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Worldbuilding Prompt Should Nepleslia Have a Draft?


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Do you think that there should be some sort of service requirement for Nepleslians to put in a couple of years into the NSMC or NSN? Should Nepleslians get drafted?

I mean, Nepleslians are basically already a somewhat militarized society. They're in a war right now. It seems to make a certain amount of sense.

What do you think?
I think there are pros and cons to it.

IC there is a sector superwar every half decade, the threat of yamatai deciding to do their bi-yearly annex of one of their neighbors, and of course internal politics like the fact that nep has had some kind of either civil war, uprising, or local event they have needed to respond to militarily the past few years.

There is, however, groups that likely dont want the government to be too much more powerful with a larger military considering neps corruption spree and crime. And as patriotic as neps are in my opnion that doesnt always translate to willingness to serve.

Also, nobody really actually knows neps military size tbh (Which im taking advantage of IC rn in the 4th fleet). If every assault...
I think have some mandatory service like of 2 years for all Nep citizens sounds like a very Nep thing to do.

As for an actual draft, I'm not sure if it's really necessary at the moment. Yes they are at war, but it's not like their immediate territory is threaten. They should have plenty of regular army and volunteers to man their army's and Navy's.
I think have some mandatory service like of 2 years for all Nep citizens sounds like a very Nep thing to do.

As for an actual draft, I'm not sure if it's really necessary at the moment. Yes they are at war, but it's not like their immediate territory is threaten. They should have plenty of regular army and volunteers to man their army's and Navy's.
Yeah, now that I finally have my thoughts together I think it's more like enough Nepleslians want to be in the military it's not necessary. They like it.
I think there are pros and cons to it.

IC there is a sector superwar every half decade, the threat of yamatai deciding to do their bi-yearly annex of one of their neighbors, and of course internal politics like the fact that nep has had some kind of either civil war, uprising, or local event they have needed to respond to militarily the past few years.

There is, however, groups that likely dont want the government to be too much more powerful with a larger military considering neps corruption spree and crime. And as patriotic as neps are in my opnion that doesnt always translate to willingness to serve.

Also, nobody really actually knows neps military size tbh (Which im taking advantage of IC rn in the 4th fleet). If every assault fleet has a shaik of around 1 million NSMC marines then thats only 4 million give or take, and if you include ship crews thats prob more or less a few hundred thousand more. OOC neps military has never really been updated (and if neps population is even on the wiki its prob ten years out of date), and unlike yamatai we only have three paged NSMC military units; The 1st Shaik which is a skub. The 4th Shaik, and the 309th which is now part of the 4th shaik. And of our very few fleets only two are active and nep really doesnt have many because players never took them up like they do with wanting to manage yamatai fleets.

So if Nep does shift to a draft for any reason I think it should be a requirement to update neps military on paper both IC and OOC to reflect it so we dont even up with a 500,000,000-man military but only three armies of a million and a quarter million sailors.
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Why have a draft when you can manufacture super-soldiers from scratch? That said, I do kinda feel that mandatory millitary service is something that makes sense in the setting. It also feels very Nepleslian to me.
Why have a draft when you can manufacture super-soldiers from scratch? That said, I do kinda feel that mandatory military service is something that makes sense in the setting. It also feels very Nepleslian to me.
The answer is: Requiring non-manufactured soldiers to serve makes it fair for the manufactured soldiers.
I do not really think Nepleslia needs to conscript soldiers unless there is an urgent threat to Planet Nepleslia itself. Nepleslian culture is largely defined by “FREEDOM” despite its martial tendencies so it feels to me like they’d have plenty of volunteers at all times. Forcing conscription could logically cause a dampening effect on recruitment numbers given Nepleslian society.

Part of my plot intends to explore some Nep recruitment as backstory, but that’s really minor and will be set before the current Mishhu war starts.

nobody really actually knows neps military size
If Central Corps needs to know, I’m sure SAINT would be happy to tell them via allied intel sharing channels ;)
Nepleslian culture is largely defined by “FREEDOM”
I was just about to make this point. Nepleslians are generally against being told what to do by a government but are fairly easy to persuade into military recruitment. Any ROJC-esq program they have in place is likely to be constantly full and all recruitment centers need to do is park a Hostile in the lobby and that’ll keep people coming.
An emergency draft could work, though I assume they already have one.

TL;DR: go full ‘blood donation style’ and incentive military service with BS when more recruitments are needed. Like free beer or something. They named a planet FREEBEER and then provided free beer to get people to settle that uncomfortable planet.
I was just about to make this point. Nepleslians are generally against being told what to do by a government but are fairly easy to persuade into military recruitment. Any ROJC-esq program they have in place is likely to be constantly full and all recruitment centers need to do is park a Hostile in the lobby and that’ll keep people coming.
An emergency draft could work, though I assume they already have one.

TL;DR: go full ‘blood donation style’ and incentive military service with BS when more recruitments are needed. Like free beer or something. They named a planet FREEBEER and then provided free beer to get people to settle that uncomfortable planet.
Its very nep to be patriotic and serve because they want the skills, training, education, or experience. Im sure some corps or syndicates have some of their people serve for that reason too.

And of course some serve to get out of a prison sentence!

But it would go from patriotism to screaming about tyrants the moment you tell them all of a sudden it's mandatory especially considering neps past history pre civil war. Things can obviously change tho and could be reflected IC as the society has changed, adapted, and evolved and been catered into being motivated to serve if we needed an IC reason.

Hell we have corporations and political factions in charge of some of the military and training and already indoctrinates for that reason to serve (though after service they return to the yellows as prior marines, sailors, etc. with that training that the yellows use in colony development, security, and the likes)