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Approved Character [Skeleton Ensemble] GeneSculptor


Inactive Member
GeneSculptor Six Three 63-5262-8271 is a player character played by Cordinarr.

Species & Gender: Type 3 Cyborg Male.
Year of Birth: Chronological year: 13, Physical Age: 26ish.
Organization: Freespacer.
Occupation: Scientist/GeneSculptor
Rank: None
Preferred Plot: Skeleton Ensemble Plot

Physical Description:

Standing at 5’6” Six Three is a Type 3 Semi-Organic Freespacer Cyborg that takes a keen interest in the sciences. His arms and legs have been replaced with black, sleek mechanical arms and legs. On his torso where his ribcage is has been covered with durable, heavy-duty track that allows for a third appendage to be attached and for the appendage to rotate around his body to assist where needed. The only appendage he has thus far is a four fingered (three fingers, one thumb) hand that is about the same length/make of his other arms. This appendage can be detached for sleeping purposes or removed when not necessarily needed (formal occations).

The right half of his head has a metal plate that extends to the back and the front, the front ending in replacing the right eye. That allows it to be fitted to scientific instruments or focusing apparatus. Can be upgraded to see infrared, UV, or night-vision. Over his mouth is a metal covering with tubes running to it to aid in breathing in environments that would hinder it. The tubing actually leads down underneath his skin in between the clavical bones on either side to access the veins that lead to and from the heart. As the tubing comes into contact with the blood, lichen that produce oxygen are scrubbed clean, oxygen removed and sent back out into the blood. He grows lichen cultures on his lower back that are a deep shade of red, in four lines on both sides of his body stylized to look like bear claw marks.

Despite the heavy amount of augments, there is still plenty human. The metal casing is only fused to the muscular structure underneath the skin to allow for movement, but all of the bones and organs remain underneath. As well as, the legs stop at the hips and the arms at the shoulders. He left eye is an ice light blue, and the remaining hair on the left side of his head is steel silver color, ear length but he’s careful it doesn’t get too long. Skin was originally peach/flesh colored but due to the lack of sunlight/proper nutrients, it has become a decent shade paler.


I haven’t quite figured out/nailed down the personality quite yet, so it’d be a work in progress.

A man that is dedicated to his work and takes pride in it. As a GeneSculptor he is constantly looking at genes for possibilities to strengthen personality traits, make bodies longer lasting (at least by current
standards), or find areas in the code to reinforce the immune system. He is curious about others’ genes about what makes them favorable for them to pass on, or what exactly was chosen to accentuate in the current iteration of the genetic line they are from. While in the lab, he prefers to be shirtless to fully use his third arm, only donning on a lab coat when dealing with volatile chemicals. Six Three puts on a shirt around those that would otherwise be uncomfortable with his semi-nudeness or if the formal occasion would call for it.

He is socialable at times, truly engaging in conversation with those he cares about but only being polite with those that he feels he is obligated to. When discussing his work, he’s gained a knack for when people are being genuinely curious and when those are just asking questions to spur conversation. The former dragging out childlike wonder, enabling him to drone on and on about the newest sequence he found, the latest test he’s running or the instrument he’s had to deal with. The latter is dealt with professionalism, and a kind patience to explain what he’s doing…in the simplest terms he can think of.

While tests are being run, data being compiled, an instrument is down due to a key component, or just off time, Six Three enjoys light amounts of socialization, but particularly enjoys strategy games and puzzles. Conversations can range from the philosophical to the scientific, or to casual plans or ideas. Also has been known to venture into the kitchen to conduct “experiments” using what he can find. Some are good others…not so much.


(Disclaimer: I’m still learning about the history of Star Army and the Freespacers. If there are any clashes with the history, let me know! Nothing in this section is set in stone and can be rebuilt from the ground up if need be, or adjusted to be better suited to the setting.)

GeneSculptor Six Three 63-5262-8271 was born in 25 YE.

Upon exiting the gene banks, and the nursery that comprised of his world for many years, he took up an apprenticeship aboard a Mothership in the GeneCrafting center. Here he and other researchers took up the task of harvesting genes, and finding the favorable sequences that would make for good stock. However, he had to start out low as a mere labrat. Identifying sequences, assisting in the transferring from real mind to syntelligence, deleting code after code without respite. Mistakes happened, but learning of great amounts were never too far behind them. The scientists were kind and nurturing of a curious mind, influencing and promoting the inquisitive nature that came along with it. Soon he was adjusting his own code for review.

His final thesis at the end of his yearlong apprenticeship was a series of gene stocks cut from his own code, modified in different ways to accentuate portions of his talent and mind, while removing those that would be unfavorable. While it was regarded as a bit narcissistic, he viewed it as a way of giving back to the Mothership that had carried him for so long and taught him so much. It was agree upon, and the day before he left he was able to hear the mild, quiet thoughts of his clones that were growing in their vats. To him they were his progeny, his children.

He boarded a ship that would take him to his next job aboard a Mothership that was having difficulty retaining its genetics without it deteriorating. During the next week, he delighted in the polyscience that was connected to the Mothership hearing his children learn and think. That is, until, the Genocide occurred. The sounds he had heard, followed by the silence was akin to him as if a babe had been ripped from its mothers arms and had its head thrust underwater until it made no more sound. Anger, confusion, and utter despair followed him into his new lifestyle. While the work that he had done to create them was still there, the silence that hung heavy in their absence haunted him.

During his mourning period, he took comfort in other Freespacers that had also experienced a great loss over this tragedy. After coming to terms and accepting his grievance he returned to his work with renewed vigor. If there was ever a time to prove yourself as a productive worker, as a true member of society, now is the time. Dark times makes those that stand in them, shine the brightest. Over the next few years, he continued his work solving problems for Motherships, conducting tests to aid them or to deliver the stock that they were lacking in, or even developing better technologies for their gene banks to replace their old systems.

However, his previous work that was first his passion remained untouched. He had memorized it and could pursue it all over again but to him the work has a black stain on it. Opening the thesis from time to time to reread it he always finds himself closing it in disgust. While others may forgive Yamatai, he could not.

Recently he has heard there are some Freespacer settlements that were cut off from the Polysentience, only to be rediscovered, though they had undergone change. The opportunity to aid in the reuniting of his people, the discovery of newly mixed genes or stock, along with the ability to help them thrive was worth more than the risk that was whispered along with them. Pirates, horrid creatures, and even worse empires lay out in space waiting but they couldn’t deter him from his new found calling. And so, he looks for a ship.

Social Connections:
GeneSculptor Six Three 63-5262-8271 is connected to:

Archon Mímir Four Two 42-8923-1489 (Type Five, Syntelligence, Scientific Mind and Archivist)

Biomage Hex Four Eight 48-2548-9835 (Type Three, Cyborg, Geneticist Mentor)

DNAdept ATCG Two Six 26-6852-4836 (Type Three, Cyborg, Scientific Peer/Close Friend)

ADProfessor Krebs Three Five 35-7856-1243 (Type Four, Automata, Scientific Peer)

Cakecrafter Ramsey Nine Seven 97-3658-1475 (Type Three, Automata, Baking chat room rival)

Genetic Progeny 56-8148-7325 (Deceased)

Genetic Progeny 56-8148-7326 (Deceased)

Genetic Progeny 56-8148-7327 (Deceased)

Genetic Progeny 56-8148-7328 (Deceased)

Genetic Progeny 56-8148-7329 (Deceased)

Genetic Progeny 56-8148-7330 (Deceased)

Skills Learned:

Excels at:

Chemistry and Biology – Taking a keen interest in both, he immersed himself in them both while absorbing information about Genetics. Using his knowledge of Chemistry and the applications of it towards Biology he found himself to be quite the geneticist. Something he prides himself in helping Freespacers and their GeneBanks should trouble arise.

Competent but not the best:

Mathematics, Engineering: Lots of his tests required him to design, create and build his own instruments. As such knowing the amount of energy that would be put out, and making the blueprints for them required the knowledge on how to go about making them. However, when it comes to engines, weapons systems, or power cores, he has less knowledge about than general theory.

Cybernetics: Arms weak, sweaty palms, legs that would give out after hours of standing prompted him to creating his own cybernetic limbs as well as a third arm to assist in his studies. Having an extra arm to hold a beaker while taking from a sample can come in…handy. However, beyond his own cybernetics is something he needs to work on.

Technology Operation: The ability to save and more importantly, share information is vital in the scientific field. He has had to create his own servers and connect them to others, as well as saving drives, allocating memory, writing code for his own instruments to run their tests, or troubleshooting their systems. Though if a piloting system were to fail, or a life support system were to flick or go haywire, he might find himself in a pinch on how to repair it or create a new one.

Passing Interest and could use a LOT of work on:

Culinary: “Baking is science for hungry people,” or so his mantra goes. He tries and fails, often seeking recipes but also prides himself on making his own. They don’t always turn out so well…


EM-G8 Type 33 Dataslate – Used to taking notes, writing in his journal, and reading other’s works.

Adjustable pipette with swappable chambers. Each chamber can hold an upwards of 5 mL.

Selectable Ion Analysis Attachment: A portable Ion Chromatography that clips on to the data slate and feeds out the results giving the results accurate to 100 ppt. Usable for Gas and Liquid Ion Chromatography.

A two part all red with a gold trim robe. The top half of the robe over laps the bottom half and ends a few inches below the waist, complete with hood. The bottom half mirrors the top in color and fashion, as well as ending a few inches longer than it needs to. Mostly worn in semi-/formal occasions around persons that would be unaccustomed to Freespacer life-style.

1 pair of formal shoes, long sleeve button up shirt, and khakis. To be worn when not using the extra arm.

4 pairs of t-shirts with the sleeves removed, matching patchwork pants.

1 lab coat, safety eye patch, and washable lab gloves.

1 Voidwalker Suit

A wooden spoon.

Character Will:
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):

Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES

Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? YES

Any questions, or more importantly any ideas, you might have feel free to voice them! I’m still pretty new around here and I’m willing to listen to all recommendations. Also, let me know if there are any inconsistencies, spelling, or grammar mistakes. Right now, I haven’t thought of a suitable Alias for him, so I’m not sure if I want to start with one. If you have a good idea for one, please share! Thanks for reading!

@Primitive Polygon
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By the omnissiah, there are a lot of details in there! Pretty good quality, overall. Might be a few things I can help you refine, through, certainly...

Name and physical description are fine. Spacers are not actually required to have an alias. Might be worth removing the "Immortan Joe" reference, since third-party references kinda break the wiki's immersion factor, but other than that, the description definitely fits.

Personality seems to be a good mix of eccentric scientist with a dash of a certain amount of ability to get along with others. It's okay if he's a bit of a jerk at times, but that kind of thing will be important. Also worth noting is that the Skeleton is not big enough to have a proper laboratory for him, but there is a small chemical refinery room for him to move in and set up shop.

Character arc in the history is very interesting. They are definitely at the right level of accomplishment for this sort of plot, not too big and not too small. The name of his home fleet, or one of the ones he helped, could be useful if you want them to be mentioned in the plot again. It's also worth taking into mind that, while a minority, some Freespacers even idealize pacifism to the point where they eventually settled in Yamatai space after the genocide. What's his view on those sort of people?

Skills are really well balanced. Might be niche, but I can find a certain amount of work for him, like we talked about. I guess the only other thing we never brought up was bacterial contamination.

Items; He needs a voidwalker suit. Even if they don't leave the ship very often, hull breaches would get messy...

Yeah, overall, considering you are a new player, this is really high quality. Great effort.
Thanks! I really appreciate it!

Yeah I think I wrote that after a long day at work (and a glass of whiskey), and I agree it would be a lot better without that reference. The chemical refinery on the ship would be perfect for him. He could work on upgrading it, or utilizing its resources while they are not for practical use for his tests.

Glad you liked the history, that one took me a little while to think about. As for Mothership names, I have no idea what do use for names. Do you have any examples that I can use for reference? I'm not sure what is typical for a mothership name.

I think it would vary from person to person. If the Freespacer comes to him saying that he is wrong for not forgiving the Yamatai, and chastising him for holding contempt, or even suggesting that the Free State join under the banner of the Yamatai, he would think lesser of them. Depending on how badly they treat him, he would even see them as betraying the Freespacers if they themselves do nothing in the interest of bringing their people back together.

If he comes across a Freespacer that despises the Yamatai as much as he does, that feels the pain he feels, that wants off and away from the Yamatai, that they were only there because it was the only means to live and survive with hopes of rejoining their people, he would feel sorry for them and do everything in his power to aid them.

I don't think there's one straight answer here, and it would have to depend heavily on the situation.

Very good recommendation, I'll add it to the list!
Guh. Looking back through a lot of the older Freespacer character wiki articles, they actually barely ever seem to mention the fleet or mothership... Yeah, unless you want them to specifically name dropped, it's okay if you want to skip that, in hindsight.

Some mothership names, just for the hell of it; The Silent Sun, The Eternity, The Cargo Cult, and of course, the Brilliant Unwritten Future Amidst The Neverending Heavens.

As for the general demeanor regarding Yamatai-settled spacers, that seems fair. You will be meeting people from both ends of the spectrum, so there is always a chance to evolve that sense of morality through exposure, too.

Yeah, overall, I would definitely say it is good enough for approval as is. Are the any other changes you wanted to make? New questions? I can make a wiki article for you if you don't feel comfortable with that, too (You can edit it later anyways).
Ah ok, I can't really think of any reason why I would want to mention them, yet. Maybe we can keep it a mystery for now, and if we decide later we can name them? I'll definitely ask before hand if it can be one of the ships he helped out. For the ship that had his progeny on them how does The Matron's Care sound for a name?

Here are some other ship names I came up with for reference ("The" can be placed in front of the name if need be, but to make it less redundant I left it out): Radiant Dawn, Saving Grace, Eternal Pilgrim, Vigilant Nomad, Hopeful Collector, Selfless Guardian, Shielded Protector, Envenomed Blade, Shadowed Rumor, Majestic Frontier, Soul Regret, Deceptive Beggar, Sole Regret, and Scarlet (or another powerful color) Wraith.

Of course these all aren't Pacifist Freespacer names, or they aren't all Freespacer ships, but I like to have a list of them for a reference later on.

I don't think there are any changes that I'd like to make! We've pretty much handled all that I'd like to, and I'm very happy with the results! Thank you so much for answering my questions. You can go ahead make one if you like, I'm not sure how to get started.
Hum. Some of those are pretty good! I like the "Eternal Pilgrim"... Matron's Care is fine for the one he was involved with, through.

And no problem. Always cool to have someone around who goes that extra mile. The wiki page for him is now here. Creating and editing pages isn't as hard as it looks; Infact, it's very similar to regular forum BB code. Might be worth creating your own user page just to try it out? (To get the namespace, you can just click on the red "Cordinarr" link, and click "create this page".)

Anyway. This character is wholeheartedly approved.
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