Star Army

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RP: 188604 [Skeleton Side Story] Breeder Reactor

Primitive Polygon

🎖️ Game Master
Port Hope, Colony One, Docking Assembly

The main space station of the backwater system was a mostly bare silver affair, through the dull crimson light of the red dwarf star made it glimmer in several additional shades of orange and pink quite spectacularly. About a mile long and the shape of spindly dumbbell, both of the large habitation rings counter-rotated, providing an age-old source of gravity to the massive relic. That did not stop them from ignoring the unstable orbit for several centuries, which had now pitched the entire structure on an odd angle compared to the surrounding disk of dusty white asteroids.

Large patches of rust and white graffiti were visible as Druid Vista Five-One approached the fantastically huge docking ring, but one could say those features were what made it an especially Deoradh locale.

No sign of the Skeleton Ensemble. It was supposed to meet his modified cargo hauler here, but ever since they entered the system, it seems like the polysentience connection had gone down. There was no choice but to wait it out, really. Maybe they had a break down?

Docking clamps magnetized into place. Surprisingly fresh air flooded in.

The main concourse was crowded with all sorts of miners and merchants, of course, but what was more surprising was the three people waiting on the loading ramp specifically for Vista. One large boxy automata with a mono eye and oversized mining claws, a small four-legged cyborg lass, and a pale bald man with black-metal hands.

"You are having a recipe for the construction of the bio-bits, are you not?" The bronze-metal machine sounded. "I am requiring an expert in this type of fabrication."

"...D-do.. you... erm..." A petite voice followed, quiet and stuttering. Spider girl must have been a Type Two. "...Have you ever... ah... c-can you help me, V-Vista s-sir?..."

Only the taller male figure was silent, observing his reactions with little but shady eyes and a small smirk.

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Port Hope

With the Treasure Hoarder safely secured, Vista had been more than impressed with the meeting point. A big reason was, of course, that the Love Decant would likely have more genetic samples by the time the meet-up actually went down! But, as the Type Three departed to move onto the loading ramp, things were certainly surprising! His green knee-length dress was worn over some blue pants, the outline of the pink panties visible from behind whenever the thin dress pushed against his back. The equally pink footwear only helped the tricolor attire of the suitcase-carrying genetics-hunter! Of course, one hand was free to brush the girly, fiery hair from the front of his large purple gazing orb.

The trio before him was certainly interesting, the Type Two spider gal and man likely to have nice samples for him! With his trademark smile, his cybernetic eye began studying them in-depth while the other fixed on the automata.

"I don't really make bio-bits! I study them! Organic bodies can have redundant features... but a physical lust can be a motivating tool among my fleet! And in others, taking partners from victims is a custom! Making bits, though? Nope! Not something I'm well versed in!"

Popping open the case, his eyes looked to both of the organic appearing, pulling free two slides before it shut and he held them out.

"Spit on this! Your friend too! I can totally help you, though! Spiritual needs, physical ones, mental ones... all in my expertise! I got tons of soft stuff for therapy back in my cobalt treasure!"
"You are requiring the DNA? This is unexpected." The clawed automata managed to look dejected, despite entirely lacking any sort of facial features. It took the message pretty quickly, and trudged away back into the surrounding crowds. "Organics are so over complicated..."

The girl was more compliant, through their spindly track-pod legs kept them so close to the ground that Vista had to meet her half way. Basic demeanor said that they had no idea what spitting on the slide accomplished, but was willing to comply just for the possible help. The fact that they had a large two-pronged antenna in the place of one ear, as well as a folding laser gun in the place of the right arm, made any kind of human interaction difficult, really. Yet the silent, shy nature, as well as a certain blushing tone hidden behind a cascade of void-black hair, meant she might well have been attracted to him.

Pale man did not jump at the chance quite so quickly. In fact, he just patently folded his arms whilst the others were interacting, their smile only growing more foreboding.

"It's not for me. I represent a larger group who has an interest in your particular skill set, in fact." His gravely voice was quite strange, hitting a low basal notes that were rare in normally hyperactive freespacers. Contrastingly, however, his accent was purely that of an ethnic Deoradh, like those recordings from before the race escaped their decades-long cultural isolation. A gaunt face, pristine dark grey voidwalker suit which accentuated his joints with bundled folds, tall but seemingly very thin below all the layers of neoprene-coated nylon. This guy was old for a fellow space nomad. "I can tell that your group has been squatting up north, so let me tell you this. Genetic operators are in high demand within this region right now. Ever since the Free State collapsed, people are more interested in stealing new tech than getting a new generation of motherships running. Those that wanted to grow families, bailed out of the war and started colonies at the first chance, it seems..."

"For someone like you, this does offer some unique opportunities in light of our new approach, however."

Didn't look like the Type Two was actually with this shady bloke. They were looking at him like they had no idea what he was going on about, either.
Vista made note of the spider-girl's possible attraction, quickly containing her slide and slipping it back into his case. While her spider legs were sorta hot, the Druid had no time to speak or flirt with her in the expected and corny methods. Slide locked up in the case and his offered one to the bald man put away, the Type Three brought the suitcase up to rest it behind his shoulder.

"Um... what is it people think I do? That automata was quick to leave and you won't give me any sample. I'm not trying to create new motherships or anything... more like trying to make everyone back with the fleet have more variety and specialization in skills through genetics!"

His free hand moved back to tug gently at his dress, smiling to the spider-walker gal.

"We should go somewhere quiet to talk! Figure out how I can help!"

His eyes looked to the bald man, making a note to watch out for this one. Stealing technology, talking about how Vista can help him. The fact he was still there meant he had to at least pose an invite.

"You can come, too, but only if you stop being so spooky and be direct! And if you give me a sample for my collection!"
"Oh we have the facilities, that is for sure!" The pale man spanned out his arms and gave off a toothy grin, through his thin eyes made if difficult to tell if he was closing them or staring intently whilst doing so. "The chief problem has always been finding the expertise. Any base automata can follow a procedure they downloaded off of the polysentience. What we seek, my friend, is a chance to cultivate your talents..."

"As for a sample... Tell you what, why don't we make this into a little game?... If you can tell me the species contained within this blood sample, we will grant you the right to use our organic fabrication facilities here within Port Hope, whenever and however you choose! Think of all the fertility experiments you could perform!" The gaunt figure popped open a small metal storage container on his suit's chest, and produced a tiny paper tab. It was indeed a blood test strip. "The time limit is three days. Contact poly slash, graveless sons, dot pee hache two."

"That is all. I will leave you to get back to your gifted work."

And with that, they made a gentile bow before briskly walking away. What a strange fellow.

During that whole weird proposal, the Type Two girl had become a little more shy, loosing confidence and bundling themselves back into their vastly oversized yellow padded jacket. Their skin was a not too dissimilar shade of ivory, through their hair was quite a full, rich black mess of curls, both offset by waifish ice blue eyes.

"...D-do... Do not think bad of friend Lodemucker, please... He is a good automata." A short peep of defense, carefully stringing a little hair out of the diamond-shaped black sensor implant on her forehead. In truth, the entire woman was a bit of a mess of random wires and metal plating. One had to wonder what her given job even was. "Only... H-He doesn't understand the programming in DNA... and how becoming an organic would be really hard for him..."
"Pft. Making me out to be some lackey. I ain't gonna work for anyone but my fleet..."

While Vista wasn't intending to carry out the job offer, he didn't exactly toss the slip. Instead, it vanished under the side of his dress into his pants pocket. With work done, the suitcase moved back and was pulled with a quick strap to rest on the panty-wearing geneticist's back. Facing the shy but adorable girl, his face put on quite the grin to match those huge eyes.

"It's fine! Lodemucker was way cooler than that weirdo! Being organic for pleasure can be worth the trouble though! Morale can climb with biological satisfaction from our organic bits! Like a water bath or whatever, from what I hear! Only less wasteful but more dirty!"
"B-b-biological satisfaction?" The short thing went positively pink in the cheeks, bundling her pale white organic hand in with the glossy black-metal one. "Vista, s-sir, I..." Pursed lips and averted eyes spoke deals about their inexperience with this kind of thing, almost at the point of simply running away.

"My n-name is L-Lullkeeper M-M-Maeota Seven Three, my druid..." A small twitch of the arm, part of a gun barrel flipping outwards just a slither before returning back inside. It wasn't exactly the most secret of weapons considering they also had a small ammo drum directly mounted to a fixture on their back. Both a filled cheeks and a filled chest made it one very compact shortstack all things combined. They knew what Vista was thinking, but didn't want to jump the shark quite so easily. Not when they were a Type Two that wasn't designed for that sort of thing, mentally or physically. "W-what I wanted is advice... Advice about how this breeding works and how... How somebody like me can... keep it... despite my maker-given task..."

"...Without my own ship, I mean..."
"Mmm... well, a synthetic capsule similar to most mothership cloning technology could work! I mean, you could make a longer-living Freespacer without quick-aging. But that'd be boring. And probably need speeding up anyway!"

Vista had looked to the twitchy gun-arm, taking a moment before realizing that the Lullkeeper was more or less a Peacekeeper. The large gun had obviously been a tell, but the part about her being concerned over not having a ship pretty much led to Maeota being marked as just a soldier-type Type-Two who wanted to snuggle babies! Or have a kid that could snuggle them like a lover in two years. But that was gross, even by his standards. As a member of the Love Decant, the Druid was far from holding people to standards... but it did at least finally make him snap out of a lengthy, internally-fueled argument.

"I'm actually looking for the Skeleton people who were going to be here... but if you joined me, I bet I could give you an operation to breed! It'd probably need someone who's good with technology, though, along with my knowledge of the organic bodies! I'd need to make nerve replication for pleasure, padding to ensure proper fun, th-... I mean... uh... you know, that gross stuff! But I can't do any of that unless I meet up with those spacers! I need a place to sit down my Treasure and the Cobalt, then materials to spruce out some designs I remember from back home... it'd be like a project!"
"You'd... You'd really do that for me, Vista Sir?..." Maeota risked a glance upwards, but her vision quickly retreated back downwards as she considered what exactly that would entail. Seeing as the four-legged cyborg was so low to the ground, the Druid would pretty much need to crouch down in order to make contact at any rate. "Y-You don't w-want... n-n-nothing in return?"

There was a lot to think about in such a proposal. They were created on Port Hope, and rather than just some kind of indentured service, Vista surely knew that the Type Two took a great deal of pleasure in paying back that debt of gratitude. It was just the age-old Free State way.

Softly, her metal fingers grasped onto the girlish male druid's own hand, whilst the other digits carefully grasped a fold on their plasticy green dress in order to bring their faces more or less level. It was all preparation for a heartfelt kiss on the cheek.

"...I will protect you... That is what I am good at... Maybe that can be the payment?..." An easeful whisper. "I could probably put you in t-t-touch with the wayfarer s-sensor gearheads... So you c-can find that skeleton, too?... I... hope t-that is en-nough..."