demolitions: Fuzes, Handling, Identification, Manufacture.
Communications: Trade Language, SMoDIN comm procedures, codes and signals, communications equipment.
Driving: Vehicles
Maintainence and Repair: Vehicles, Small Arms
Survival and Military: Wilderness survival, scavenging.


Born to the streets with a genetic disposition to shaky hands, Paul is incapable of properly aiming a gun or making precision strikes with sharp weapons. He offsetted this inability to defend himself by generally being friends with everyone, though a few run ins with the few people who couldn't get along with him and small pieces of concrete made him realize he could still control the momentum and trajectory of a thrown object as it involved his entire arm as opposed to just the hands. He quickly mastered this as his primary method of self-preservation.

Like many of his kin, Paul joined the SMoDIN during his young adulthood to get a new start at life. Noticing that Paul was handy with a grenade, his instructors directed him towards Demolitions. Paul was terrible at defusing bombs, but was excellent at deploying and triggering them, leading him to be put into frontline service as an Assault Demoman during the closing stages of the Nepleslian Civil War. Paul never got comfortable with killing his fellow men (often very violently, with explosives), and declined re-enlistment at the end of the war, retiring with the rank of E-3 PFC.

Paul used his accumilated pay to purchase a permament residence, a car and a taxi license in Funky City. He makes a modest but comfortable living driving customers of all races and walks of life and is a good neighbour, but wonders if he should re-enlist now that the fight is against an irredeemable and inhuman enemy.

Equipment: (In the boot of taxi)

Carton of Cigs
Easy Sub Machine Gun
Bulletproof Vest with Harnesses
Survival Kit
30 Grenades
Demolitions Kit (Doubles as tyre repair kit)
Plastic Explosives.
Baseball made out of Durandium