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Skipping a Beat


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"Go home Yuka...." Katsuko clutched a pillow, as she dismissed the Taisa, who was forced to kill her daughter.

"But..." Yuka tried to question, but looking at Katsuko, her blue hair sticking to the wetness of her cheeks, the tears still flowing from the Empress' eyes. Yuka, undid her rank pin and left it on the bed, she said nothing more as she left the palace.

Did I fail you again...?
Why would you betray your home? Was it me?
Did I push you to do this...?

Questions went unanswered, so did her mournful cries. She questioned everything, knowing that her daughter would not just turn her back on her family and commit to such a thing without a reason.

The last months felt as if they had been a dream; with Akina back in her arms.

Yet again, I looked the other way while you slipped into the night...


Hours later...

Katsuko began to dig within the confines of SYSTEM. She watched the Battle for the Great Lighthouse, over and over. She began to sift through the thousands of sensor logs, she slowly compiled the statistics gathered on the two major classes of Freespacer ships encountered.

"SYSTEM, analyze the target, and all data from the Freespacer battle and previously gathered intel." She waited as the computer began to compile the data. She also pulled Kiyoko's personal and ship logs, and started reading.

The next Morning...

She had cried herself to sleep, but the sadness had passed with sleep. By the time she got her robe on, she was able to access the report generated by SYSTEM. She sighed, looking over the estimated abilities of the ship classes as well as the defenses of the Great Lighthouse.

Why Kiki? Why was this worth dying for?
Taisho Yui, Is recalled to Yamatai...

Katsuko awaited Yui, she had cleaned herself up somewhat, and was wearing lavender colored robe with a thin translucent hood. Makeup covered the tear marks poorly. Two Blackcoats would welcome the Taisho, bowing and escorting her to Katsuko. Katsuko said quietly, "I am sorry for calling you home...but I feel we need to talk."

Yui, dressed professionally in her crisp uniform, waited for Katsuko to continue.

“Seems my daughter was out to kill you...." She tossed a copy of the files that Kiyoko had left for Caine to find. "I admit, she was in the wrong, and I apologize for that..." She took a breath. "I was also wrong, I sent you without knowing the circumstances to kill a faction that barely has the technological skills of the Lorath, because they made a threat. The galaxy is not taking well to our old, war bullied approach anymore, my friend..."

“Peace will come through absolute power over throughout our domain," Yui said, "We cannot allow our nation to be threatened or degraded without consequences," said Yui. "I would like to downsize the military and pursue peaceful diplomacy...but we are constantly attacked and threatened. So, I want to hit our enemies hard and thoroughly, giving them no further chance to adapt to defend against us."

Katsuko nodded, "You’re right, we should not stand for our nation to be threatened, we should protect our domain..." Katsuko looked down, shaking her head...thinking of all the news reports from the day. "Our domain at this second is at more risk to falling apart, but not from an external threat… Protests have broken out across the Warmaster worlds, and the United Outer Colonies." Katsuko said pointedly. "A response has been given to these Freespacers, but I believe we have made our point. They understand now if they attack us, we will obliterate them." She sighed, "I want you to pull back the fleets, guard our borders and bring peace to the Empire."

How soon?" Yui asked. "We have barely started processing the prisoners from the great Lighthouse, to say nothing of analyzing the captured technologies."

Katsuko stood up, standing face to face with Yui. "Bring what you need back with you...You have twenty-four hours." Katsuko said, looking at Yui smiling slightly. "At one time or another, we both have been heralded as great explorers, great leaders, and great soldiers of this nation. That is not worth being lost to these Freespacers, children...who, if they decided to attack us after this lesson, will be destroyed."

"Very well," Yui nodded, feeling frustrated.

“One last thing before you go." Katsuko said quietly. "War I believe, has changed us....It has made us bitter, we must be careful that we do not become the very thing we fight. I know this will likely not sit well with you, but I ask, I plead, that the Mistress Taisho I worshiped as a young captain, finds her way beyond what war has made her.” She said in parting, “In the same breath, I hope I can change what it has made me."

The Taisho left, leaving the palace.
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