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RP: Section 6 Sindy Surgery

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
188604: GH Labs
188604/ 1km from S6 to the South: Galactic Horizon/ labs

The U7 shuttle would take off from the S6 spaceport, and took the short flight to the GH facility. Zeke sat in the hold with Sindy, having come taking her from work with permission. They waited for the shuttle to descend above the landing area for galactic horizon labs.

"I kept my promise, I told you I'd find a doctor and I did.", Zeke said with a smile.

Almost as soon as the craft took off it was picked up by the sensors in the Horizon facility, it wasn't an uncommon occurance with how active the base usually was. When it's predicted course was registered as coming towards the complex it was flagged. "Mr Black, a craft from Section 6 is approaching the complex, it is not showing any hostile action should I hail them?" The feminine AI Dawn questioned.

"Action a small reception party and attempt to make contact with them." The CEO said without looking up from his desk trusting the program to complete it without fail.

As the shuttle approached a communcation request on the secured Horizon frequency was sent out, while Riccard seriously doubted anything would happen to S6 and they would be compromised it paid to have security measures and this frequency was something he'd devised with Jack to do just that.

Sindy is wearing her Osman Officer Uniform looking down at the floor. “Yeah, you did...” She seemed a bit out of it. Just the swell of thoughts going through her mind. “To think... I’ll be running again...” she cracked a smile.

"Rykiel sir? They're hailing us on a encrypted frequency. They wish to know our intentions."

Zeke stood up and reached for the wall comm, "patch them through."

"Hello this is Zeke Rykiel, I called earlier today about setting up an appointment for a surgery. Patient name of Sindy Xu Draguun for a spinal correction and reinforcement surgery. May we have permission to land?," Zeke said after the line was redirected.

"Your request is being validated, and a record of the appointment is being confirmed please hold." Came the cold reply from Dawn before a single landing pad lit up and was marked for the shuttle, the strangley metalic yet still female voice started again. "You have been granted a landing pass for the second bay, Argus Zepheris will be there to escort the patient." With that the communication line was closed.

“It’s Sindy-xou Draguun. You said it wrong.“ Sindy said looking at Zeke with a slight smile on her face. She turned away and scratched the back of her head, “But yeah like... thanks... you didn’t have to do this for me.”

"Sorry, it's not a pronunciation I'm used to. Guess I'll have to practice. Hey I always keep my promises. I like you, and I care. I'm here if you need me," Zeke said as the shuttle touched down and the ramp lowered.

Standing at the bottom of the ramp was a Separa Shan who was tall even among their standards, his face peering in as the ramp slowly lowered exposing his green skin and seemingly lifeless expression. "Bring it- them... inside, and give me all the details of the injury and what you want me to do about it, no boring filler either I don't care how it happened unless its relevant to the surgery."

Before the ramp had even stopped he had turned and was moving at a rather fast pace back into the entrance to the Horizon technical labs, his white coat flapping behind him as he shifted from side to side.

Sindy looked down Zeke and blushed, "I-I-I uh... Zeke man... HA don't mess with me like that! You're such a jokester!" She said with nervouse excitement. Then proceeded to slug him in the shoulder with a heavy punch.

She then turned over to the Spara Shan and gained a confused look on her face. "Never seen a snake with a man's face..." She looked back at Zeke and whispered, "Who's Scales over here?"

Zeke gripped his now dislocated shoulder, "I was told his name is Argus, but he's supposed to be some sort of miracle worker."

Zeke gave his shoulder a shove, popping it back into place loudly, "I meant what I said."

Sindy blushed then turned back to Argus and headed down the ramp to him. She exteded her hand, "Sindy-xou Draguun. I'm here for my back." She was blunt and straight to the point. Then she gave a grin, "I'm gunna assume you don't have a cure for this guy's blindness right?" she said jestering at Zeke.

Argus paused and turned back to face the woman, looking her up and down with cool indefference. "I'm aware that you require a spinal procedure, it would suit you well to be more precise in future or some may have taken, 'back', to mean removing your ribcage. And I don't have time for small jokes, even from here I can tell he isn't blind, there are several key characteristics he is lacking."

Facing back towards the buildings he continued, ignoring the hand that had been offered as he slithered away. "You're due for restraint in 2 minutes, please make your way into the theatre and change into the provided gown, or go without your choice but none of your current clothing is allowed on your body. It will hinder the work." He said over his shoulder as the doors hissed open and one of the security personnel stood motionless just inside, motioning for them to come inside.

Sindy took her hand back and turned back to Zeke, "Oh I'm gunna have fun fucking with this guy..." She had a grin on her face that was up to trouble as she followed after.

"I am not lacking qualities. I already don't like him.", Zeke said as he followed them inside.

Sindy grabbed Zeke's arm and pulled him in, "Listen... this guy creeps me out. I don't want you leaving me alone with him at all. I don't trust this creepy looking reptile."

Although the scaled man had seemed to vanish after heading inside he quickly reappeared dressed in a far more sterile, sealed scrubs, his already blank expression beginning to curl into a scowl. "Simply based on your response I can tell you lack one quality which is the ability to listen, I said you lacked the characteristics of a blind person but I'd be willing to inhibit your occular nerves for a time if you'd like to learn them."

The theatre was about the size of a large bedroom and contained an operating table in the centre with several various machines hanging from the ceiling and positioned on the floor, splashe some blood over the whole scene and change the lighting and it could look like a horror scape. "Welcome to the primary operations theature of the Galactic Horizon combined laboratory." Argus said with a tone dripping in sarcasm and mockery, "Now please prepare yourself with as much speed as you can manage, the longer it takes the worse it could be."

Sindy let go of Zeke, "Don't threaten me with a good time snake boy." She then started to remove her uniform and strip.

Zeke went red and averted his gaze, "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere."

Sindy finished stripping then handed Zeke her clothes, "Awe... you're embarassed! That's cute." Her complete naked body exposed. "Stay and I'll reward you." She winked.

"Yes ma'am.", he said with uneven voice.

"I'm not going anywhere, and they wouldn't be wise.to harm a head of one of S6's departments," he added.in.a much steadier voice as Zeke remembered why he was here. He was here to help Sindy, he'd be damned if was to let them harm her.

Sindy giggled, "Yeah, they would probably piss off more people then get their kicks off from disecting me." She said running her hand down her chest all the way down.

Zeke hated that idea, "They'd have to do it over my dead body."

Sindy grabbed his jaw and turned it to her, "You would go out of your way to defend big ol' me..." She said in a seductive voice and a grin.

His voice was rock steady this time, a determine look in his eyes that said he would gladly die to achieve that goal, "They try, they die."

"Little trooper..." She flicked him on the nose then gave him a quick hug before walking over to the table.

Argus watched the interaction with a subtle look of distaste, so much time wasted playing with each other when she could be getting the procedure over and done and they could take their juvinile behaviour out of his labs. "Now that you're ready, please lie down on the bed face down, I doubt I need to tell you the hole in the headpiece is for your face." He said, sliding a bucket under the headpiece without explianing and then moving to Zeke.

"While I don't appreciate you threatening me and the staff here or having the audacity to think we would go out of our way to harm someone who belongs to your organisation. This is a medical procedure and I cannot promise there will be zero pain." He moved back to the table, the man had spirit but he wasted it acting like a mayter for this woman, love was overrated.

"Hold out your left arm please." He said when she had gotten comfortable on the bed.

Sindy extended out her left arm, "What? Gotta ring for me?" She chuckled.

"Not quite, I don't think people react agressively to getting a ring." He said calmly as he deftly activated several metalic locks on the table to hold her limbs and torso. "You'll feel this for only a moment and then, well then you get to experience spinal surgery while still being concious." Argus said, almost grinning as he moved in and punctured her upper arm with one of his fangs, injecting her with his unique venom.

Sindy didn't flintch, "Oh... you're into that sorta thing. Well, I can't really say that's my kink though." She said chuckling again.

"Professional advice, you might want to close your mouth for a moment while the venom sets in, you dont want to choke on your tongue before we even start. Once the initial shock is gone and you can move again then you can open it." Argus said retrieving several instruments laden with blades and points befor eone of the arms in the ceiling lowered down to shine a high powered light on her back.

Zeke tensed up as he watched the instruments, which looked like something out of a horror vid, were gathered. He knew he needed to relax, but his heart beat had quickened, and the feeling of the concealed pistol nagged at him.

Sindy chuckling, "Oh this is going to be fun! Zeke! They're gunna cut me up like a frog!" She was laughing.

Zeke felt sick at that statement, logic now in a battle with impulse. The gun almost itched, memories of dead comrades he had cared for like family, flashing through his mind. He set her clothes aside on a bench. His right hand twitched ever slightly, as sweat beaded on his temple.

Argus hadn't noticed the stress buildinig in Zeke as he watched, he was more concerned with not letting this woman potentially injur herself on account of talking too much. For no she seemed to be doing ok, and she was face down so that it would be less likely to cause issues. With a hiss a second arm extended from the ceiling and moved down, a small laser emitter on its end which was pointed at her spinal cord near her lower back.

As it flashed on the laser swept over her and mapped out the bones, muscles and the very delicate nerveous cord that ran along the spine in 3d above her for Argus to inspect. "Hmm, you'll probably need at least half a dosen pins and some readjustment to the lower area, based on this I expect the top to be considerably twisted which will take some work." The Separa mused more to himself than anyone else, lost in his thoughts as he continued inspecting the 3d laser model and checkinng to make sure she was still breathing.

Sindy was still laughing, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, "This oughta be fffffun. Too bad I can't see it. Zeke! If it's too much look away!" She called out to him.

He'd seen people die horribly on the battle field, every manner of Gore he wished he could forget. Even most.of his unit being blown into red mist, by the void Jack had been covered in it that day. He had become dead to such things after the first couple times, but this was different. When it's someone you love on the table, and you know what's coming. It's like a special nightmare all its own. He was terrified right now, his heart pounding in his chest and ears, as he knew what was coming next. Every atom of his body screamed to grab her and run, but his mind fought with logic as it tried to keep the anxiety at bay.

He really wished he had a bucket, he felt sick, and they hadn't even begun to cut.

Heavy, mechanised footsteps could be heard slamming into the ground outside the operating theater - they suddenly ceased and a little red communications indicator lit up near Argus.

Argus placed an earpiece over his right ear and activated the comms link, "Argus, go ahead." He spoke as he continued to study the model of the spine which was slowly getting longer as it moved from bottom to top.

The somewhat out of breath voice of Terrins filtered through the earpiece, "I saw the ship from the salt flats.. anything I need to be aware of?" he asked, an ever so slightly concerned tone to his words.

"We have guests Officer Terrins, I'll unlock the doors for you as I may need your help with something, the partner of my patient here has been restless since arrival and I'm worried he could intefere." The small indicator beside the door blinked once to show Terrins the door would be unlocked for 5 seconds.

The door hissed open to reveal an armour-clad form wiping his boots against a corner to try and get some of the dirt off of them, he tapped the boots together a few times more before striding into the room with a rifle slung over his chest. "Greetings folks, don't mind me too much - I'm just here to make sure nobody does anything too brash" he said in a warm tone, of course it was entirely artificial as he noticed the slight protrusion of a concealed weapon.

Zeke gave the newcomer only a glance. Armored, decently armored, and something told him one of his weapons had been noticed. This security was far more alert then the rest. If a confrontation possibly even happened, by whatever small chance. His odds just took a nose dive arriving at station, well you're probably fucked now. His nerves were on fire.

Sindy laid there bored, there was nothing going on and she was just staring at the bucket on the floor. ”Zeke. Tell me something. this is now getting boring...“ She couldn’t see what was happening and didn’t want to be bored.

Zeke focused on her voice to stay calm, "they're 3d mapping your spine,.......and a security guard entered the room."

“Ooo security... this outta be good.” Sindy siad with a slight chuckle. “You don’t sound that good Zeke? It’s almost like you‘re Going to watch me get cut open.”

"Well that should have been long enough for your nerves to be nummbed sufficiently, you won't be able to move your limbs oe body for a while but sadly you will be able to talk. Just start screaming if you can feel any pain." Argus said taking his longest scalpel and running from top to bottom of the girls back while keeping his eyes on the model.

Sindy didn't flinch or moved at all. She stared down at the bucket bored.

Zeke wanted to turn away as he began to cut her open, feeling like he wanted to throw up as his pulse pounded in his head. His breathing picked up slightly as he watched with a small amount of terror even he knew was irrational.

"Don't worry about it, you're in the hands of the man who has removed more bullets from me than I'd feel comfortable with - he's a professional" Terrins spoke through his helmet's mic when he saw the big guy wasn't looking too good, trying to offer some reassurance.

Despite his initial calousness towards the pair from S6 Argus was not so inprofessional to take meaningless chit chat into a surgery. The Separa Shan delicately moved several clamps into place to hold sections of the skin and muscle away from the bone and nerves as he inspected it up close. Starting from the top of the spine her entire back was slowly and carefully opened to reveal the length of vertebrae.

"I'm going to start by manually realigning your upper spinal area, although you shouldn't be able to I must ask you to not move your head at all or it could sever the nerve to your brain." Argus spoke slowly, his earlier harsh tone gone, replaced by someone who was concentrating intently on their work. With light hands he began to go over every vertebrae and move each only a milimeter or so in one direction, once he'd gone through the whole section he started over. Slowly twisting and moving the column as it gradually

When he'd done this several times he paused and had the section rescanned as he watched the model like a hawk, checking for any small issues that had been overlooked or missed. "Did you feel any of that, even if there was some disembodied sensation of parts shifting around I need to know about it." Argus suddenly spoke seriously as he took another look down at the bones, his brow furrowed.

Sindy rolled her eyes, "No... I didn't know you even started." She said bored.

Zeke's eye widened ever slightly, his pupils dilating from fear, he looks pale. He felt unsteady, and even though he stood still, he felt like he feel every ounce of blood moving in his body to the rhythm of his heart beat.

Argus made a small sound which could be taken as one of annoyance before speaking, "Please try to be a little more serious, this operation could potentially kill you and you seem to be far to placated just by the mere notion that I am a professional and you can't feel anything. For all you know you might come out of this operation and still not be able to feel anything." The snakeman said continuing to make tiny adjustments before grabbing two of the hanging machines, one resembled a drill while the other looked like a rivet gun.

"Although I am glad that you body hasn't begun to counteract the venom yet, now I'm going to attach two strengthening rods to your spine and use them to straighten it simultaneously." With the precision of a darts player he drilled a hole in every 3rd vertebrae on both sides all the way down her spine before attaching a clasp to each. Finally a rod was thread through each clasp and slowly Argus twisted the clamps at either end. Forcing the curves out of the structure.

Sindy still stared down at the bucket, "I can't feel pain reptile. I can barely tell when I get shot. So... I trust you know what your doing scaly hands." She snickered.

"Your trust is well placed, although I wish you had mentioned this symptom earlier I could fix that up for you too. It's likely connected to your spinal issues, however even with that kind of tolerance, even if its a nerve problem, you would be screaming if people were twisting your spine by hand." Argus spoke, continuing down the bone column to work on the lower part, ensuring the realignment had gone smoothly.

After the lengthy procedure of attaching the rods and manually adjusting the top part the surgery was more or less complete. Argus inspected his work several times over to ensure nothing would go wrong the second she stood up. Just for good measure the snakeman threaded several more pins into the lower and middle back area to strengthen the bone and release strain on the muscles.

Zeke eased as the procedure seemed to have about concluded.

Sindy yawned, "Fuck man, took you long enough to finish. But no, I can't feel anything due to the training me and my cousin went through when we were younger." She chuckled, "they beat the shit out of us till we couldn't feel anything."

"That's not training it's abuse, and it didn't help you at all it simply destroyed certain nerve endings. However I can assure you there is pain beyond what you have experienced and I don't mean that sappy heartbreak crap although I have a feeling if I killed either of you two the other would attack me and probably break down crying." Argus said back to her, this woman was trying his paitence and frankly he didn't know why he'd been instructed to help her. Surely the world would get by without her, and were they even paying for it?

"I can already imagine that for someone like you, brain damage would be your worst nightmare."

Sindy rolled her eye's, "You sure know how to get the women don't tcha. I bet you get all the snake girls with that amount of aditude. Listen, I understand where you're coming from. I've been in the military for years. Call it abuse, but it was tradition, it kept me awake when in the middle of an artillery bombardment." She stated, sounding serious, loosing her joyful nature.

"Women are of little concern to me, you can call it what you like and pretend it was good for you I honestly couldn't care less. Now that the operation is complete you have my permission to get out of my lab and stop bothering me with such trivial nonsense."

Argus slithered to the door and tapped in a command on the PUTER mounted beside it, causing the few remaining machines in the roof to begin the process of stitching up the girl as he left to go back to the hazchem labs. "Terrins I don't want them in here a moment longer than required, as soon as she's stiched get her in a wheelchair and out of my lab."

Terrins had his attention half divided between the current situation and some security feeds, wondering what kind of shitshow the woman must've been involved in where the sounds of heavy artillery impacting nearby were considered less stimulating than spinal issues - but it was brushed aside once Argus gave him an order. A curt nod was delivered before the armoured man disappeared through the door again, reappearing a few moments later with a wheel chair ready and waiting for the patient.

Throughout the whole ordeal there had been a lingering sense of unspoken tension in the air until the green-tailed surgeon voiced it - of course he did, that was Argus in the nut shell.

The security officer continued to stand there wordlessly, pushing the video feeds and readouts aside for now.

Zeke quickly grabbed Sindy's clothes as the machine finished sealing her up. He was ready to get her home and leave this place. He didn't like the doctor one bit.

"Hey they finished closing you up, here's your clothes," Zeke said as the arms retracted.

Sindy turned to Zeke, "Over that fast huh? Well I didn't expect much. However, before i try to stand. Doc, real question, can I stand?" She asked Argus.

Argus hesitated just outside the door, he didn't turn back to face Sindy but did answer her. "The venom will wear off within the hour, you will be able to walk but I don't recommend it for at least a week while the bones and nerves accustom themselves to the new positions."

He slowly turned to face her with a blank expression, "I don't expect you to like me or follow my advice because I said so, but if you don't want to end up looking for a doctor who isn't using rusty knives next time it happens you'd do well to heed it at least for a few days."

Sindy shook her head, "Nah, I trust you. Not like I can't survive getting around without walking anyway. I'm use to being in a wheelchair anyway." She then turned to Zeke, "So... since we're going to go... can you throw my clothes on. I can't move."

Argus nodded, glad at least she didn't throw his words away simply because they hadn't gotten off on the best foot together. He knew there was probably more to learn about her and from her if they had a less serious or formal encounter but that would have to be another day, he thought to himself as he left the room montioning for Terrins to follow, he wouldn't need to guard them.

"I'll be outside when you two are ready," Terrins informed them with a curt nod before following Argus' gesture, exiting the room carefully and sealing the door behind himself. The security officer took up position near a bank of monitors and leant against it, turning his head to speak to the surgeon.

"That was sudden, although it looks like everything went as planned," his voice rasped through the helmet, ever so slightly distorted.

Zeke helped position her and quickly helped get her clothed once more. Then he brought the chair over and helped her get into it, the nepleslian much stronger then he looked. "I Alright, let's get you home."

Sindy smirked hopping into the chair slowly, “I was going to say, you should buy me dinner first. However, you’re already ahead of the game arn’t cha?“ She commented.”

"Well I say this is cause for a celebration, so date two? I let you choose what we do, anything you want.", He said before taking them towards the exit.
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