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Sivaro Automatic Assault Carbine

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On phone. Those rounds only have being boat tails in common. Are they pistol rounds? Rifle rounds? And considering 6.5 mm has one of the best ...


Also helpful.

Use the BC from .45 Win Mag at 260 gr -- which has a better BC than .460 Rowland because it fires faster with a similar shape and barely any caliber difference -- then switch MZ to 3080 and gr to 80, then calculate. You'll get a round that reaches a 55" drop at about 450 yards. That's a big drop. At 750 yards, it's going to get close to 100" and have almost no energy.

Go ahead and bump the BC up if you want, but I can't find a listed BC for .460 Rowland, so I have to assume it isn't much better than, say, .45-70 Gov't. Find the BC for .460 Rowland and let me know.
View attachment 5991

This is using your calculations, at 900 yards. As a comparison you only need about 80 ft/lbs of force to kill a person.

This is the same calculator I used before, so when I plugged in your numbers I got similar results. 17 yards seems like a huge drop sure, but you're firing at 900 yards, that translates to only a few degrees of deflection upward to arc the bullet into the target (I got something like .7 degrees above the target to get the correct amount of drop)

Using these values the round is certainly lethal well past 3-400 meters.


Edit: My original post was using .1 as the BC. The BC for the .45 win mag is .18 which is pretty terrible and makes me think that the BC for the round would be much worse, possibly a lot closer to .1. Though I already did the math for the BC at .1 earlier in the thread.

As a reminder, a lower BC is worse than a higher BC.
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That... Would involve making a new wiki. I don't understand what you mean or how your answer responds to any of the issues I see with the layout. I can easily just make an Ammunition section of the Wiki. How many Ammunition types do you think I am going to make for this weapon? They are admittedly pistol caliber rounds, and while pistol caliber rounds have a lot of different bullet types, the differences at a certain point become moot. I shouldn't have more than 5

My apologies for not being clear, Edto. You're right. You need to make a new wiki page.

Go ahead and use the page above as a template, or you can use the ammunition template. It doesn't stop your weapon from being approved; just please remove the ammo details from the weapon page and link to them from the ammo page later.

Zack: I don't know if you own guns or not, or if you read those links or not. But you're wrong on a very practical level, and if companies like Hornady and experts like Hawk can't convince you of the basics, I'm not going to try.

I can't ban you from the thread, so the last word is yours.

Sorry for the distraction, Edto.
Where do the experts disagree with me? Everything posted so far seems to support my interpretation. Hornaday and Hawk's calculators even give some exact numbers (which have been posted here) that show lethality out past 750m and a controllable amount of drop considering the length of the shot.

You mentioned using the calculator but when I plug in the numbers you gave I got similar results to what I saw earlier.
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