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Laz Public Network SMoDIN: I want to return your items


Inactive Member
To: Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
(whichever department or personnel are most applicable)

I am a Star Army of Yamatai Taisa who often buys salvage from the Lazarus Public network, in part for my own enjoyment and in part as an effort to ensure that technology belonging to the Star Army of Yamatai is not obtained illegally. While not an official endeavor, it has proven quite necessary at times. This time, however, it is your material which has come up for sale.

I intentionally obtained a Cerebral Chip to send back to your people, as I understand that is your equivalent to Soul Transfer and that a soldier or officer's mind may be stuck in there. I also obtained a nuclear-grade cooler with a six pack of chilled Nepleslian beer inside and choose to send along because, quite frankly, I figure that they could use a few cold ones after whatever day they had.

I also obtained a container which, oddly, was full of some street thugs. They have no warrants in Yamataian space and asked to be sent back to your space, so I'm sending them along as well. Some Nepleslian Soldier ID tags were also purchased to be sent along to you.

The big surprise was when I bought a "Pristine Nepleslian Transport Shuttle", expecting to find a rugged and reliable civilian craft, only to find I was sent a Na-T4, in full SMoDIN colors, and in a condition that can only be described as pristine. Even more odd than the fact I bought a military transport of yours, which can and does happen on the civilian market, is in just how fantastic a shape this craft is. There isn't a single shot or scratch to indicate a struggle, and how it came onto the market escapes me and may be something you wish to investigate at some point.

I would like to return these to your forces. How can we best go about this?

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
First Expeditionary Fleet, Third Squadron
CO, YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
To Kage Yaichiro,

Dear sir, thank you for your consideration towards our personnel. With regards to the cerebral chip, it is indeed quite possible that a soldier of ours may be trapped inside. We would greatly appreciate its return and, if you so choose to send the beer as well, we will make sure he is made aware of your generosity. In the event that the cerebral chip is unused, would you like us to return the beer?

I am surprised to hear about a container of Nepleslian street thugs and ID tags but we would happily accept them. Stranger things have happened, I suppose. I will personally ensure the status of the personnel listed on those tags.

Similarly, if you have no desire to retain the T4, we shall gladly take possession of it. We shall look into its history and determine how it left SMDIoN hands. It is troubling, considering that other SMDIoN weapons have recently been discovered in the hands of smugglers. The appropriate people will be notified.

I can send a cruiser, the NSS Dragon, to pick it up from your facilities if your superiors are willing to grant passage to the warship. If not, we can arrange an exchange in Nepleslian orbit.

Again, for myself and on behalf of the Nepleslian people, thank you for your diligence in this matter. Please let me know which of these options is best for you.

Dominic Valken
Grand Admiral, Commanding Officer 4th AASP Fleet
Nepleslian Star Navy, SMDIoN
To: Dominic Valken
Grand Admiral, Commanding Officer 4th AASP Fleet
Nepleslian Star Navy, SMDIoN

If the chip is empty or unsalvagable, there's no need to return the beer. In regards to the craft, while I was interested in a transport shuttle or other craft when I purchased it, I doubt that your government would appreciate my owning it and flying it around in this situation.

Given the situation, and the fact I am located in a sensitive area of space at the moment, I feel that it may be more prudent to send the craft to Nepleslia or to another site of your control and choosing through some civilian connections I possess.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
First Expeditionary Fleet, Third Squadron
CO, YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
To: Taisa Kage Yaichiro
First Expeditionary Fleet, Etc.

Is it possible, then, for you to bring the ship to the edge of a Nepleslian system of your choosing? I will have the Dragon waiting, with adequate compensation for your troubles, to make the exchange at the time and place you designate. Temporary entry into a Nepleslian star system can be arranged for the starship, civilian or military, of your choosing. After the exchange, the Dragon will ensure the ship's safe departure from Nepleslian space.

We all have our secrets. I am hardly curious to know what sneaky plots your government is cooking up. Does this arrangement suit you?

Dominic Valken
Grand Admiral, Etc.
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