Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Simple Life

  • Thread starter Thread starter Samanthia
  • Start date Start date


Errowyn had taken to walking the streets of Osman city by herself. She was dressed as a Lady of Means. She blended in well with the locals except when they saw her ears, they knew she was an off-worlder. An Alien that came and invaded their homeworld. The locals watched her with suspicion to see what she was up to. But to their delight, she bought stuff with local currency, instead of using USO Script, the paper money. Where she acquired it was a mystery. But none dared to question of the means she acquired it.

The merchants liked her as she was learning to speak in their slang and dialect, even though she had that Yamataian snobbishness demeaner which Errowyn was unaware of when she dealt with them. At least she was making an effort to be socialable with the locals and didn't encase herself in power armor like the rest of the Uso and Cyrus's thugs and goons. Those that she did business with did take notice that she was armed with several knives of various sizes and her Yamataian service pistol.

With her Kawarime secured on her island with a Ragnorak Merc Squad to keep an eye on her craft, home there. With Cyrus there when he had a free time. They did their job. Even build themself barracks and exercise field. Upgraded the swimming area and a trail that went around the island which Errowyn used for her daily runs when she wasn't in Osman on official capacity. They improved the shelter for the Kawarime under the camouflage nets that was trashed during the bad sandstorm.

She did business with the local fishermen that plied their trade on the lake. Buying the big Lake Bass and Catfish that lived in the deep waters of the lake. Even made the trip to the local village to buy other foods such as vegetables and fruits from the locals. She enjoyed the simple life. Getting a healthy tan, instead of the paleness one acquires during shipboard duties.
Village Visit

The boat crew was relieved when 6 of the armed troops left the boat along with their Mistress, Miss Errowyn or was fast becoming known as The Lady of the Lake. The captain being polite in escorting Errowyn off his boat and conferring for a return ride back to the Island.

Errowyn knew that some had watches to tell the time and the Captain Owner of the boat had to make a living. But they always came back to the docks when the sun hit the horizon. She looked up at the towering man with a weatherd sun darken skin and a small bushy beard. "We'll be ready when you return to the docks. Lets say an hour after you dock. To give you and your crew time unload and sell your days catch?"

The Captain nodded as he accepted the few meager coins for transport from Errowyn. At least she never welched on payments, and kept her guards inline. Some of her guards pitched in and helped with running of the boat, hauling on the lines to shift the sails. "Me and the crew will be awaiting." Even though he could easily make her find another crew to spend more time with his family. But then he had come to enjoy the extra wealth that landed in his pockets along with the crew.

Errowyn smiled her thanks and took her leave. Four of the Guards had already dispersed into the village of wooden building along with a few adobe buildings that lined the main street that cut the town in half and surrounded the open area where the fishing boats docked along the heavy timber and stone brick quays. She headed on into the open market area on the open area between the docks and town proper. The remaining Two let her have space, yet close enough to respond to any threat to her.

She moved with easy grace through the open market stalls looking over the produce from distance lands beyond the mountain and the lakeside farms. She listened to the locals converse with each other and the market stall vendors. Picking up news from all over the realm. Even from Osman City. The Sandstorm Battle was a big topic even though the battle had happened several weeks ago.

Lines were drawn in the sand so to speak. Some favored the new Regime under Her Highness Uso's reign. Others still wanted the Osmans to be in power. Others didn't want either Uso or the Osmans in power, but the Rebel Leader who was behind the attack on Uso's Palace as it fsat becoming known. Osman was slowly being replaced with Uso-City for the city thast held seat of power.

Errowyn gave a soft giggle at hearing that the Osmans were being replaced by Uso. Some of the ladies wondered if she was mated and was going to produce Heirs to Throne for the new Uso Dynasty. There was even romurs that people were rallying behind Princess Julie, the rightful Missing Heir to the Throne of the Osman Empire.

"I tell you if Peincess Julie allies herself with Boors, I'll just go and burn my shop, home asnd kill off my family! Then go underground to fight against the Boors!" One shopkeeper yelled to his neighbor.

"Hear Hear!" Several onlookers agreed heartily with the Stall Vender.

"Thought you was anti-Osman?!" Shot back the other Vender bagging a few fruits that looked like apples and passing them to a customer.

"At least they kept the Boors on their side of the mouintains!" The Shopkeeper retorted between yelling of his wares to those passed by.

"Who would want to live here? When was the last time Boors attacked?" A costumer yelled into the ensuing arguement. "I'll tell you... they've never attacked. Who would want all this sand from the coast to the mountains?"

"It would be for the resources this land sits upon! The gold, gems to name a few." Another countered as the arguement grew more heated.

Errown moved on after her purchase of the apple like fruit. But was stopped when one addressed her. "Mistress Errowyn, Lady of the Lake, since you've arrived here and made your home here on the lake. How you feel about Princess Julie getting forces to recapture the Osman Throne?"

Errowyn looked at the man who addressed her as those around her fell quiet. They knew she was from off planet and flew Kawarime that could strike with imunity from being hit with return fire. "She owes me a Life Debt. If she and her forces attack any village or town along this lake, will feel my wrath and I'll claim what is rightfully mine. Her life. And the troops who support her."

"What about the rest of the Empire?" Another asked getting bold enough inquire.

Errowyn looked at those around her. The Children playing, working, socializing. The women who were mothers, wives, daughters. The menfolks in their varying trades. "By Contract to Queen Uso. I would protect that she would consider important. And this area as it does provide the majority of food and water to the capitol city. Besides I've an invested interest in the island out on the lake."

Those that heard her speak, nodded sagely. A contract must be honored above all else, for what did a person have if he or she failed to uphold a contract. Nothing. For they would become nothing as no-one would do business with them.

They watched her take her leave and move to the next set of stalls deeper into the Market.
Zahen and Uram were walking through the Village on one of their usual excursions to explore. Despite having rather important jobs, they still commonly went out on various trips around Osman to see what they could find. Seeing the obvious Neko roaming around in the village, however, caused the two Aliens to stop, much to the clear dismay of the villagers who were around them. While one-half of the Market was concerning themselves with invasion and the like, others were whispering of how the gods might be angry with them.

Those who were religious gave the Vekimen glares, avoiding them wherever possible. They even refused to take their money when Uram tried to buy something for his sister to eat. Faltering a little at the sudden decline, Uram quietly apologized, but not before his sister snapped her jaws at a store owner, scolding him for being rude.

At this point, Zahen was ready to take food from someone, and challenge them to try and do anything about it, but the Neko's conversation and presence kept her somewhat at bay. They knew the Neko were varying on how powerful each individual was, and while the common run of the mill Neko would likely be a fair, if not rigged match on her end, a high-tech Neko was not something she wanted to deal with outside of power armor.

Uram continued to try though, asking various shopkeepers if they would sell him anything. With all the work the Vekimen were doing, the public were certainly quite mean to them. Mining out all the minerals and resources so that Uso could use them to improve the quality of life o the planet? They were the workforce! Why were they so mean to the ones dulling their claws on someone else's dirt?
Meeting the Vekimen

Errowyn, as she moved from stall to stall of vegetables on display from the various farms about the lake. She had caught the flashes of light heading the stars. Speculation flittered amongst the locals to as to what was going on. They gave glances towards Errowyn as she shopped and talked with the locals. Seeing that she had no concern about the departing ships, they returned back to their business at hand.

As the day wore on into the hotter part of the day, Errowyn moved through the market area for one of the buildings on the edge of the market square, opposite of the docks. Hearing a stir amongst the venders. She looked back at seeing the Vekimen and the villagers. The Market Venders refusing to sell to them.

She raised her hand and brushed at her forhead as if to push a stray hair away from her face. It was a covert signal to the troops that was with her to be on alert and watch for more ques on whether to stand down or go into full combat mode.

She knelt near a one of the local girls and smiled to her. "Watch my stuff please." Handing her a gold Soveriegn coin of the realm as payment.

She stood and moved with grace towards the two Vekimen and the Market Venders. "What brings you to this village?" Announcing her presence.

The locals that were gathering stepped back as the Lady of Lake had taken interest in these obvious off worlders Aliens.
Zahen snapped her teeth at a vender who was particularly rude, turning to the Neko. "We are trying to buy something to eat. None of these people will sell us anything" She growled. "You would think... After everything the Vekimen have done to make life better here people would at least sell us something," She added, looking to the Neko. "However if we aren't doing anything illegal, then could you please explain your tension..." She asked, her eyes scanning about. "A lone person approaching two Vekimen with an air of authority, and without the scent of fear. You are either capable, cocky, or not alone. Maybe even all three. Interesting aspects you Nekovalkyrja have" She stated, crossing her arms. Her eyes gave away a vast amount of intelligence.

Uram just made a groaning sound, speaking to the female in a language the Neko would have no chance of knowing unless still connected to PANTHEON through the SAoY connection. Even then the chances were light without previous knowledge of the Vekimen. It was obvious thought the smaller male was pleading to her.

"Oh would you quit it?" She snapped, turning back to the woman who was questioning them. The four gold bands inset on her horn being the only form of identification, a far cry from the single band around the males horn. "I don't appreciate being interrogated at the best of times, but now I am hungry and agitated. Speak something they can understand as well! Just because they decide to be rude, doesn't mean we have to be" She added. "Now then, why the stop? If it's because the locals are scared of the big bad lizard people, then you don't need to tell us... It's rather apparent as it is" She finished.
Errowyn listened to the exchange as she took in what is going on around her. The locals and the venders waited for her judgement on the situation. As the two Vekimen talked in their native tongue. She turned to the vender. "What is the problem. Why don't you sell to these...?" Errowyn waved a hand towards the two Vekimen. She didn't know what species they were, except they was reptilian in nature.

The Vender spoke, "We don't accept that Uso Script. It is worthless out here. Even you, My-Lady," The Vender gave a head bob of respect, "use the realms sovereign coinage. So we figure it was okay not to accept this Uso Script. Even with those that we do business with in Os.. I .. uh errrm... The City! Uses the realm sovereign coinage."

Errowyn gave a smile as her eyes narrowed with humor. She nodded as she turned to the two Vekimen. "As you heard. Out here away from the City of Uso. We don't use the script for money in exchange for goods, services and what nots." She looked thoughtful and pulled out her money pouch that clinked with metallic sounds. "If you have precious and industrial metals. That is what is used for currency."

Errowyn opened the pouch and dumped the various coins into her open palm to show the Vekimen. "Gold being the highest value on down to the base industrial metals as iron, copper, tin as the lowest." She waved for the two follow her as she put the coins back in the pouch and pocketed it.

She turned and moved through the Vender stalls to an open air café where a little girl waited next to her purchases.
Zahen watched the metals, are arched an eyebrow. "Metals... They use metals as currency?" She asked, more looking at Uram now. They had another exchange before Zahen reached into a pouch on her belt and pulled out a rather large chunk of the yellow metal. She pointed back towards something, Uram running off quickly to go follow whatever order she just gave.

She looked at the rock, not understanding what was so special about it, before throwing it at the man who was particularly rude at her, hitting him square in the forehead. "There, I paid for a service" She muttered, turning tail and walking after the girl. "So... Why did you want me to join you in here?" She asked, the merchant she technically assaulted probably more preoccupied with the gold than persuing her.
"I've never seen your kind before." Errowyn snickered softly having seen the Vender get beaned with a chunk of unrefined gold. "And to let things cool down to explain that the locals have a different form of currency that us who travel the stars."

Errowyn sat at the table outside of the café, then offered the Vekimen a seat, as waitress from the café came out and gave Errowyn a quick curtsy and a smile. Errowyn turned to her and gave her order of what she wanted. Then looked to the Vekimen that was with her. "Care order something to eat?"
Zahen eyed the table with a bit of indecisiveness. The whole conversation seemed... Normal enough. She figured she could take it. Turning the chair around and straddling it to allow her tail to wave freely, she leaned on the "back" of the chair. "Probably best I don't eat anything. Either I sit here gagging on a lump of food as my kind has a hard time swallowing, or this entire place evacuates as it rots in my mouth. Neither of which are pleasant depending on your perspective" She explained, waving away the waitress who was trying to take her order.

The comment about ever seeing her before was odd though. "We have been here for a while now. Uso hired us to mine out the planets resources to allow her to build her ships, resorts, and other such items. In return, we are given food and technology. Other than that, it was your kind who... discovered us so to speak, if we were to ignore the I'ee's part in it all. What exactly is there to know? We are giant lizard people who are unpleasant to be around at the best of times, unbearable at the worst. We are good at what we do, though..." She said, giving the short story rather than the long.
Errowyn listened to the Vekimen speak as the waitress took off. "Well.. I've been out of the loop ..." Omitting that she was a stray Star Army pilot trying to get back to her command. But taking her time in the process. "And haven't been keeping up what's been happening in the Empire." She leaned back in her seat. "You have a name? I can't just call you lizard or hey you..."

Errowyn gave a soft smile, enjoying the moment as she watched the locals go about their daily lives as she listened to her Vekimen guest.
"Zahen Lak'Sivaro" The lizard responded, looking around the room. "Being left out of the loop seems like a common thing. Many people around here do not know what is going on, and there seems to be too many commanders on the bridge when it comes to the operations around here. We have the mercs, USO, Freespacers, Vekimen. The amount of organization between us all is limited, and we have no common goal other than this planet. Even then the planet is being pulled left and right by various ideals. These resources aren't going to be sustained for very long at this rate" She sighed.
Errowyn nodded at the words of Zahen. "I just worry about my little fiefdom here." She waved an arm to take in the area around the lake. "I kinda inherited when I took interest in the island out on the lake. In order to protect my base of operations. I also protect the area from serious criminal activities that the locals can't handle. To promote good will between us while I'm here." She looked directly at Zahen. "Even if it means to bring one of your species to trail for a crime against the locals." She paused as the waitress returned with their orders and left.

"That is why I interceded. These people are going to be here after us, off worlders, decide to move on to a more profitable planet." She relaxed back in her seat, going back to watching the locals. Her Ragnorak Guards shifting locations to more comfortable positions and to make themselves less of a stationary target.
Zahen looked at Errowyn during talks about trials. "Do not worry. Our punishments are the ones you need to worry about. I have already made agreements with the overarching justice that is apparently Arccos. Individuals will choose who's court system they wish to go through. Your law of the land, or our Military law. Rather simple I think. SOmeone commits a crime involving both parties, the individual chooses where they will go. Of course, should one side show leniency to the other... all bets are off and the victimized side takes over. Say a Vekimen is mauled in the streets for no reason, and your folks only suggest a few hours in a box. We will do something about it. The Vekimen do not take kindly to injustice..." She explained.
"Let us hope that it doesn't come to that." Errowyn smiled softly as she enjoyed a brief pause to eat some of what she had ordered. "These people are fair in ministering justice. If it involves Off Worlders. It'll be investigated very carefully to include the events leading up to the altercations." She then smiled again. "I'm no lawyer but I do have a fare sense of play. If the verdict is not satisfactory. It is the right of the individual to take it to a higher court...Uso's...Vigilante-ism is frowned upon."

She turned and looked at Zahen. "If you need local currency. There are Money Exchangers at the local bank. Expect to pay a high price for the exchange. Any gems you find will be given full value of their worth in their raw state. Well I wouldn't say full price.. the agreed upon price between parties."
Several later after the conversation with the Vekimen pair, Errowyn stood up and gathering her packages and purchases, moved to a small quay side building and stored her stuff there. As she moved looked over the locals going about their business. Children playing amongst the adults and the draft animals and wagons.

A serious change of pace from the usual vehicular traffic on a more advance worlds. Even the air was much cleaner. She wondered how long before the horizon gained that smog layer. She gave a subtle signal that drew one of Ragnorak Merc into the open to come to her. She looked around as she spoke to the bid IS-DOL? Trooper. "Anything new happening that require my attention?"

The Big ID-Sol trooper held a hand with one finger raised as he checked with base back on the island. A few minutes passed and then he spoke. "Gotten in new off-worlders with their business and structures."

Errowyn looked thoughtful. "Maybe tomorrow I'll check in with Uso. To see what is happening and get the latest gossip and news." She nodded as she moved on. The IS-Dol soldier faded back into the background, letting Errowyn have her space.

She heard the rumble of the big freight wagons coming from the city. She looked towards the source in time to the intercity caravan appear on the big open area of the docks. They rumbled over the cobblestone area to a place where they could park the wagons and unhitch the draft horses. She watched the locals gather as the Teamsters led the draft animals off to the dockside stables reserved for them.

Feeling the excitement and joining in with the crowd gathering to watch the teamsters unload their good onto fast erected tables and booths. Goods from all over the Osman Empire and other kingdoms of the land. She mingled with the locals overhearing the gossip between the locals and teamsters telling their stories of travel and news.

One wagon had set up a huge bulletin board with a list names. It soon became apparent that this was their version of intercity postal service. Those that had their names on the list, had packages awaiting them that the caravan was carrying. Locals looked for their name and those that had spotted their name went to a table where the Wagon Master sat with another list that was the same as the one posted. The local would give his or her name and the Wagon Master would look it up on his list. Then yelled out to his partner who would search the wagon for the package or letter from distant kin. While the Wagon Master and the local would haggle over payment till money was exchange along with the package. Package going to the local. Money going the Wagon Master. Errowyn watched with interest, having a sneaking suspicion he charged at both ends of the package journey. But she held her council as the locals probably knew it, but were happy with the status quo. The Wagon-Master didn't press his luck and overcharge, but gave decent price for his services. And still enjoyed the haggling of doing business.

People came up to him, awaiting their turn to have letters and packages sent elsewhere to kin and family, even doing business through the wagon Postal express.

Errowyn smiled softly as she moved from one table , stall or wagon to look over the offered merchandise they was carrying from one city to the next. Everything from cloth goods to weapons, non-perishable exotic food stuff.