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RP: ISC Phoenix [Side Job] - Miracle

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The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
Hands on a miracle
I got my hands on a miracle
Leave it or not, hands on a miracle
And there ain't no way
Let you take it away

Foo Fighters - Miracle

Darkness was a natural ally, but the silence of the evening was not. The clawed hand dipped into the wallet and removed the hard money, then silently placed wallet back into the jacket pocket, leaving the majority of Luca's savings intact. This was a theft of necessity rather then greed. This fact was indicated by the poorly written note (Grammar and spelling errors included) left in the sum.

All was well. All that was left to do was to silently walk out of the apartment and CREAK

A deep raspy voice muttered "Ah shit." Then let out a soft muffled snort as if trying not to wake some body.

Bronzi eyed Luca then continued silently out of the room. He did not like going about this, but they had not been paid much in weeks. Bronzi was loyal to a fault, but he obviously needed the cash between big jobs.

Luca could be heard snorting from his bed and his face twitched. The blanket was halfway off, showing chest rising up and down slowly upon the bed.

Then he opened an eye and looked at Bronzi.

Bronzi froze. He did not know how Luca would react, and felt a ping of what his people called 'dishonour' Bronzi whispered "This is all a dreeeaaaam... I am here to warn yer about whats is goin happen neeeeexxxxt!"

"Shush. Listen," Luca rose up and crossed his legs on the bed. He was sleeping naked. "You could've asked me - I've got more than enough to go around," He sighed somewhat. "You don't have to take it without me noticing - or not take it at all like Smith's older brother did."

Bronzi looked at the collection of bills in his left hand. His hand soon vanished behind his back. "Er. um. Its not about...I...I..i..." Bronzi sighed.

"No really...this is all a dreeeeaaaam!"

Luca swivelled his legs off of the bed and stood up in front of Bronzi. He crossed his arms. "Come on now."

Bronzi's gaze was on Luca. He nodded his approval of the man's form, and decided to show respect. "Family trouble." He said cutting the act. "Long story. But basically my kid is comin' in on tha next transport, and she did it on cred. Now...we both know how cred works here. If she can't pay then she has to work it off. Young pretty female Xenos tend to...." Bronzi snorted. "I don't want to shoot up some pimp and his harem. Plus...pickins are slim."

Luca blinked. He was suddenly reminded of his own family: his parents and his daughter. He'd been giving them a cut of all of the profits he made from that silly merchandise. He'd never gotten a word back from his parents about the incoming money. Not even thanks.

He nodded at Bronzi with an unwritten message of understanding between fathers having to look out for each other and their own. He walked over to his floordrobe and found a pair of clean underwear, crouching down and slipping them on.

Bronzi offered the money back to Luca. He'd been caught and made not attempt to hide is transgression at this point. "Its stupid. But its my oldest living girl. She is about Vita's age I reckon. But I hardly know her. She was real bright...not much of a fighter but a thinker. Well on my world thinkin' comes with a price, savvy?"

Luca turned around and rose an eyebrow as Bronzi began pacing, speaking. His brow was furrowed indicating he was for once tense, and possibly nervous. "She got conscripted. But she ain't had no interest in joinin' the military...her maw did not approve of that. So she fled. Hopped a transport outta the system and is makin her way here. I got da message a few hours ago. Dodgin' conscription is a capital crime on my world...she can get executed or exiled. I think she chose her own sentence."

"Think they'd go after her or let her be once the heat dies down?" Luca asked. He stood back up and turned back around, pushing the money back towards Bronzi.

"I don't guess. She is smart...so likely if they tried they alreadeh failed. Or will wait till she returns home. In any event, she is better off with me....with us...here in Sargasso with you and your team."

"This isn't a good place to raise a child," Luca observed frankly. "But it is a great place to hide."

The conversation between the two had caused the sound of a shuffling in the living room. Vita was asleep on the couch. She turned around started watching the door to her father's bedroom. She could see Bronzi's tail poking through the doorframe.

"I never raised her. Her maw wouldn't let meh. My people have...a white elephant in the room?" Luca nodded to indicate that he was using the phrase correctly, "A secret we all know about. Our computers are alive...they take smart ones and jam em with bits and gubbins and gene therapy..and use em. I think she knew what was comin."

Luca's eyes widened. He never knew much about the Gartagen people nor their customs - the only he'd seen had come from Bronzi or secondhand. Luca thought about his own daughter. What if SAINT found out? He couldn't imagine having daugther torn from him. His gaze fluttered for a moment towards where Vita was sleeping.

"It is not somethin' we are proud of...but some justify it as necessary. But it don't matter now. I ain't never been much of a da to my youngins. I was always away...or when I was around, I kept my distance." Bronzi snorted. "If they do come for her...I'll deal with em. By that I mean I'll kill em all." Bronzi said mashing his right fist into his open left hand.

Bronzi was generally cheery and up beat, But his words were dead serious. He was clearly scared; not for him self, but for his progeny.

Luca exhaled. He nodded towards his gartagen 'brute' and his face tightened. He relaxed and put his hand forward for a handshake. "I'm here for you."

"I appreciate it. Can yer....drive me to the space port...My bike is a wreck...an I ain't never drove anythin' as big as a car...foot pedals and gears and...." He ended his statement with a set of grunt and mutters in a vain attempt to his his embarrassment. Vita would see Bronzi's tail flicking rapidly, slapping the floor and the walls.

"What's happening now?" Vita could be heard behind Bronzi, rubbing her forehead and resting her chin on the couch armrest and pillow.

Bronzi's head poked around the door and saw the pint size female mini-luca looking at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but he looked at Luca. Luca knew how to word it, probably better then Bronzi could. "I tried stealin yer da's money an he caught meh." He said bluntly.

"Dad, how come you haven't punched Bronzi?" She asked.

"Father stuff." Luca replied from afar.

"Err...I'm...you heard every thing didn't you?" Bronzi said looking firmly at the floor. Vita nodded and mumbled a 'yes' in reply.

"Well, i'm gonna go get Her. You can come if ya want." Vita rolled off of the couch. She was already dressed, and figured that pyjamas would do.

Luca, however turned around and got his pants and singlet on. The singlet was made of stone thread, a bulletproof Lorath material that could be composted and hardened into full armour. Even in a softer state, it could still take a hit. He also put a belt on and holstered his HHG. He figured he wouldn't need anything more severe than that for a trip out.

Bronzi was in full kit. Though the dry season was over, this was a rather crisp eve, so he did not have his re-breather covering his face. "How many kids does Sargasso have? I know theres that farm boy up the glen...eying Vita up. An then there's the twins on the first floor. But they are young..."

Vita paused for a moment to count the kids she'd seen. "About fifty, myself included. I told Nate where to stick it."

Bronzi Perked a brow. He said nothing, but he could smell that boy's nepleslian stink on her. Wheather or not they mated was another thing, but they had embraced.

"Good girl." Luca chuckled as he moved past Bronzi.

Bronzi opened the apartment door. "School...imma have to put her in school. Vita don't you pinkies yer age go to school?"

"Yeah, but I don't. I already know what I need to." She tapped the side of her head.

Bronzi was tailing Luca. "There's more to school then learnin' math...meetin' people and doin' stuff is what's its about. I loved school...all those fights."

"I once glued everyone to their chairs when I went to school. Long story." Luca said as he grabbed his keys and started heading out of the apartment with Vita in tow. They all hopped down from the 7th storey inside balcony and landed on their feet. Luca had floated down with Vita in his arms, and Bronzi just landed with unseen grace.

They then went over to the parking area that resided beneath Ferros Block. The car that Luca had for his getting around in Sargasso when he wasn't motorcycling was a beat up old four-door car with a convertible rag top. Luca unlocked the car and got into the driver's seat. Vita got into the back seat.

Bronzi of course held the door open for Vita to get in, then moved to the passenger side of the car. He sat down, causing the car to drop down much lower on his side. "Truth be told...I ain't seen much of this world. I usually hop on the shuttle to Funky City."

"I can't blame you - its more fun there." Luca replied as he put the keys into the ignition and gave the engine life. He turned on the headlights and started driving out of the parking lot, onto Sargasso's bumpy streets and eventually onto a more evenly surfaced highway towards Nepleslia Prime's spaceport.

The roads were empty at this time of night. Sure, you'd see the occasional van rolling by or a truck delivering goods around Nepleslia. If you wanted to move around, now was an ideal time, the dark side of the moon of the peak hours that turned the highways into slowly shuffling pills trying to slide from A to B and perhaps clock someone on the way there to feel better about the road rage.

Bronzi reached forward and turned on the radio allowing some music to play, but allowing for speech. The night air was perfect, and Bronzi lowered the window. "This is.....relaxing...." He said leaning into the gust of air and letting it hit his face.

"That's why we moved here." Luca smiled as he continued with his hands steady on the wheel.

"I was talkin' wit Seiren...y'all used to be spaceys? What did Vita do during those days in space?" Luca froze and the car made a slight jerk before he readjusted his steering. He remained quiet. In the back seat, Vita shuffled.

Bronzi Looked about. "Oh. Touchy subject. Sorry. I see you two all happy, and I just assume its always been like that. Everybody is is happy with who they are and don't worry about the past...I some times forget."

Bronzi grew quiet. He had heard bits and pieces, but they were glossed over. He was not around for Naoko. Nor Delsauria. Things may have turned out better had he been at Delsauria but he was not, and things turned out they way they did. There were no take backs any more, not for what Bronzi could only assume was the Yamataian version of exiles.

"From what I've heard about Yamatai...I can't blame you for wantin' to live here. Yamatai sounds like my world...but with less sand...and more cute fluffy talkin' animals."

"And enough skeletons in the closet to build an empire." Luca interjected.

The Star Port had its own off ramp that lead them to a rather large, but sparsely populated lot. People were coming out of the entrance way in a small trickle. When they came to a park Bronzi did not get up. He simply snorted. "I...fought super soldiers in an icy hell and faced down horrors of the galaxy and this - this is the first time I've felt nervous. Can't say it feels good."

"Neither. So, is she blue, like you?"

"Yea, I last saw her bout 6 cycles(years) ago. She was walkin' and runnin'. After dat its been pictures and letters. We stayed in touch...but I was busy, an her maw...it was a screw up an I have no excuse."

"And no time like now to amend our ways." Luca said as he tapped his index finger on the steering wheel. He was looking around and watching the clock on the dashboard.

Bronzi hopped out of the Car and began trudging. Not walking. Trudging --- Typically when Bronzi walked it was...like being punched in the face when he stepped in the room. You knew he was there, and he was unafraid --- he wished for confrontation. Not today. Today was a nervous creature. This was not about bravery, or honour. It was to Bronzi redemption. A writing of the wrongs he had commuted.

Bronzi Vanished into the lobby doors of the Star Port's passenger reception area.

Luca looked back at Vita and whispered a word. She nodded in reply, and Luca got out of the car, leaving it unlocked but taking the keys with him and following Bronzi. He knew she could handle herself.

Bronzi was wandering around looking near one of the unloading ramps. Luca would see it. A small figure was walking, holding a leather hand back. She was wearing a sand coloured robe, but a blue face was seen. Fear was in her eyes. Strange world, with strange new aliens. The girl was moving closer.

She was not the brutish hulk that her father was, nor was this one of the proud and haughty fighters Luca had likely seen on the telly. This xenos was a teenage girl with all the typical emotions you could expect in one. It was painfully clear that the Gartagen people were as a whole, misrepresented. (Especially if Bronzi was assumed to be the norm)

Bronzi locked on to her after a moment. Considering the crowd was mixed It was not hard for Bronzi to locate her. He began approaching the girl, who was moving closer. Bronzi drew his weapon and aimed it out with one hand. He immediately pushed Sura behind him. Luca would see another robed figure was at a dead stop a few meters behind Sura. This figure was another female, though larger then the young blue one. People began screaming and diving for cover.

Luca drew his pistol and moved next to Bronzi, and just in front of Sura. He hadn't spared a moment in getting ready. Both of his hands were on the pistol and the hammer was drawn back.

"Aim high, Lewks." Bronzi said with a snarl.

The Figure held up her hands but was expressionless. It was a Female Gartagen, peach skinned. "You know Gartagen Law Ujia Bronzi." She said flatly.

Bronzi growled. "Yer not on Gartaga!" He snarled.

"True. But we are in public, So if you are planning to kill me here I am sure Nepleslian authorities will have grievance."

"Not for someone who was about to abduct a child." Luca snarled.

Sura whimpered from behind her father, she then looked up at the man next to him.

"I had intended to take her back to the home world peacefully. I am not looking for a confrontation. Just hand the girl over and----"

There was a loud crack. A mist of blood squirted from the Operative's abdomen. "I decline." Bronzi said as the operative fell down on her back.

She clutched her wound and shakily spoke. "Ugh, you should not have done that. You are assaulting an Operative of the Govern--"

"You conspired to kidnap a child on Nepleslian soil without an extradition warrant." Luca recited. The crowd had begun to recognise who Luca was. He didn't have the Grapple Stunner on, he didn't have the jacket on - all they recognised was the sideburns, the eye and the HHG in his hands - not a shot fired yet.

"Also, I don't see tha seal of tha' empress on ya...so this turns into personal greivance under the articles of union." Bronzi snorted. "Yer fucked legally on two worlds now."

"Bronzi," Luca asked. "Your call."

"Well...you can kill her...but that would likely send more here to avenge her." Sura said in a shaky voice. She hid her face. The hum of her translator gave her voice an electronic whirr as she spoke. "But Nepleslia is Isolationist...it is likely they will help the Union in any legal matters here. You can let her live, and she will likely be disgraced...and swear a blood oath of vengeance for the humiliation. In any event I think this is my new home."

Bronzi was gritting his teeth and still had his gun on the Operative. "Or." Bronzi said "We can keep her, like a pet."

Luca looked at Bronzi and his jaw dropped.

The operative was bleeding heavily. "Or make a deal.." she gasped.

"Get me medical attention and we can forget all of this...i'll just say you gave me a tithe and bought her freedom."

Sura peered around her Father's side and looked at the girl.

"Hey," Luca lowered his gun and looked to the crowd that'd formed around him. Police were waiting nearby with hands on guns. He reached into one of Bronzi's pouches and took a couple of 100DA notes from the wad of money he'd taken, "There a doctor in the house?"

"Hey Don't that Doctor guy you bring me to have an office near here? Dr. Vet?"

Sura blinked and looked up at Luca. "You bring him to a veterinarian for medical attention?" She said half amused half horrified.

Luca looked down at the child and made a simple 'shush' as someone broke through the crowd. It was a policewoman with a medical kit by her side.

"Still on the 'right' side, right Captain Phoenix?" The policewoman asked as she took the bills and bent over the Operative, reaching behind her for medical equipment. Luca had no reply for the police officer as she started to assess the wound.

Sura spoke softly to Bronzi, Hugging him. "You did not need to hurt her.."

Bronzi grunted. "She was about to kill every body in the room." He said loud enough for Luca to hear.

The fallen Operative smirked. "Your dad is wiser than he looks, child."

Bronzi looked up at the Police woman. "See to it she is well taken care of." She nodded back to the Gartagen as she extracted the bullet and sprayed the wound with antiseptic nanites.

"I think we're done here." Luca observed as he put away his HHG.


Bronzi reached down into the Operative's robe. He removed a blade roughly two feet long, four inches broad. It curved back slightly.

Bronzi gave the small sword to Luca. "Think of it like...pirate's treasure." Luca weighed the blade in his hand and frowned. He wasn't much of a blades person.

Bronzi dropped the grip on his pistol letting the barrel fall. He then dropped it into the leather holster on his belly. Bronzi turned to Sura and have her a hug. They touched foreheads and began walking.

"Sura, this is Luca. He is my boss." Bronzi said making the introduction.

Sura smiled and bowed slightly. "I am honoured to meet you Sal Luca. I watched your TV show...I even had the Zeta Action figure."

Luca smiled. He didn't know of any plans to localise the cartoon to Gartagen audiences. Perhaps someone took it upon themselves to add subtitles, or his commercial agents commissioned someone to do so. "Pleased to meet you."

She was pretty. Comely. She had a little weight on her but not enough to be considered fat or rotund. Where as Vita had mischievous glint in her eyes, Sura had a gentle Aura about her.

"Are you Nepleslian? I have so many question about you and your species."

"Yeah and no." Luca replied as he approached the car. Vita had relocated herself to the driver's seat. "Yamataian body, Nepleslian brain."

Bronzi sat in the Passengers seat after letting his daughter into the back. Vita was taller and a bit more lithe then Sura. Sura looked at the young woman, but was hesitant to speak. She suddenly felt shy.

"Hey Luca...you did not have to shoot anybody today." Bronzi said as he pulled out a Cigar and offered it to Vita, he then stopped - realising it was in front of Luca, and simply placing it in his mouth.

As Luca put the keys in the ignition got driving away, Vita looked at Sura curiously while Bronzi and dad were discussing things. "Bronzi's?" She asked.

Sura nodded "Yes..." She said growing nervous. Her voice had a feminine rasp to it when she spoke.

"What happened? I heard gunfire." She asked, leaning in. How she was able to hear it from across a parking lot inside a car was beyond Sura's understanding.

"We had a jurisdictional dispute...nothing major." Bronzi snorted

"Oh, that's called Tuesday here on Nepleslia." Vita teased Sura.

"Oh? Gun fights happen regularly? Ha Ha.." Sura said awkwardly.

"I heard Nepleslian boys don't care for Xenogirls."

Bronzi tensed and looked at Luca. "How the hell do you do it, deal with the boys and shit...because Nepleslian boys don't care much for what they stick their pricks in." Bronzi snorted.

"Vita has sent 'em running." He took one hand off of the steering wheel and cracked the knuckles by squeezing his fist. Vita smiled. "When someone speaks fist, you have to reply in kind."

"I'm talkin bout the ones that do get attention. Like Seiren."

Sura smiled. "Seiren is real? He is adorable!"

Bronzi touched his eyes with his hand. "At least she did not say Enzo...." He said with a groan. Luca rolled his eyes in agreement before looking concerned.

"Just stay close to Lina. You see what she did to that bounty hunter last week?" They had passed him on the way out of town. He had been hanging upside down on the city limits sign from one leg with a bullet in his head as a warning.

Sura fidgeted. "I'll probably get some rest...then I will get back to working on my drones. I am hoping to find a cheap computer before the end of the week. It was hard to find one back home...so I had to struggle to get a decent A.I. matrix going. Then of course the software protections made it difficult to program them properly because they had the limitations preventing the learning matrices to self expand, but you have to be a hacker...and...I am rambling...sorry."

"Drones?" Vita perked up curiously as she leant in a little more, invading Sura's inflated personal space. "Ooo. Which algorithm do you use? The Kaku algorithm or the Pynchawn Dir library?"

"I started with Kaku, but I learned that Kaku is limited in scope. Pynchawn was good for the empathy coding...So I decided to look into Lorath coding. Then I realize that the best coding should be home grown. So I started writing my own. It is based on Sanaya (Gartagen) A.I. modifications. My limitations have been in hard ware. My first working drone was able to clean the floors and communicate using various beeps."

"No voice commands?" Vita rolled her eyes and rested her chin on her palms, now leaning in using the flip-down arm rest as a rest. "Pshaw. Beeps are too easy. I can get mine to front flip if I want. It can understand that easy."

"Well, I did this using a calculator...as I said, it was not easy to get a working computer at home..." Sura said suddenly feeling self conscious.

Bronzi sighed, "They are making my head hurt."

It was all going over Luca's head too. He sighed and replied "Girl talk." He replied as they pulled into Ferros Block.
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