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SMoDIN 3rd fleet

Please "wikify" the page by adding links to the ship classes and years. There should also be a link to the Nepleslian military.
The 3rd AF was originally written to be a smaller force that operates independently, and mainly does raiding and recon when attached to a larger force.

It was not intended to be advised by any other fleet.

I was the original creator of the 3rdAF and can't help but wonder why I wasn't at least talked to about this drastic change.

EDIT: I don't believe users should edit articles that they do not have any business with. I hope I kept this civil enough. I don't want an argument on here.

EDIT NUMBER TWO, DOUBLE VENGEANCE: Still, it -does- look much prettier in terms of page format. I gotta give credit where it's due.
Sorry, my fault. I thought the 3rd was run by Subliminal, and since that guy isn't around anymore I gave the OK to Uso to have it updated for approval.

Since I had reserved the 2nd and 3rd for my own personal use, if you would roleplay it in the near future I would return ownership back to you Kamf, otherwise leaving it unapproved (Especially when there is a 1st and 4th in RP, but no 2nd and 3rd) is a mess.

If that is the case, I suggest you revert the article to one of your old revisions, update it and have it approved. I would also recommend the current 3rd AF article to be archived to be used as a template for a 5th AF if and when that fleet is formed as so not to waste Uso's work.
I will RP the fleet if/when given an opportunity to, and will work on getting the article up to standards for approval.

Upon looking more at it, Uso's work doesn't need to be wasted, as his adding a logistics group is actually a welcome change. The only real problem I have with it is it's role being changed, as well as it being directed by the 4th.
Alright guys. Make the tweaks you need and let me know when it's ready for me to re-approved.
Tweaks made, ready for approval.

Hope the changes in it are a good compromise, Uso. You did do a good job with the page.
Is there any way you can replace the Tienshanhan with something else? That space station is at least six years old OOCly and its writeup isn't even part of the SARP universe.

Also, don't you think your personnel numbers are pretty overstated? If you tallied the crews up from your ships how much would that be?
Removing the Tienshinhan, since we use Rooks now anyways (which I don't think fall under the command of any specific fleet)

Rounded the personnel numbers off to a more realistic size.

Assumed that Marine and Naval personnel were relegated to one parent fleet, regardless if they serve aboard ships, with the bulk of the personnel planetside and a fraction actually on board ships of the fleet. Was original rationalization for the large personnel numbers.
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