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RP Skirnir Josva: Star Army Pilot. Day 0

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Joshua Kyrie

Inactive Member
This was it, everything Josva has been waiting for. He had passed basic training and he had graduated flight school, it was only a matter of time before he received his station. He was at Uesureyan Fields waiting for a shuttle, only he didn't know which shuttle he needed to catch. It was a lot of waiting around and it played on his nerves. Josva decided to take a walk, to blow of some steam instead of just sitting around waiting for things to happen.

It seemed there were a lot of soldiers waiting for orders around here, it seemed nearly everywhere he looked he would see a Yamatai Army uniform. A lot of them seemed to be congregating around a certain location a bar, now Josva wasn't one for drinking, he signed up when he was sixteen and drinking always came across as a distraction during his studies. But considering he had no idea how long eh would be waiting for news he decided to head inside.

It was far from the crisp clean soldiers bar he was expecting, it looked quite rough inside, but with a name like Desperados, what was to be expected. The atmosphere seemed nice enough, nobody was fighting, people were having a good time, it at the very least seemed like a comfortable place for Josva to kill a couple of hours. He made his way through the crowds of military men to an empty table over by a wall, he piked up a menu and started to look around. the streetlights from outside leaked in through the windows casting strange shadows about the place and the music was unfamiliar but pleasant enough. he watched as the patrons went about their business, drinking and whoring when suddenly a woman asks. "what d'ya want?" in a gruff tone, shocked JOsva turns around to find a young waitress stood at his table. She was a pretty, young girl, pale skin, blonde hair, not the type of person you expect to work in a Mexican restaurant.

"Uhhh, Fajitas" Josva said trying to gather himself

"Anything to drink with that?" the young girl said pen and paper in her hand.

"Just water" He responded already looking back out over the restaurant. The girl vanished and Josva continued his people watching. He recognized a few faces, some from flight school, some from basic but most people there were just strangers to him.

Before long Josva's meal arrived and by this time he had actually grown hungry which is strange considering he was only after the meal as a means to kill time in the first place. He picked up the first of two fajitas and took a huge bite out of it. Suddenly he hears the smashing of a glass and a young star army soldier, probably a marine, push a smaller man out of his way. The man he pushed appeared to be wearing engineer colors. "High school never ends" He says to himself as he takes another bite of his food, disappointed look on his face. The marine spots Josva watching him and shouts over.

"Hey" The marine says in an angry tone. He then begins to march over with a macho swagger in his step. "What are you looking at?" He shouts to Josva, finishing his first fajita. Josva does not answer and simply takes a sip of his drink. "I asked you, what are you looking at?" The marine said as he reached Josva's table.

Josva swallows his drink before looking up at the man. "A Bully, an idiot, a child, do i go on?" The infantryman then flips Josva's table sending his remaining fajita across the floor.

"What did you just say?" He shouts erratically. Josva climbs to his feet.

"I was going to finish that" Josva says looking at his food on the floor.

"Finish this" The infantryman throws a punch hitting Josva squarely in the jaw. Josva falls backwards and lands on a table behind him, he climbs up to his feet then tackles the infantryman before him to the ground. He throws a punch hitting him in the face and busting his nose before the marine strikes back. The two scrap around on the ground for a few seconds before they are pulled apart by fellow military men. Josva spits blood at the man before him before the owner has the two men thrown out of the bar.

Outside Josva and the man stand rubbing their aches and pains. "Great job man, you got us kicked out" the marine says to to Josva. Josva turns and looks at him.

"Seriously? What is your problem?" Josva declares, fed up of the situation. The marine walks over to a nearby bench and collapse. The expression on his face is now one of shame, not anger.

"I'm sorry man, i'm having a tough day" The man says in a much softer tone than he had previously been speaking. "I guess i got a little crazy in there"

"We both did" Josva says taking a seat next to the marine on the bench.

"I get short tempered, and this waiting has got me on edge"

"I know the feeling, still waiting for assignment?"


"I'm Josva" he says outstretching his hand for a handshake.

"Hatsuka" the marine replies as the two men shake hands. "I guess we got a little stir crazy" Josva smiles and laughs as does the marine. "look i'm sorry, glad we could clear the air though, don't wanna head off with that hanging over me" the marine says with a look of shame on his face

"we all make mistakes" Josva replies "don't worry about it, you punch like a girl anyway" Josva turns back and smiles at the marine, blood in his teeth. The marine laughs as the two of them watch people pass them by.

"You looking forward to it?" The marine asks tentatively

"Serving?" Josva asks


"Spent 4 years getting ready, your damn right" Josva replies "You?"

"I dunno" Hatsuka answers "i mean, i did the training and i know a good bunch of guys but it's scary you know" He says looking at the ground.

"Terrifying, facing death every day, it can't be easy, but if it were easy everybody would do it" Josva says looking at the marine next to him.

"Yeah" The marine answers despondently.

"If you don't think you can do it drop out now, just leave, but know, if you don't you'll be a hero, you'll be out there saving the universe" Josva replies.

"You believe that?"

"It's all horseshit" Josva says much to Hatsuka's surprise "they teach you that stuff in basic, but i do know that what we do is good work, and you seem like a good man, bad punches, good man"

Hatsuka smiles "Thanks Josva". Josva smiles back. "So, what to do now?"
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