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RP: ISC Phoenix [Side Job] - Nightcall

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The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
((This post is meant to be an example of a Side Job. It could have taken place at any time while the ISC Phoenix Crew were resting in lovely Sargasso, perhaps before or during a mission.

It simulates a JP between someone and myself, or two crew-members JP'ing something together. With that in mind, once I get the ball rolling for Mission 1 with my next post after the holidays, we can think of side jobs together. PM suggestions and times you're available to JP - or we'll just meet up in the IRC and see what sticks.

With that in mind, enjoy!))

I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel
I want to drive you through the night, down the hills
I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear

Kavinsky - Nightcall


Very few things could sneak up on Luca Pavone in the comfort of his perforated apartment. He was boiling a cup of tea in the cool evening of Sargasso. He looked up to search one of the cupboards for a cup that didn't have a hole it it, and put it down on the bench top. He then opened the fridge to get some milk. He noticed something where the milk should've been: It was a note. With a raised eyebrow, he took the letter and examined it.

"BEHIND YOU" was all that was written upon the paper. Is this a threat? Possibly - this wasn't the first. Luca pondered as he turned around to find nothing. He then exhaled and turned back around to inspect the kettle, but found the barrel of a gun pointed in his face. Attached to that barrel was a pair of hands, attached to those hands were slender arms, and attached to those slender, mantis-like arms was Natalya Nostrova - An IPG Field Agent - around since the start, and having survived the reshuffle by Valken and much more in her career.

What was written upon the page was not a threat. It was a distraction. Oldest trick in the book. "Mr. Pavone. Looking good in death, I see." She flipped the safety off of the pistol, still pointing it at Luca's face. However, the mercenary ignored the pistol as he poured hot water into the cup and started stirring. Nostrova kept her aim upon the mercenary, curious. He wasn't reacting yet. "Вы меня слушаете?" She asked in her native tongue.

"No. I'm dead." Luca replied curtly as he dunked the teabag. For Nostrovia, this was very out of character for him. She couldn't help but keep an eyebrow raised - still anticipating resistance but finding none. "Listen, if you're here to bop me on the nose for that Everlasting Squids thing..."

"As a matter of fact," she said, before lowing her pistol, re-engaging the safety and holstering it. "I am glad you are alive, I am glad that you're willing to talk - however, you have interfered with an IPG operation. Covers could have been blown, and our trails could have gone cold as the suppliers went on the defensive. Do you understand?"

"I understand, but I didn't know at the time, did I?" Luca replied cooly, walking over to his couch and sitting down. "You don't exactly make yourselves easy to consult at the best of times." He then sipped his tea and motioned for the mantis-like woman to sit.

"Which brings me to my next query." She sat down on the bullet-ridden armchair opposite to him. She put one leg upon her knee and her gaze was stern upon the reformed mercenary. "Why? Почему ты вы это делаете?"

Luca put his tea down to lean in before talking. "Because I hate the NMX. I hate what they do, I hate what they stand for and I hate how they subvert the world." It was such a simple, perhaps innocent reason bolstered by ignorance and confidence. "Is that reason enough to go after them?"

It was a simple reason. "Furthermore, please tell me you planned this. Any of it."

"Nope." Luca replied, popping the 'p'. "Aside from learning about who they were an hour in advance, I did it on a whim. Nothing written save for a name and an address."

She tapped her forefingers to her forehead and groaned somewhat. The motive was simple, the planning was non-existent, and the mystique was now gone. If only the rest of her job could be so simple in dissemination. The execution of Luca's attack, however had left those under her command tied up for a good few days running ballistics, simulation, writing reports and questioning those in the area looking for the culprit. "An ultimatum then, Mr. Pavone." She stood up and leaned across the coffee table, her sinewy arms creeping across it. "An advance warning for any mayhem you would like to cause would be appreciated. We would not want you to end up as a body bag between our Commandos and whichever enemy we fight." She dropped a single card down on the desk with sleight of hand.

It had a message on it. It was no distraction, it was business. "Call me when you require us, герой." She then drew away from him. Only now had Luca realised that he'd been leaning back subconsciously, and his hand had a loaded ODM 10mm pistol with it. Oh, and Nostrovia had a serrated blade resting against his groin. Luca only realised that after he'd stopped staring into her eyes. They both withdrew their armaments and exchanged an uneasy grin as a ceasefire.

Predatory habits died hard - and they both knew it. At least now there was a mutual agreement between these two hunters, and hopefully happy hunting together in the future. Nostrovia left as suddenly as she appeared - and Luca just couldn't help but feel as though he was being watched.

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