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Approved Submission Shravana System


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Star System
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:shravana_system

FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, the planet page.
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: This is the star system for a sub-faction of the Freespacers to exist in. It could be given another name based on the star, but I couldn't think of how to name the star. The most relevant feature of the system is that it's hazardous to the unprepared, this is the reason it was chosen for permanent settlement.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Can you increase the amount of wikification of this article for me? In other words, make sure mentions of things like SIs, Type twos, and other things that have a wiki article are links to those things?

Pinging @Primitive Polygon for FM approval.

Adjusted header levels for style compliance.
I have a few questions, if that's alright. I noticed in the Settlement section that it's said that the Shravana System is a haven for hackers, and data thieves, however the main page for the Shravana Hive makes no mention of them. Are the data thieves and hackers spread outside of the Hive? Also is there something in particular about this system that makes it attractive as a hideout for those wishing to get their haxor skillz on? It seems the flares would be a deterrent if anything.
The header levels I used were the ones that came on the new page template, maybe the one that doesn't fit could be adjusted? I added links for pages I could find, though I don't know how to make potholes.

I could go into more detail about the criminal elements in the 'planet' article. The system is a good hideout, but it's a useful place to people for people who don't want to interact with outside, not those who do. Previously, the Hive helped hackers to get around, but they've stopped doing that. The ones that are left are either remaining there to escape justice, or because they haven't found a new haven yet, or the means to travel to one.

Mostly, the hackers and such are included because they're a part of the history, and they might be a reason to bring a plotship about to weasel them out, sometime.
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Or maybe join them or seek their employ *wink wink, nudge nudge*

If they're no longer part of the Hive, it probably falls to an individual hacker-to-hacker basis how they survive the flares (ala Mr. Universe from Serenity). What made it enticing for code breakers at least in the beginning? Was it the protection that the Hive offered? Or was it a combination of that along with the flares of the system? If they are no longer sanctioned by the Hive, are there any that remain on the Hive that are still in operation? Are they sought out by the Hive and removed or are they just frowned upon when they are found?

Sorry for all of the questions, you have a very nice idea here and I'm interested to learn more.
The system itself was never enticing for them, but the organization had a very high demand for their skills back when they needed to steal technological data and talent from other Freespacer factions, in order to have a strong enough base to survive, in the long-term. The two things they needed most were rich enough network to keep everyone sane (especially Type Vs) and the ability to mass-produce new Freespacers of all types, especially Type II organics for their fleet. Most of that information is in the planet article's History section.

There probably are some who still like to use the Hive as a base for security, even though they now need to use help from outside to travel to job sites. The Hive makes no effort to capture criminals unless a foreign power gets serious about extradition, or they threaten the Hive's own security. They prefer to take a cut of the profits, chiefly in the form of more stolen data and tech. Since Freespacers tend to be altruistic, both sides are generally willing to share the wealth, so long as it doesn't cost them.
Excellent! That all sounds well written and really thought out. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, I really appreciate it and I hope this gets approved!
Didn't get a notification for any of these even through I was tagged, sorry. I'll get to them right now.

The system itself is in keeping with the new Freespacer ethos of colonizing places other races wouldn't dare too, so it's definitely well written and works thematically. Maybe it could have done with just a snippet of colonization history, or at least a notification that the Shravana Hive belt colony is where all the colonists are, in the opening paragraphs. It's the most relevant information, after all.

One other thing that is missing is the actual location of the system. Is it north of Yamatai space? A bit more west towards Nepleslia/The Blue Rift? Or is it really far west, closer to where 188604 is?... This kind of thing will greatly influence what other factions they will be interacting with, after all.
Would putting it in the 0922 grid square on the map work? It could go anywhere that's unoccupied, though I think it should be somewhere in the region covered by the treaty with DIoN. Dumont and Legix have both expressed interest in having their plots work with them, and while that location is pretty far from 188604, it's close to everything else.
Just something like 'north of null and void' would be fine. Don't need to be crazy specific. It's certainly close enough to pirate space.

Anyhow, I would certainly be interested in having the Skeleton Ensemble at least visit there, too. ;I