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Slip Stream

Damion Scott

Inactive Member
Manufacturer: Damion Scott Private Citizen
In use by: No one but damion Scott
Unit Type: AI Drone Cruiser with pilot "Unique"
Designation: None as of yey
Nickname: ~~~~~
Production: only model and protoytype

Pilot Information: Damion Scott

Length: 9.38 meters
Height: 12.6 meters
Wingspan: 5.69 meters
Total Weight: 3 metric tons

IV. Performance

Speed (sublight): Has not been testes still in production
Speed (atmospheric): Testing needed
Speed (hyperspace): Tested needing

Weapons: None at this point

The cock pit has enough room for one person to sit. but he is surrounded by the touch sensitive controls. There are a total of 2 panels that respond to touch that bring up different ship systems from the cooling system to the impule control system of the engines. The Systems that are not currently on manual control by the panels are being regulated by the Central Drone Artificial Inteligence System for Star Cruiser.

The ship has an overhead H.U.D that reports the system operation current setting much like gauges. But in a more dynamic and detailed account. So all system can be monitored by the pilot as well as the Ai system. This offers a more detailed control and quicker response to any disturbances through out the ship From hull consistancy to the fuel regulation.

Positioned in front of the pilot seat is twin Flight sticks that both together and individually control the flight of the cruiser. By sensors on the flight sticks they tell if there being handled or not when neither stick is active the ship automatically goes into auto pilot.

In the seat are micro sensor that pick up the body vital signs if the pilot is ever incapacitated the ship automatically plots a course to the safest destination where he can get medical treatment.

Exterior Appearence:
Metal Framework with Exposed components

Damion Scott is currently building this project on his free time. The end result may vary after testing is done.

For photo reference look at my ava
Right ... this contains effectively nothing but the size.

There's nothing to approve, and if it was you'd have to resubmit it once the test had taken place.

Even if tests haven't taken place you should still have systems inside your ship, there should be details about what sort of sublight drive you have, you should have a description of what this 'hyperstream' is.

Look at other ships and try and emulate them a little.
Looks better now. Just keep adding stuff as your character gets more parts. Before he actually flies the ship, let's get the stat sheet done.

What's hyperstream?
Hyperstream in theory that involve bending space and hyper space and traveling any distance in mere second by conversing through the small stream of matter that exist between the 2. it is a dangerous way to travel because antimatter actually exist here and if a single ship hit one of the masses a singularity. that effects both space and Hyper space.
Um... you'd have to go in the tech board and create that technology seperately, I think.

Or, you could just go for either a hyperspace fold device or wormholes. Those exist already.
Snark less and contribute more, dude. *grins*

The AI is one not currently in production ... is there a certain star cruiser it comes from?
Well in that case tell us which one it is, and explain it in significantly more depth.

Probably in another thread. The creation of entirely new dimension that trip can travel through is a very significant deal, given its implication for future use, and so both needs a good deal of description and analysis.

In addition to this, you may want to spend a little more time over your posts. For example, we at SA have a tendency to like standard English, which I'm sorry to say includes capital letters at the beginning of every sentence, and a full sentence at the end. Commas and punctuation are a great bonus.
The implications of using a star trek teliporter to send a beam of matter though a (plane?) of anti-matter aside, this is something he saw on a TV show not something that would be supported by logic and reason.

I suggest you use one of the already approved methods of transportation such as wormholes/hyperspace/subspace movement or whatever you want to call it.
I'd second that too. Having a private built starship is one thing, but I seriously believe it would be more worthwhile for Damien to really research what technology is present in the setting before just making something up out of the blue and sticking cool names to it's capabilities.

that said, I extend my apologies to Damien for saying something so rude and welcome him to the harsh realm of the SARP contribution approval discussions ~_^
I have scars. *points to his frontal lobe* It's brutal. But what doesn't kill you ... makes you even scarier! BWAHAHA!

As you wander around, note that the hyperspace fold system is more or less kaput. So stick to continum distortion drives or lesser animals.
I hate to say it but i did not mean to put hyperstream in there and it was not till i was dead tired last night looking that i saw it in there.

i was kinda confused why you were asking. Now i feel like the stereotypical Blonde

Slipstream - The method of travelling through space. The pilot must be well trained to navigate the 'strings' that hold the Universe together.

but that what i was thinking when i wrote up schematics for a untesed ship. And it not Star Trek it was Andromeda ty very much :):P
I guessed as much. Your problem there is that Andromeda's Slipstream is relatively slow, if I remember rightly, to the systems that we use, which tend to be hideously fast. In addition to that Slipstream is significantly less accurate, and can take months doing a route which might only take hours on another occasion - such is the unpredictability of Andromeda's Slipstream.

Yes if a Slipstream route is taken enough it is stabilised, and so routes between planets are very safe in Andromeda, since this is the first ship that uses it, every journey is going to be extremely dangerous, and the length of journey will fluctuate between hours, days, weeks and months without any respect for the actual distance you wish to travel.

Combine that with the difficulties a ship with a Slipstream drive can have if it finds itself accidentally on the outer rim of a galaxy where it can't access any of the Slipstream strings. Then you're stuck and have to use STL until you find one.

So what do we find:

It's slower
It's unpredictable
It can randomly take months to travel a distance that on another occasion would take mere hours
You can't even use it all the time

Let's combine the fact that this is something from a television show, quite a good one until it got into the Second Series I'll admit, but still a television show, and we don't usually have that sort of thing here. Most of our technology comes from our own minds, not that of a Television Writer. Just a bit of an originality issue. Combine this with the fact that television also doesn't need to make the same sort of sense we like here.

And also ... do you remember what I said about punctuation?

Sorry if I'm being mean. I have an exam today.