Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Sizes of various weapons-pods? (Wes, read this)

Funny. Reading it, I can find out that just fine.

There's six. Y'know: "payload"? Also, how many hangers you can have is kind of tied to how many upper legs you have: the general concensus is that this number is "2". Basically, 3 NSDs on each side.

Also, each support drone is about the size of an hand, hence the description of them being hand-sized?
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How about your hand, as well as your ability to read, combined with your ability to use your brain to exert common sense as well as rudimentary math (i.e.: 1+1 = 2), without resorting to trolling as first choice for a response?
Maybe I should describe them as the size of a soda can instead?
I wish you hadn't fallen for the trolling, Wes. Fine. Following your lead. They weren't yours to describe in the first place because they were my submission, Wes.

(though I'd point out the present 'touched-up' version of the article actually seems inferior to the original)

Nodal Support Drones aren't Nodal Support Bits. They're already larger than the 'finger-sized' NSB, meant to have longer range/be more capable/have a size that's not ridiculously small for what they do. Think of it as a nekovalkyrja service pistol as centerline of a karate chop-shaped adult hand, with the magazine handle being turned into an extrusion of the centerline underneath the drone (which is also the drone's attachment point to the upper leg hangers). The volume on each side of the centerline weapon includes components for the drone's sensors, communication and mobility.

Thing is, much like most bullets and mini-missiles, this never really needed an indept description; technicians and roleplayers seldom actually need to know how exactly these things are like beyond the information already released.
This isn't trolling, Fred. I wanted figures that the wiki didn't give. Thanks for the explanation. Its really really helpful :3

I feel a bit stupid but could you explain the difference between Nodal Support Drones and Nodal Support Bits? It isn't clearly listed on the wiki as far as my wiki-search-fu can find.
Honestly, looking back at the two today... not a whole lot.

The design intention behind the drone was to create something with more of an identity. I didn't want a cloud of small gnats buzzing around the Mindy II. I wanted to limit that number down a bit. It broke my suspension of disbelief that the bits were so small and yet had so much functionality.

In my head, the NSDs were more capable, but it seems - in the articles - that they're really mostly the same. I figure it could be argued that they were implemented during the 2nd Mishhu war as devices involving less miniaturisation, so, they were less expensive to produce.


Now that I look back at it and the edit dates, it sort of feels like the NSB article was created and then based off the NSD one - making them look mostly equal today. I'm fairly positive the NSDs were superior to the NSBs in some fashion, but I really can't tell today.
Peeking around corners for their users, advance scouting, a certain measure of point-defense? They seemed to play a pretty significant role in the last armor engagement I GMed.

In my armor-to-armor conflicts, the drones are really the first line of defense against other drones as well as mini-missile volleys. They're also effective against infantry, and can even amount to a certain level of suppression fire.