Star Army

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Snikk-Soohnah can choose to be a Snikk or to be a Shaass. Snikk prominently feature pursuits such as biology, philosophy, research and dance. While the Shaass lean more towards technology and fighting. None of the Snikk-Soohnah understands personal property as they are always together. They have no permanent homes, preferring to move and explore rather than settle down. The nearness to the vacuum does not perturb them they find it calming to know that there is a force far greater and more indiscriminate than them. They have no music, but they are very accomplished at sculpting clay. Their primary form of art, however, is dance. Traditionally all of them have a sh in front of their name. The Snikk-Soohnah is an exceedingly peaceful species. All of them obey to a set behavioral standard like talking instead of fighting. However, this hardly makes them meek they can be quite fierce and deadly when cornered. All crimes and insults are taken up individually, they do not have privet belongings and therefore there is no such thing as theft, The 'Shaasiss' gives them an outlet for any violence while keeping innocent casualties to a minimum. They lean more toward prudence and foresight, though. When greeting visitors they seem to extend a joyful greeting, but in fact they only send expendable creatures to negotiations so as to asses the danger. However, once they decide a creature is not a threat, they are exceedingly curious. They find ranged weapons to be dishonorable, and they have learnt from the previous civilizations that once rulled their planet destroying itself without even talking.
The Snik-Soohnah is a species of Reptilian life forms that evolved on a 2-g planet. They are strictly carnivorous, they are able to digest poisons but have a hard time keeping vegetables and plant matter down.

Head: They have smooth reptilian faces with a short snout. Snikk-Soohnah has two fangs and 4 incisors at the top of the mouth and 6 incisors at the bottom. Snikk-Soohnah has scaly smooth skin and bone plates which lack the oily quality of humans. The bone plates are only on the face, it gives the appearance of a helmet. They have no hair but they do have a frill that spreads out of the back plates, the Snikk-Soohnah no longer use this frill as they don't have the emotion for it. An unusual part of the Snikk-Soohnah physiology is that they speek from their nostrals.

Body: The average Snikk-Soohnah is a thin, muscular, being made much like a bull snake, with strong arms ending in two pairs of claws. The vertical claws are the fine manipulators and don't have a sharp edge. The horizontal pair is extremely sharp and strong, being able to cut through metal with only minor difficulty, and they normally fold this pair towards their arms so they do not get in the way. Because their body mass and composition are carefully controlled by internal metabolism and conversion methods, it cannot be obese and should have its body proportions be constant for most of its adult life. They are quite large compared to most humans, though they only stand around 122cm (4' 3") to 154cm (5') tall, they are around 345cm (11'3") to 566cm (18'6") long. An average Snikk-Soohnah weighs around 213kg (470lbs). They are naturally thin, allowing them to move quickly in spaces that a human can barely crawl through.

Tail: The ends of their tails are able to fan out; they used this to clear the dirt from the burrows they dug when they still had a planet. This tailfin is quite sharp and could easily take off a human head. Snikk-Soohnah moves with a slithering motion, if speed is required they use their powerful arms to help propel them along.
Their body pigmentation ranges as follows :( by allegiance, mind, job and rank)
Eyespot color Red
Upper skin color Lt Green
Under skin color Lt Brown
Eyespot color Hive= Light Blue Normal= Yellow Lone= Light Grey
Upper skin color Worker= Green Psychology= Blue Biologists= Light Purple
Under skin color Fitis=Blue Kfir= Grey Kas= Dark Blue
Eyespot color Hive= Pink Normal= Red Lone= Light Grey
Upper skin color Engineer= Orange Chemists= Pink Fighter= Red
Under skin color Fitis= Green Kfir= Grey Kas= Dark Blue
Eyespot color Common= any normal Exiled= Black
Upper skin color Fisish= Light Grey Diplomat= White Exiled= Dark Purple
Under skin color Fitis=Orange Kfir= Brown Other= Any

Eyes: A Snikk-Soohnah's eyes show its current emotional state, white= laughter, light blue=happy, light green=normal/non-emotional, yellow=annoyed, orange=angry, red=rage.

Reproduction: The Snikk reproduce asexually, laying up to 13 eggs in their lifetime. They normally have a partner though, so that they evolve. The Snikk-Soohnah are laid and left to fend for themselves. This is the main reason that their are so few Snikk-Soohnah on Shalvat at the moment. This also forces evolution to weed out the weak. The young Snikk-Soohnah is often hunted by adults whom have developed a taste for them. A few Snikk-Soohnah have learnt to put their personality into one of their offspring so that they can be certain of some form of Immortality.

Lifespan: The Snikk-Soohnah has a life expectancy of 64. They are children for 7 years, then teenagers for 8 years. At the age of 15 they are given their Ksh-ash and virtually stop ageing until they are around 56.

Great Physical Ability: Snikk-Soohnah is predatory by nature and therefore they are stronger and faster than any human can hope to be. This strength would have been replaced by a superior intellect long ago but they have to fend for themselves at birth, this makes it so that only the strong survive long enough to breed.

Poison Immunity: A Snikk-Soohnah has evolved a metabolism that makes it immune to all toxins. However this is only the case for the carnivorous Snikk-Soohnah.

Greater Senses (Eyesight, Hearing): Snikk-Soohnah see in the same spectrum as humans, but due to the genetic experimentation there are a few who may see into the infrared if they concentrate. The Snikk-Soohnah's ears are extremely sensitive, so much so that any shouting will deafen unprotected ears.

Perfectionists: The Snikk-Soohnah is a natural perfectionist. They are also slow learners. They start with only Fighting (unarmed only), Survival, and the skill they perfect and one other skill to a smaller degree.

Beneficial mutation: As Snikk-Soohnah are constantly trying to evolve themselves the majority of them have a small mutation. This could be anything from a better immune system to a longer life span.
Snikk-Soohnah Biotech: They use very advanced biotech, like their biological space suites, fighter-clones, biological healing systems, and life support systems. To create all these biological systems they use a special organic womb. This womb also stores the shaass beasts.

Ksh-ash: Their greatest piece of biotechnology is the "Ksh-ash" or space-shell. It is a living space suit that repairs damage to its-self and its occupant while boosting his strength. It only weighs about 50 lbs and ads less than 6 inches to his height. If they are given enough time and DNA they may even breed a human-shaped space suite.

Biological Healing Systems: The Snikk have learnt to produce a fungus whose main function is the reparation of biological beings. The fungus can only digest non-organic materials, and can only repair damage to the specific species it was bred for.

Life Support: They use plants to recycle oxygen as it is easier for them to understand. The plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen to their surroundings. They breathe the oxygen the plants produce and exhale carbon dioxide to sustain the plants. The specific plants they use are specifically bread for movement, reproduction, and adaptively. They need the movement so that there are no pockets of stagnant air. Their reproductive and adaptive systems are so strong that some of the plants actually live on the outside of the ship near the airlocks. The Oosh eat the plants for nutrition. The main reason they leave the ship is to 'harvest' space dust and asteroids. The plants digest all inedible plant matter as well as all animal wastes thus the life support system can process waste matter into nutrient solution in which new plants can grow. They are trying to breed plants to disperse water, so that they may get rid of the water pipe system, but have not had much luck.
True History: The Snikk-Soohnah has had quite a chaotic history. Their predecessors, the Malcr, first started their evolution with the creation of larger predators meant to be used in the wars they fought against each other. The predators however had a different idea, they attacked their creators and almost completely wiped them out (They fled to their nearest star). They then proceeded to consume every living creature they could find. It was this that forced the Soohnah to go underground and evolve. Then, because of the lack of food in their new homes they learnt to steal it from aboveground. Around 18 thousand years after the Malcr's stupidity destroyed themselves, the Snikk-Soohnah began to surface and learn from the surviving technology. It was from this that they learnt that their sun was nearing the end of its life. And it was the Malcr technology that allowed them to build the massive Shalvat. However such a project took well over 6 thousand years and was only finished because of the Snikk-Soohnah are natural perfectionists.
So they began their long journey to find a new home. But soon encountered the remnants of the Malcr. The Malcr may have settled into a new home but the centuries of feuding soon consumed them. They had stopped developing new tech, preferring to use resources to destroy each other. By the time the Snikk-Soohnah came they had split into about 18 different orbital factions and the planet bound ones, the planet bounds where forced to grow food for the ever-warring orbital nations. When the Shalvat came into the system their aggression found a new focus. Diplomatic negotiations soon went awry when the Snikk-Soohnah tried to unite the warring clans. They where fired upon and where forced to retreat to a large asteroid field a few light years away. The Shalvat's engine was much larger in proportion to the ship back then (It was 1/2 the ship) and allowed them to accelerate at 13km/second. The Malcr couldn't follow them as their resources where to depleted for them to reach the field.
It was in this mineral rich field that they began to breed the life support system they have now. They also enlarged the Shalvat to the size it is now. The Shaass split from the Snikk and began to work on the technology that they originally stole from the Malcr. The astrologists of the Shaass Began plotting the course they are now on. After 10 thousand years they started their journey again and have encountered other species, though they try to hide from them whenever possible.

Remembered History: According to the Snikk-Soohnah their astrologists found that the star was going to die. So they learnt how to duplicate the Malcr's technology that they may escape. According to them they made everything from scratch and it took them only 4 thousand years to finish.
They remember that the Malcr fired on them without provocation, but the Snikk and the Shaass remember differently what they did after this. The Shaass say they fought out of it and the Snikk say they just ran. This also shows their differing views on what to do with any intelligent life they should find. The Snikk say leave them alone and the Shaass say that they should try to trade for resources. The Shaass are slowly gaining supporters and the Snikk are losing them.
1. About the Shalvat

The Shalvat was made to carry the last remnants of the Snikk-Soohnah from their dieing home planet. It was never intended for military use and therefore has no weapons. However as they have encountered hostile species, the Shalvat has a thirty-nine meter-thick treated iron armor and multiple redundancies. The Shalvat is extremely compact with tunnels and warrens that a human would have difficulty crawling through. There are innumerous bio-laboratories, nutrient tanks, computer terminals, and, at the outermost layer, storage lockers in a chaotic and often unpredictable layout. It is able to hold far more Snikk-Soohnah than it currently has.

2. History and Background

The Shalvat was originally only 8 km in diameter. However after the encounter with the remnants of their ancestors, the Malcr, they found that they needed more protection. It was from this encounter that they originally began to mistrust technology. (For more info look in species). After arriving in the asteroid field they began to enlarge the ship. This took them over 10 thousand years and it was in this time that they bred the plants that now cover the interior. The web began to be used 5 years later.
It took another 2,500 years to grow the Ksh-ash and the originals had a much shorter life span (2-3 years) as well as being prone to independent thought. It has taken them thousands of years to grow the Ksh-ash they have now.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement

Organizations Using This Vessel: Snikk-Soohnah Refugees

Type: Mobile Space Habitat
Class: Planet ship and St-Xu-1u.
Designer: The Malcr (with obvious changes)
Manufacturer: Snikk-Soohnah
Production: Unique
Crew: Minimum capacity unknown, currently crewed by approximately 2,000,000,000 Snikk-Soohnah.
Maximum Capacity: 10,000,000,000 for 100 years.
Appearance: The Shalvat would look like a smooth asteroid but the web absorbs most visible light and therefore it looks like a cylindrical spot of darkness. Its only distinguishing feature is the massive Ion engine that gives off a supernova-bright light when turned on.
Length: 98 miles, 157 kilometers
Width: 65.3 miles, 104.5 kilometers
Height: 65.2 miles, 104.3 kilometers
Decks: They have no floors; they have a complex of tunnels going in chaotic patterns.
Mass: ?

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): Its acceleration is negligible (under 1 km/second), It uses a primitive Ion engine and doesn't have the power to use it for any sustained accelerations. However it does use stars for gravity assists.

Range (Distance): The Shalvat was designed to be self-repairing and completely self-sufficient and has therefore has no maximum range.

Range (Support): Unlimited, the Snikk-Soohnah use an organic life support system that can and does digest any type of non-metal matter. The metal matter is stored in pockets on the 'branches' of the plants. The outer plants also give off a strong bioelectric charge that is used for the ships lighting.

Lifespan: It is already over 67,000 years old and is in better shape than when it first began its voyage.

Refit Cycle: The Shalvat is constantly being upgraded and added to as the opportunities present themselves.

5. Inside the Shalvat

Bridge: The control center of the ship is the Shaasiss. Though the Snikk are normally non-violent there are some who are born with a desire to fight or rule. These 'Shaass', as they are called, can be veritable killing machines and are taken to the Shaasiss, or inner ship, before they are old enough to hurt anyone. The Shaasiss is ruled by the strongest and they sometimes attack the Snikk-Soohnah because they think they can keep the ship running without them. These attacks help keep the population down and unite the Soohnah with a common enemy.

Bio-laboratories: The Shalvat is extremely compact with innumerous bio-laboratories, nutrient tanks, computer terminals, and, at the outermost layer, storage lockers in a chaotic and often unpredictable layout. Every Bio-laboratory has at least one Snikk in attendance at all times. In these laboratories the Snikk upgrade the Ksh-ash and attempt to rid themselves of all technology.

Dread Fields: The only place in the Shalvat with large open areas is the front; however this area is inhabited by shaass beasts. These beasts are an older version that has the ability to reproduce. The Snikk-Soohnah has tried many times to rid themselves of these creatures but they have thus far been unsuccessful. The only other resident of this place is Shfashi, the exile.

6. Ship Systems

Hull: This ship's armor is composed of Iron and traces of other metals, as they are found. It is quite thick due to the fact that it is no longer necessary for the Snikk to expand their living space. This means they use all the available materials to expand their defensive capabilities and take care of the necessary technology.

Airlock System: The airlocks have evolved to accommodate only space voyages as their ships had long ago been incorporated into the whole.

Escape: In the unlikely event that someone is able to destroy the outer defense the original ship is kept in working order in the center, in the hope that at least some of their species may survive.

Total Compartmentalization: The tunnels will section off any damaged compartment so that ruptures and fires in one section will not affect other sections. The amount of tunnels means that there is no way to decompress the entire ship, as all the tunnels have independent systems.

Environmental Systems:

Life Support System: The planet-ship is a large warren of plants, prey, and predator. They have specialized lights to grow the plants and these go on for 13 hours then rest for 13 hours before coming back on again. The plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen to their surroundings. They breathe the oxygen the plants produce and exhale carbon dioxide to sustain the plants. The specific plants they use are specifically bread for movement, reproduction, and adaptively. they need the movement so that there are no pockets of stagnant air. Their reproductive and adaptive systems are so strong that some of the plants actually live on the outside of the ship with the web feeding off space dust. The Oosh (an armadillo-like rodent that the Snikk eat and are eaten by) eat the plants for nutrition. The Snikk have learned how to distill the plants into a high-nutrient fluid that they use to fuel the Ksh-ash.

Energy Web: The Shalvat has a web of vines that cover the entire hull. These vines collect cosmic radiation and convert it into the bio-energy that the Snikk-Soohnah use to power all their systems. The web is able to convert most cosmic energy, from visible light to gamma rays and even a small amount of gravity, into power. This effectively 'cloaks' the ship from any form of long-range detection save visual. However the vines are only able to take up to 5000 terawatts before burning out (there are about three 4-meter diameter vines stacked on top of each other for every 5 meter square of hull space, with double that amount in the front).They cannot convert negative or aether energy. A large amount of the energy is for growth; therefore if you don't burn out the vines you'll just make more, so you'll make it harder to damage. Any unused energy is sent to the engine to propel the ship. They do have fission reactors that can be used if necessary, but they do not use them because of the rarity of fuel.

Computer System: The Shalvat doesn't have a central computer and they only have the capability to send text messages.
Sensor: The Shalvat only has a short range omni directional FM Receiver/ Transmitter. They rely on anyone who is outside to tell those inside what is happening.

Weapons: none

7. Vehicle Complement

At any time the Shalvat may have up to 3 prototype biological ships in addition to the Ksh-ash. These ships most likely don't have weapons.

Ksh-ash (20,000,000):
Snikk-Soohnah Sh-K1-11eg
"Ksh-ash" or space-shell

History and Background: The Ksh-ash was made to be a biological solution to a mechanical problem, as almost all Snikk technology is. Its main function was and is the repair of the hull and the collecting of mater for the plants.

About the Ksh-ash: It is a living space suite that repairs damage to its-self and its occupant while boosting his strength, and it only weighs about 50 lbs and adds less than 6 inches to his height. It also shows the occupants allegiance and rank, changing only as the occupants personality does. However it is only able to sustain the Snikk-Soohnah it was bred for and no other. The shape of it also means that no human may conceivably use it.

Statistical Information:

Government: Snikk-Soohnah
Organization: Snikk
Type: Short-Range General Repair Ksh-ash
Designer: The current version of Ksh-ash (v1762) was breed by Shill the current head biologist of the Snikk.
Manufacturer: The only ones with Ksh-ash are the Snikk-Soohnah (at least till PNUgen steals it, I'm watching you...)
Crew: Single.
Maximum Capacity: Single.
Appearance: A Ksh-ash looks exactly like its owner except that it has a one-way transparent membrane over the eyes.

Dimensions: A Ksh-ash has its owners dimensions plus 12-15cm (5-6â€
Well, I admit I didn't even bother looking at it because when I skimmed over it, the text was extremely condensed and there were very little paragraph breaks. Adding forum tags to make some more fields either in italics or bolds would make it less tedious to the eye.

If you work on making a cleaner entry, I'm persuaded that more people would be inclined to read it (remember: most of us work during the day and come back by the evening and we typically have better things to do than squint and try to read over some extremely eye-unfriendly entry).