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Nepleslian News Network SMDIoN NSN 4'th Fleet mobilizes south in response to resurgent threats.

Coming to you first from a special Nepleslia News Network source within the SMDIoNs 4th Fleet headquarters located in Shinjiyuu the NNN has confirmed today that the 4th Fleet, also known as Fleet Strike has been given the mobilization order and will be preparing to depart from Shinjiyuu in the coming days.

Our source within Fleet Strike tells us at the Nepleslian News Network that the order has come from the very top; Grand Admiral Lysander Calloway, famous for his efforts alongside Admiral Julia Brisk of the Star Navies 1st Expeditionary Fleet and our spacer allies within the Viridian Array for their defense of the Nepleslian Colonial Expanse during the Kuvexian crisis is recalling his fleet from their standing berthing in the colonial expanse to move south to close out the subjugation of Ukk currently underway by the 3rd Assault fleet; a remnant of the second Mishu war left holdover to fester with lingering SMX elements. The call does not go to end the subjugation but instead to reinforce already present 4th Fleet elements within the system and to reinforce the 3rd Assault Fleets presence in Nepleslias southern territories after recent events have escalated tensions within the sector.

Such events include a response to an Intelligence and Pacification Group report alluding to a recent resurgence of Red-faction activity within the Yamatain southern core; Long since a point of contexture between the Star Empire and the Democratic Imperium made even more relevant after the defeat of the Bernese Red Rebellion just a few short years ago, as well as growing concerns from the recent arrival of Uesureyan star empire vessels sighted not only within the battle of Glimmergold but now confirmed sightings of Uesureyan vessels to have entered Star Empire space virtually unchallenged.

Nepleslia News Networks' own sector-political correspondent Logan Hellhammer summarised the event in this interview aired only on NNN;

"It's disgraceful, Disgusting even. That the cats- THE CATS would show their true colors so openly as to so much as tolerating the presence of Uesu Kitsurugi and with their bellies showing like this no less! It just goes to show that the Star Empire once again yearns for the days of old; Endless warfare and subjugation of their neighbors while spilling NEPLESLIAN BLOOD I'm telling you in order to see it done! Mark my words; Kitsurugi Uesu will sit on the throne as fast as Himiko Ketsururi- One of his favored concubines of many of his Ketsururi harem, and clearly holding the seat for him all this time and no doubt taking all her orders from Kitsurugi from afar - can throw herself at her masters' feet! And when he does it will be Nepleslia first he sets his eyes-"

'Ehem...' With the 4th Fleets departure, south many starship captains may notice as a result the expansion of military lanes within The Gift. This is due not only to increased military patrols through the most trafficked corridor within the sector but also due to the 4th Fleet moving the Big Green military starbase. The Big Green; The single largest military installation within the sector many will recall being the first acquisition Grand Admiral Calloway made upon his promotion much to the chagrin of the senate and the following sanctions of the 4th Fleet for the action that resulted in most if not all capital ships being removed from the fleet as a precautionary measure to ensure the new Grand Admiral remains in check considering his Cavalier attitude pre-glimmergold that resulted in none other than former Empress and known firebrand Yui Ketsururi ejecting Calloway and several other admirals from the operation out of perceived spite.

The Big Green due to its size and presence will be moved slowly through the gift and south into the southern territories where it will remain as a show of Nepleslian strength and security with its accompanying fleet and built-in Z-gate connected to the Nepleslian infrastructure network. The move is predicted to take at least a week and any starship captains are warned that the passing starbase will show up within their sensor instruments within several lightyears when it passes in FTL and to not panic. Any others are also warned to respect the new military corridors and not attempt to circumvent traffic within The Gift as NPF as well as SMDION vessels will treat such incidents harshly.

Regardless of if it is mishu raiders, broken Red remnants, or the old guard of the past it's the fleets like the NSN 4th Fleet and the marines of the SMDIoN ready to hold the line regardless of the threats of tomorrow!

That is all for today. This has been the Nepleslia News Network; Remember that if nothing else; Keep shootin!

[Coming up next: Increasing tensions continue to build in Svodog as Kuznyetski mercenaries clash with local government security contractors --->]
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