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I know I've been away / hard to communicate with. That's because it's been 7DRL week!

SkullDorado! [Download]

While research­ing jun­gle ruins you’ve come across men­tion of a glo­ri­ous empire, the capi­tol of which was a mas­sive city of gold. And the only clues to this wondrous place is inscribed into idols shaped as skulls of solid gold, left littered around the ancient temples con­structed by this empire. Mak­ing camp, you set off to dis­cover and bring back these golden idols hop­ing that each one will bring you closer to find­ing the fabled city and wealth unimaginable.

It's an Android game and it should work on just about any device, minimum version is 2.3.3. Con­trols are sim­ple, just swipe a direc­tion to move. Tap to wait or to use an item you’ve picked up. You can carry three items, plus the idol if you’ve found it. Return to the camp with an idol to move on to the next set of ruins. Doors can be closed by tapping/​waiting while stand­ing next to them. Help­ful if you’ve just opened into a room pop­u­lated by fast and dan­ger­ous jaguars.

All of my 7DRL updates were posted on 7DRL.org using the tag: SkullDorado

Orion said:
Well, that's thoroughly epic.

Thanks! Nine days of near-constant coding (the 7DRL was preceded by a 48 hour jam at NASA-Ames) has left me completely exhausted. I'd love to continue developing SkullDorado, like fixing the issues I had that led to a simpler inventory and removing two of the monster types, and offering a choice of graphics and control schemes. Adding sound. Stuff like that, but for now I just want to settle back into my normal routine and take care of all the things that got neglected in the interim.
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