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SANDRA Sizing Up The Enemy - SAINT Issues First Public Intelligence Report

Kyoto, Yamatai - This evening Star Army Intelligence revealed new reports detailing the size and scope of the enemy forces invading the Kikyo Sector, based on observations by scout ships, sensor networks, civilian reports, and data from the Battle of Hanako's Star. Here's what we know so far:

The Kuvexian Navy: Currently the Kuvexian Navy is the strongest force in the invasion and makes up less than 30% of the invaders but because they are clearing the way for other invaders, it is often encountered by Star Army of Yamatai forces and typcially does the work of actually capturing star systems. Kuvexian Naval forces are operating in what SAINT describes as "Battle Groups" which are fleet-size elements of 2,800 ships each. The Typical Configuration of a Kuvexian Navy Battlegroup is:
  • 100 Battleships
  • 600 Cruisers
  • 600 Carriers
  • 1000 Gunships
  • 500 Scouts
When a star system is conquered, typically 1 to 5 battlegroups appear in spread-out waves, using strength in numbers to obliterate enemy forces through massed, focused firepower. Ships attack in coordinated strikes. This means that, for example, if there were 3 Kuvexian ships and 3 Yamataian ships, the Kuvexian ships will assign one of the 3 Yamataian ships as a target. When the ship is overwhelmed with damage and destroyed, a new target is picked. This results in very rapid ship destruction and destroyed ships cannot fight back.

Interestingly, the battlegroups lack a "logistics train" of cargo starships which means the Kuvexians either plan for the war to be rather short, or they intend to rely on the resources of the various frontier systems they have been capturing. For example, Hanako's World is a major agriculture center that can be used to resupply food and water. They could also be relying on corporate suppliers.

Kuvexian Navy ships are typically gold with purple accents and a drive system at the aft that looks like two horns surrounding a purple trail of light. However, some Kuvexian forces are other-species designs that reflect the other species' motifs (e.g. Elefirn). SAINT believes the LOWEST END estimate for Kuvexian Navy ships is 30,800 ships in 11 distinct battlegroups. So far the Star Army of Yamatai has destroyed approximately 2,500 of these. However the high-end estimate is there could be double this (22 battle groups) which is obviously a much more difficult war to win.

Kuvexian Corporations: It is estimated that some 30% of the invasion ships are branded corporate contractor vessels serving as mercenaries, logistics providers, or just simply opportunistic vendors. When the Kuvexian Navy clears out resistance in a star system, the corporations descend on it and start setting up operations to provide security and to exploit the system's resources. Their top priority is making money efficiently. Some of the corporate ships are actually larger and more well-armed than even the Navy ships, but this varies quite widely depending on the corporation. These ships are recognizable by bright color schemes and logos.

Scavengers: The other 40% of the invasion appears to be uncoordinated masses of private groups and individuals looking to get in on the action. These ships from every industrialized or backwater planet of the Kuvexian Kingdom are raiders looking to profit off the war by stealing anything they can. They are already causing a serious pirate problem throughout the Kikyo Sector. They know that the Star Army and allies are focused on the Kuvexian Navy and are exploiting this to commit whatever piracy they think they can get away with.

The Star Army is already adjusting its strategies to account for this updated information and is coordinating with allies to come up with assistance in dealing with the threat.
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