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Sitearium and Stellarium


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Two stealth materials, both have weaknesses and possibilities for detection. Both are well defined in comparison to existing stealth armors.

Si-Tear-um, and Stellar-um

Sitearium and Stellarium
Very cool, I like the fact that the materials have such a low damage rating, so you do have to use other materials to protect your ships. I like the idea of stealth plating for peacekeeping power armor and ships because it makes it easier to do jobs that way. It becomes easier to perform rescue missions; provide humanitarian aide in war zones or actually passively observe a situation when people cannot see you.

People tend to act differently when they think someone is watching, so if a peacekeeping force is about to enter into a war zone to provide aide- it would probably be a good idea to go in and watch what's going on first. Good intel saves lives, I think it also makes it easier to police trade lanes if people cannot see the police. It can make it easier to catch people who are committing crimes in the act.
I've always had an issue with something that implies "complete stealth". My concern is that, even if it has an incredible weakness AFTER use, the potential for abuse is still an ever-present temptation.

For example (and JUST an example), using Stellarium it would be incredibly simple to smuggle a billion-ton-payload atomic nuclear antimatter aether bomb onto a planet or capital ship using little more than a few sheets of this armor and an interstellar tugboat. Not just incredibly simple, but if it is complete stealth, 100% successful and without any reasonable counter. You don't need shields or aetheric power to accomplish this task, and I worry about the balance of a metal, even with weaknesses, that can accomplish complete stealth.

This is my only concern, really.
I'm with Moonie. DR is meaningless on stealth materials because you're just going to layer it on top of stronger materials.

The other thing is that this is a submission for a new material that gives a huge, huge advantage to whoever has it, and it's only available in UOC space. Neps and Yams get the shaft.

Submission rejected.
I have modified Stellarium, giving it more detection possibilities and a similar flaw to Sitearium in terms of objects in motion.

Submission has been modified, please review again.
I don't see how it gives the UOC a giant advantage. According to you, Wes, Xiurilium is able to mask just about everything on a ship, and then a bunch of ships still have that whole "slip into subspace to hide" feature, which is a lot like Stellarium.

Honestly, nothing really new is being done with either submission. The phasing effect has been seen plenty of times beforehand with the Mishhu, and Sitearium is plenty modest as far as its effects.
Its ok Sub, I made it more detectable now the reasons above are moot.
New version Approved.
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