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Closed Should We Open An "RP Lite" Forum?

These suggestions have been dropped by the suggestor or rejected by staff.


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Retired Member

http://rapidshare.de/files/36646348/Doc ... d.mp4.html

From what I see, I think Yamatai scientific practice is something like this.

I wanted to take this a step further and I wanted to know if it would be possible to put together a slapstick plotship like area for the failed creations which never see the light of day.

Sort of an experiment in itself with comic relief and to help new players learn how stuff works.

Just a thought.
Reactions: Wes
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I've actually considering adding an "RP Lite" forum where people can make random roleplays that could be in any setting and wouldn't affect the canon Star Army plots. These would allow for any style of posting (including one-liner styles) and cater to the masses of lazy RPers out there that didn't have the mental energy to group story-write in the preferred Star Army style.
Good idea. JAMs could fit in there, and it could also be a "test-bed" to see if a plot idea works out!
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